School and Popular people.

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Kayla's P.O.V

I woke up feeling thirsty,I moved to get up when I heard a growl behind me. Chase grabbed me tighter,making me have a five year olds giggle,I didn't know where it came from.

"Come on Chase I'm thirsty" I whined hoping he'd let me go.

"Alright sunshine,be back in five or I'm coming after you" He grinned,mischeviously with his eyes as I gave him a quick peck on the cheek,teasing him... He growled as he tried to feel for where I was but I was at the door by that time. I quickly made my way downstairs as I got a clean glass and ran the tap,the water soon came cold,poured myself a drink and as I went to turn around and go back upstairs I felt someone hold my waist,I turned round seeing Chase there.

"Hey,look I'm coming up now" holding half the glass of water up to him. I soon heard him follow me upstairs,then I remembered that we have school today. I turned round to speak to him.

"You know we got school today? So I need a quick shower and then I'll go get ready and I'll meet you back downstairs" I gave him a short kiss then hurried upstairs.

"Okay,My Lady" I heard him say it sarcasticly then laugh straight after,I just rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

I got out of the shower,20minutes later and got dressed. I put on my Wolf/Yin Yang Necklace on with a white vest and denim jeans. I looked in the mirror,proud of what I've become,no one will ever bring harm to me ever again. I've become a lot stronger,with the strongest pack in the World. I also have the highest authority,more than any other Were-Wolf on Earth,this means I can give a command to ANYONE(including Alpha's) and they obey it.

-Hey,Leilani,what if I get annoyed again and lash out at that cheerleader,she will notice my command and will ask people how I could do that- I asked.

-Just don't let her get on your nerves,Kayla,maybe you should listen to your wolf once in a while.- she always helped me calm down.

-I do listen to you. Will you help me out if I into trouble,take control but don't shift? - I practicly begged her.

-Yes Kayla,don't worry I'll be there for you,anytime- I silently thanked her,not knowing if she got it.

I walked downstairs,seeing Chase there made my heart race. I ran up to him,giving him a hug and then he put his arm on my shoulder, I knew he was smiling.

"Aw did you just miss me that much?" He spoke.

"Yeah,lets go now" I replied,I leaned my head on his shoulder because I wasn't tall enough,he's like 6.9 ft haha.

An hour later. Whilst in school.

I literally just walked into school and I heard a fight going on,so me being well.. me I followed the noise which lead the the head Cheerleader and some popular boy,which turned out to be Jake. I saw many people walking up towards the noise aswell, me-being an idiot I am- got right involved.

"What ! I was with you last night,you kissed me and I said no" the Cheerleader screeched.

"Jessica,I wasn't with her I swear I love you and only you" Jake spoke to Jessy who was by his side. Also Kyle aswell,Kyle could never keep away from fights plus he always make's himself in the middle of them.

"RIGHT THAT'S IT! STOP NOW" I screamed,not meaning to,I guess I'm still jealous about Jake being with Jessy,but my bond with him is gone now. Everyones heads were turned my way,I had Chase,Ethan and Lauren with me(as usual).

" and who do you think you are,coming into my arguement?" The Cheerleader spoke, I honestly don't know her name and that's when my wolf took over...

I looked at the Cheerleader then back at Jake... It was like my body is there but I dont feel it,this is what Leilani felt all the time and I felt bad. I continued to watch as Leilani stood her ground,she didn't shift like I had asked her to.

"If you don't mind,I am protecting what I need to. As for you" She looked at Jake. " You have let me and Kayla down,she broke the bond as an offer for her life. You should know that you are not in the right position to even argue with me,so STOP ARGUEING!" she had tried her best not to show her true voice but it was too late... I felt myself being able to feel again as I realised I'm back inside my body

-Thank you so much Leilani- I whispered into my mind

-No worries- she replied, whilst I mentally smiled.

"Who do you think you are! Do you know who I am? I'm the Beta's daughter and I say who's in this arguement and who isn't got it ?!" she screeched in my ear,hurting my ears painfully.

"Well sorry Barbie but I'm a Luna,I'm only telling you this because I know you want to know how I commanded you yesterday?" I realised what I just said and hoped she didn't ask further questions.

"But you have to be my Luna in order to command me but you arn't so tell me,how did-" crap,she knew I wasn't her Luna so I cut her off before she could say anything else.

"For your information,I don't have to tell you because you're not part of my pack,so just SHUT IT!" she started to really get on my nerves...

"Yes" she bowed her head,then looked up confused,she's going to find out sooner or later because I'm Queen and they are going to have to know sometime. In fact maybe I should tell them,I doubt this Barbie Doll will bow down,I fancy having a fight then using my command just to wind her up...

-Chase, I want to tell everyone now,I think I'm ready please cause she is getting on my nerves-I asked.

-Alright sunshine are you positively sure?- I can just imagin him actually asking that.

-Yes,I am,mind-link all Alpha's right now please so I can see what this Cheerleading git says- I waited.

Half the people in the school stopped, I figure that when Chase told the Alpha's,they then mind-linked their packs. After that,some people looked at me with confusion,respect and lust... which I found abit creepy. Some of the people bowed their heads at me,making this blonde git abit angry...

"Why the hell are they doing that! they should bow their heads to me not you!" Then out of no where,four people pounced on her,shouting not to harm the Queen,she was screaming her head off then quietened down. I stood there staring at her with my arms crossed and a cheeky smirk. Paybacks a beech ;) She stood up then gave me a dirty look.

"Next time don't diss me or my Kingdom will come after you-" I walked up face to face with her. " And you won't last a second" I whispered the end,then she folded her arms and walked off with her gang I stood there laughing out loud.

"I love you sunshine,especially when you kicked her ass" I hugged Chase,knowing he will stand by me every step of the way...

"I love you too honey,forever and a day" I rested my head in his neck,knowing we had lesson soon but everything was too good as this is a perfect moment to keep hold of in our memories.

"By the way,who was that barbie I want to know her name!"

"That,sunshine is Kelsie Hossack" He kissed me as we walked towards our next lesson.


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From the author,

Leah Jayne <3 xoxo

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