The Prophecy.

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Fluttering my eyes,I stared up at a ceiling that was familiar,I looked around to find that I'm in my own bedroom. How did I get here? As if this was the best time to remember anything,all the memories from last night came rushing through my head. How I had told everyone about my 50/50 chance of surviving and... Wait a second,how did doc know I had 50/50 chance if only one case has been discovered? I then realised Chase wasn't in sight so I went to get my robe to then realise I'm still in my clothes. I quickly but quietly open the door and fled down the stairs to docs office. I was heavily knocking on the door,so loud that I think I woke everyone up.

"Doc you need to open this flipping door now-" I stopped shouting when the door finally opened.

"What the hell! I don't have 50/50 chance do I? I'm going to die for certain,oh my... I'm going to die,how could you! You told me-" I saw that I was now kneeling on the floor with head in hands crying like no tomorrow,well that's a good way to put it...

"Listen,I'm not supposed to say this but there was another,you can't repeat anything,understand?" I nodded as he continued. "Jimmy Fald,but he's passed,he died when people found out he's a hybrid and he made it through the change" I stood there wide-eyed and unable to even speak,my mouth looked like a fish gasping for air.

"So if he was a hybrid why did they kill him and who? He should be like sacred,shouldn't he?" He looked now saddened,as if he knew he shouldn't of said anything,eyes full of regret.

"The vampires killed him because there was this so called prophecy that a hybrid will rise and bring the two worlds together creating peace for all worlds. Guess they had the wrong person,also the prophecy stated that before peace is made there will be a battle amongst both kinds but it sounds rubbish and it was rumoured anyway so don't worry" oh how wonderful! A battle that even a prophecy states and probably everyone knows about it. Argh!

"A..A...Battle? Will people try to kill me now? Oh my Goddess..." I felt like collapsing.

"Not if you stay quiet,who have you told besides me?" He questioned.

"I told people at the dinner last night,that includes the elders,beta Neroll,Chase and Lauren but none of them would betray me would they?"

"I doubt so you're safe but don't let it go public until you have your feed under control,good luck when the time comes,your majesty" he bowed at me and then waited for me to leave. In which I did but not quietly enough because Chase was outside and I saw he had lots of questions.

"Chase not now,we need to get to school!" I tried to shove passed him but he didn't budge.

"Haha,no you're not,you're going to want to feed and there's about half the school that's human so you're staying until we get you under control"

"Yeah that's if I survive" I mumbled quietly but I knew he heard and I instantly regretted it. I walked up to my bedroom and when I got in there was a note.

Dear my beautiful little Kayla,

How's the hunger going? Yes I know all about you and the prophecy gave it away a little about your other mate,oh in the vampire world we call them (like humans) soul mates. I know exactly who your vampire mate is but you didn't even know you had one. Just remember I know the prophecy and once you take that blood everyone will be after you and your soul mate will have what he wants,even if he has to take you by force:)... Just a hint,you will survive because the prophecy claims it,so take the blood and I'll visit you shortly.

Love from your perfect stranger xx

Ps;don't tell anyone about this note,it's between me and you.

How the hell did he get in here?! And how the hell have I got another 'soul' mate ? I'm really in for it this time...

I made my to my closet,picked out normal clothes and a black hoodie,I need to get out of this place it feels like a prison. So as I opened the window and climbed easily through it,I hopped into my car and drove as fast as I could.

I could hear gasps and murmurs coming from the pack but I took no notice until I crashed my car into the tree...

"For God sake!" Instantly covering my mouth like a child does when they swear in front of an adult...

The pack came rushing, it's instinct to protect your family and Queen but for some reason I just wanted them gone, like I hated wolves... Oh no,my eyes are darkening again,I hope they stay out of my way... As I hopped out of the car feeling rather angry, I looked at the pack and they looked away and some kids looked scared like I was the devil...

"WHAT!" My voice vibrating off the trees and then made an echo around the forest. I then saw Chase running up to me,then to stop suddenly like there was a wall in front of him.

Power surged through me,the necklace was burning and my heart was thumping. I looked at every one of the pack members as they stood there in shock. I then fell to the screaming in pain, is this what it's like when Bella was turned into a vampire from Twilight? It's bloody painful I tell you that!


Thanks for reading!!

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From the author,

Leah Jayne <3 xoxo

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