Becoming Respected.

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Kyle's P.O.V

I knew it! How she can be an Alpha yet Silver Wolf I don't know but I know that's my sister and I'm going to tell her that I knew when I see her,I watched television and started to realise my Alpha was distracted ever since she came and no wonder why,he rejected her and feels bad,oh well it's his loss. I went to the stairs and crossed Kayla,I was about to speak when she cut me off.

"Look,I know you know and knew since the beginning but I know Jake knows so if you can,keep it down I don't want to hurt his feelings" and if I wasn't ecstatic to know that was my sister,I was over powered by a smell of strawberries and vanilla,I kept wandering to the scent and when I found Kayla's guest room I opened it and found a girl sitting there,we locked eyes and I knew it was my mate, with my wolf,Kriss,howling I moved towards her. I kissed her then bit into her neck to tell everyone that she's mine and there on her neck was a tattoo of my name written stylish writing and a wolves eye in the 'e' same goes on my neck but with her name,I realised her name was Dani with the same wolves eye in the 'e' with a heart over the 'i'.I found her loving and sweet,we went downstairs and went to the pack house where every high-ranked wolf is and introduced my mate to everyone. Kayla ran up to me and shouted...

"Oh my Goddess,my brother found his mate eek!" Then if the attention was drawn to me,it was somehow all drawn to Kayla...whoops she messed up big time then I heard mumbles of people talking to others...

"Is that the Kayla who used to be ugly" a guy my age said

"She's lost weight" a man said

"Wow she looks decent now" another said

"Has she returned to kill us?" A woman said worryingly

" STOP,SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN,we will continue this meeting as planned. Now Kayla,since everyone knows your back,would you like to come up and tell us how exactly your going to stop the rogues?" His eyes filled with,loneliness,worrying,lust and love. It wasn't a shocker .

"Me and my crew or packs however you like it,will be on the premises after your pack announce that there are rogues and-" she was cut off by people whispering a bit too loudly. As if they set off an anger protocol,Kayla stood on the stage as if she was trying to control her wolf to stay put. Her eyes got brighter blue(if that was possible) and she had a ball of fire in one hand and a ball of electric blue in the other,with everyone seeing this they shut up right away and realised they shouldn't anger her.

"Now as I was saying-" she was cut off again,she's not having a good day...

" ROGUES THEIR ON OUR LAND AND THERE'S MORE THAN 30 Alpha West please hurry we are going down like flies!" He cried with fear and then if it couldn't get any worse,Kayla fell unconscious...

Kayla's P.O.V

They say the grass is greener on the other side,well I guess I never thought I'd get to the other side but what other side does everyone refer to? The happier life,that's heaven,the bad side,that's hell and your either in one of these,yet people believe you go here when you're dead,I've never been so deep into thought before,because as I was thinking I saw 2 beautiful woman, one looks like the goddess herself and the other hasn't changed,yeah that's right,I'm seeing my mother...I ran fast up to my mother and gave her a huge hug whilst tears dripped down my face and was about to talk to her when the Goddess lookalike spoke through the silence.

"Dearest one,it is not your time yet and I'm afraid you do not belong here,not yet anyway little one" she spoke softly when I realised the words she just stated made my body feel heavy,I looked up and needed answers...

"You will have answers when the time is right,what you can know is that you can call me at any time,do not be afraid little one as you are my daughter of the moon,you may have time to speak with your mother and then I'm afraid it's back to the mortal world until its your time" she bowed her head in respect and walked into the distance as her body slowly went away with the mist.

The Power Of The Elements. (IN EDITTING)Where stories live. Discover now