Starky Comeback

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You lay in bed eating ice cream while listening to sad music. A few tears slip down your cheek. You know this is pathetic. It's been weeks and you're still moping around, but you can't help it! You love Tony and he just dumped you so easily!

Let's backtrack for a second. You had been friends with Tony, and the rest of the Avengers, for awhile, ever since you started working for Shield. You had the biggest crush on Tony since you first met him.

One drunken night, you confessed that you really liked him. Shockingly, he kissed you and it went from there. He actually tried to have a real relationship with you, which was kind of surprising.

The rest of the Avengers took your relationship well. They were all very supportive. About two months into your relationship, which you thought was going well, Tony dumped you. Saying some shit about how he couldn't stay tied down, that he's more a one night stand kind of guy.

Fast forward three weeks and here you are still moping around. Steve and Bruce would come around every so often to try and get you to do something, but you just didn't feel like moving, like doing anything.

After putting away the ice cream and taking a shower, you decide that enough is enough. You get dressed and go out to a pub down the street.

You order a shot as you take a look around. People dancing and grinding on the dance floor. Guys trying to pick up girls, and mostly failing. Everyone was so drunk and carefree.

You down your shot as a cute guy sits next to you.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

You look at him and smile. He really is cute.

"Yeah, of course. Gin n tonic."

You two talk and he's really sweet. You two end up leaving together and going back to his place. The next morning, he makes you breakfast and asks you on an actual date.

Ben is his name and you have been dating him for almost two months. You're happy with him. He's.....nice.

***Tony's POV***

Tony immediately pours himself a drink when he hears you've moved on. If he's honest, he never moved on from you. He only broke up with you because he has strong feelings for you and it scared him.

It's been about two months and he can't take it. He needs to get you back. He loves you and needs you and only you. So he drunkenly picks up his phone and calls you.

***Your POV***

You're up late sitting in the kitchen because you can't sleep. You've moved on and yet you can't get Tony out of your head. You scroll through old pictures of you and Tony. You both look so happy, you want that again.... Wait, aren't you happy with Ben?

Well, if you were being honest, you were kind of happy with Ben. He did make you happy, but nowhere near as happy as Tony made you. You loved Tony, but you didn't love Ben.

All of a sudden, a ringtone you haven't heard in months plays. Tony is calling you. You don't answer even though you want to talk to him. You miss him so much.

You ignore the voicemail Tony left you, but after a few days, Ben leaves town for a meeting and curiosity gets the best of you. You play the message.

"Hey baby boy, I know you m-moved on and alll but I was wondering if you'd come by and talkk.... I.... I miss you...."

You bite your lip. It was clear he was drunk when he called. He probably doesn't remember calling or even leaving a message, yet you're hoping that he remembers and meant that he misses you.

Tony Stark x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now