Being Marked.

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Kayla's P.O.V

I stared at Jake,I felt emptiness of what used to be in my heart before Chase gave me everything I needed. I saw Jake get up and walk towards me and away from the one and only, Jessica...

"Well look who decides to come and start a war..."

"I'm not starting a war.. I,I came to apologise for my actions,I see that now,you're in love and there is no space for me to be there. All I want to say is,I'm sorry for what I've put you through..."

"Save it" I got up and walked away when he pulled me into his chest. Then hell broke loose,Chase and Lauren stood up growling whilst Ethan stood in shock.


"Not until I claim what's mine..." He whispered it,but those with wolf hearing would of heard it,then Chase pushed him away whilst trying to bite him. I screamed for him to stop when I saw Dominic come to the rescue,I smiled hoping he would stop them.

"Come on,we don't need this right now" Dominic spoke.Jake was standing there shocked as well as me and Ethan.

Chase went to attack him again but Dominic stopped him,telling Chase to calm down. When Chase finally did,he came up to me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. Jake looked at me with lust and sadness.

" I'm sor-" Jake tried to come forward.

"Like I said Jake,save it. I don't want you to come near me ever again!" Me,Lauren,Chase and Ethan started to walk away and with Dominic slowly walking behind. I turned my head and mouthed 'Thank you' he smiled.

It was the end of the school day and I met up with my gang and made our way to the car park.

"How would you Ferrari?" Chase spoke towards me... I stared wide-eyed at him,wondering if he was joking.

"Are you being serious?" He nodded... "OMG THANK YOU!" I jumped into his arms,my legs wrapped around him as I kissed him with everything I had,this was the best present ever ! And it's not even my birthday!

-you think maybe we can give him a present...I want him to mark us!-

-Leilani,he tries hard enough to be with us and give us everything we want. Give him time and... It's about time you showed up...- I laughed,causing everyone to look at me I turned to Lauren as I got off Chase.

"Look I know you're staying at a hotel-" she went to open her mouth knowing I knew..."but how about you stay at the Pa- I mean at home with us..." Nearly slipped up there Kayla,people would of heard that.I mentally smacked my head.Lauren looked gob-smacked,I giggled at her facial expression. I mouthed,yeah... No? She nodded,not knowing what to say.

"Good lets go,Chase I don't know how to drive... Could you-" he laughed shaking his head looking down. "What?" What was so funny?

"Were-wolves know how to drive once they start so should we try right now?" I looked confused then waved as Ethan said he's leaving to go home. A few minutes later Chase was right! It's like showing my wolf where to go. We drove home in silence when Lauren broke the silence... She's always the one to speak,I quietly laughed.

"So what is the Palace like? I heard its huge!"

"It is Lauren... I can't wait for you to be there... We are having a pack meeting for 3:30" she nodded whilst letting happiness lift her lips.

"Does your dad know you're at this school and everything,let him know you're staying with us."

"Already have Queen" she bowed her head,I thought she was being cheeky when she was being serious...

"You know you don't have to say that and do ... Well that" I pointed at her head,Chase then shouted saying to keep my eyes on the road... I somehow forgot I was driving haha...

We arrived to find everyone outside the back,Jason mind linked me about that. As soon as I entered. Everyone was in line and bowed their heads.

"Hello,as you know I'm now your former Alpha and Queen,this is Chase-" pointing at Chase,he looked so cute when he stands up straight and all serious." He is your King,please give respect and I promise to look out for my pack members,thank you" they bowed their heads again. "Oh and this is a new pack member,Lauren,treat her equally"

We walked back into the house after we told them everything,they were a happy bunch. I sat down at the table with Jason,Chase and Lauren.

"You like it here Lauren?"

"Yes,it's brilliant,it's so fabulous and mesmerising." I nodded,I told her I'd show her,her room later.

"Jason,there was an argument between me and that Alpha Jacob and someone got involved,a boy my age,I couldn't catch a scent and why's that?"Chase spoke up. I started shaking,Lauren noticed and so I put my fingers to my lips towards her so she knew what was happening. She was always good at this.

"That,King,is a vampire... Their coven is near the school here so just be careful not to get on their wrong side. You know,a vampires bite is deadly to us and the other way round. Just keep away from them." Chase growled as Lauren looked at me,telling me she knows what it's about and why I kept her quiet.

"He didn't cause trouble,in fact... He stopped the trouble before it occurred. So do any of the pack members go to the same school?" I asked,directing my attention towards Jason.

"Yeah,I told them to keep quiet today just incase of getting noticed." I nodded telling him a thanks.

"Oh and by the way Kay,I've asked Jason if its okay,he said that we should get you a body-guard just incase"

"WHAT!" I shouted and stood up,throwing my napkin on the table. I wasn't in control,it was my wolf and the only thing she wanted was to have Chase as my bodyguard. Everyone stood up,scared.

"Honey,it's okay I'll still be with you but if I'm not then here's there for extra protection" I gained control again.

"I'm sorry,yeah that would be fine baby" I gave a cheeky smile,knowing he was holding his wolf back from claiming me,it was extremely funny teasing him. Even Lauren caught onto what I was doing and giggled. Chases eyes turned darker,until they were black and Jason told him to calm down. His eyes turned black because of lust. If anything else it would be darker blue.I was finding this so funny...

"Sorry Chase,I needed to lighten something up,it's boring in here"

"Well how about I make it less boring and more exciting" he winked,his eyes still black. He came over and kissed me,feeling the electricity running through me.I saw Jason say to Lauren that maybe they should leave us,I swear I saw something between them. I returned Chases kisses as he had his hands around my waist. He trailed his kisses to my neck then bit,I felt pain but then felt a firework explode of electricity fireing through my body I realised he marked me. I looked into his eyes, they were the blue I always loved. I gave a slight smile then made my way to the table and sat down,staring at Chase I told him I was hungry.

"Lauren get in here! Jason as well !" They walked in with huge smiles on their faces. I looked at a tattoo on Lauren's neck,then realising... They're mates! I got up and congratulated them both.

"Chase I'm hungry!" As if it was a coincidence,food came to our table thanks to a pack member I smiled.

"Alright look,foods here now" he showed me,I laughed.

It's an hour later and I fell fast asleep,in the arms of the only person I've ever loved. I did like his sexy body.

"I love you too,by the way,thanks for the 'sexy body' compliment" I stared at him in shock.

"I've marked you,I can read your thoughts now" he spoke his husky voice,I grinned cheekily.


Thanks for reading!!

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From the author,

Leah Jayne <3 xoxo

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