Coming Back Into A Forbidden Place.

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I blacked out and when I finally woke up everyone was crying on the bedside,wait ... I was in A&E? But I wasn't hurt it was just Jake who was hurt,oh my poor Jake... What? I shouldn't feel sorry for that idiot,lowlife,selfish,git who rejected me just because who I am,he never even got the chance to know me. Was I really that ugly? Well I've certainly lost weight due to all the training I've had for the Elemental Powers. I'm now skinny AND toned.I sat up and decided I had to make a quick escape and when I knew it everyone rushed around me...

"Yeah because I'm some massive teddy bear guys thanks" I joked,but they looked taken back as if they thought they hurt me?

I had to think of a way out...and fast....

Jake's P.O.V

We have just called the neighbouring pack and they will be with us in about 1 week,I have spoken with their beta and it seems they will have trouble convincing the Alpha. I'm not entirely sure whether it was a good idea to call Blue Moon but it was our packs last resort and with this I'm sure by the end of this fight with the rogues we will be problem free.

"Alpha Jake,do you even know the Alphas name? I mean,what if we met the Alpha and they decide to turn against us?" My best-friend Kyle,also beta asked. We've always been friends,since young.

"No I do not,but he was a great friend of my fathers and since his wife couldn't bear children I guess he's still Alpha,but I'm sure they have to have a new Alpha soon,well we don't live forever, I guess it's a waiting game." And with that my friend left my office,it was quiet until the luna(my wife) came in.

"Do you ever stop working? It's really frustrating I want to go for a run with you,my wolf is itching to come out." Jessy doesn't shut up I swear.

"I'm an Alpha what do you expect?!" I snapped

"We'll you've changed ever since you met that stupid mate of yours,she's unhealthy and unstable to be-" cutting her off I snapped back.

"Don't talk about her that way! If you think you can do so much better than fine you handle the day while I go out for a run,is that clear enough for you Jessy?" I used Alpha command so she'll have to stay and if she breaks the rules she'll be punished.

"I'm going out for a run if anyone asks just don't say anything,clear?" She nodded and stayed put.

1week later

Kayla's P.O.V

"ARE YOU SERIOUS? IM NOT GOING BACK THERE!" I can't believe I'm going back to my old pack? How much worse is my life going to get?

"But Alpha we are their last resort and since we are the strongest pack,may I say,in the world,it is our duty to help others around us come on we only have an hour to get there" My Beta,Josh told me,I had to accept,me being me and having a wolf inside your head doesn't work out very well,trust the instincts.

"Okay,but I swear to the Goddess Moon if we are hurt or killed by that pack and their problems I'm leaving straight away!" I snapped at him.

"Yes Alpha Kayla." He bowed his head in respect and left my office. Most part of me didn't want to go back but there was a little that did and that part was only my Wolves feeling.only to know that she has different feelings all the time!

"FYI Kayla I do not,my name Leilani is Latin for Heavenly Blossoms,it's only good things I feel as I am a gift of the Goddess" My wolf never stops talking and the fact that if I die,she dies with me,which is kind of sad if you get what I mean.

"Okay,Leilani,I admit it you do entertain me sometimes" I whispered into my head and with that I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but we are seeing our mate soon and I hope he doesn't still hate us." Oh I forgot about him,guessing he doesn't know I'm Alpha,I asked my beta not to mention my name to see if he's surprised and if he doesn't notice,ill wait till his wolf tells him,I mentally winked at the thought.

A day later...

We just arrived at The Willow's Pack and to my surprise I see an old friend,who is now Alpha. If you haven't guessed already its Jake. He seemed a little distracted but I quickly brushed it off.

"I'll show you where you are staying tonight, Alpha..." Wow,guess he didn't recognise me,not yet anyway.

"Alpha Kayla and you must be Jacob and Kyle,nice to meet you" I acted as if I didn't know but to my astonishment Jacob stared me into the eyes knowing it was me,I tried not to look but somehow my wolf made me,I stared into the eyes that I once knew and now that I remember what he did I took away my hand with force and took my gaze away from his.

We stayed in a nice apartment and I've got to say since there was only me,my beta,3rd in command,a few of my best fighters and my two good friends we had 3 apartments separating us, with me,Lauren and Danielle(I forgot to mention her,she was one of the newest) in one room,the fighters in another and my beta and 3rd in command stayed in one. With it being night I went to bed,it's been a long day and there is no way I'm waking up tomorrow with no sleep for fighting.

8:00 am

I was woken up with a knock on my door,with me and the girls growling at whoever knocked,it was my brother Kyle stating that we have to get up for training. Well that was something new,it made me and my wolf wonder that if me and Jake got back together,how we will combine the packs I don't know but since I'm a silver wolf I guess I'm going to be Alpha with him as Luna haha.


"What took you so long? I mean, I know a girl takes long but what were you doing up there?" My brother asked then when I was about to speak I was interrupted by Jake,with a roll of my eyes he ignored me and looked away.

"I'm sorry Kyle I had to wake up my friends first and by the way, where are my other crew?" He looked at me in shock,what did I do now?

"Their at training,thought you needed some but since your an Alpha and a Silver Wolf I guess it sticks with you" We both chuckled and I walked to the fridge to make breakfast I also asked if anyone wanted anything but they all said no,which was strange cause normally the Alpha and Kyle would always want something to eat?


Thanks for reading!!

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From the author,

Leah Jayne <3 xoxo

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