Chapter 1

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"Then, the bad fox grabbed the little bunny and tried to eat her!" said a grey rabbit who was sitting on her daughter's bed.

"No!" yelled Judy, a frightened little bunny who was listening to her mother's bedtime story. She was covered with a woolen blanket, and focused intensely on her mother's story, concerned.

"What... what did the bunny do?" Judy asked her mother.

"Nothing. She died."

"Oh..." Judy was confused.

"What did you learn from that story?" her mother asked expecting the right answer.

"That we must never trust foxes." Judy replied proudly, without a shadow of a doubt.

"That's my girl." She kissed her daughter goodnight and left the room closing the door behind her.


"Mum, I'm home!" exclaimed Judy, holding two plastic bags full of products her mum needed.

"Oh good. Did you get everything?" her mother said as she appeared from the kitchen.

"Yes. Everything in the list." Judy replied while helping her mum with the bags. "Hey mum, I wanted to ask you something. I saw a rock. A very weird one."

"Really?" her mum asked surprised, but she obviously did not believe her daughter.

"It had something written on it."

"Yeah, sure. Can you pass me the butter please?" she asked ignoring Judy.

"Mum! You're not listening!" Judy was starting to get upset. "Can I at least explore it? You know... bring it home... examine it..." she asked her mum innocently. "Mum?"

"Yeah, yeah sure" Judy's mum was always distracted in the kitchen, and that didn't please Judy. Of course, sometimes, as a young lady Judy was, she wanted to explore the world, and her mum wouldn't let her. So her, being distracted, was a chance for Judy to do whatever she wanted.

Consequently, she decided to bring the weird rock home, with her. It was blue, not really big, but it was really heavy. Struggling, she finally got home holding the mysterious rock with both paws. Entering her bedroom, she closed the door behind her. Relieved, and quite happy, she placed the rock on her small desk. She grabbed her old trusty magnifier and examined it carefully. It was a perfect moment, until her mother entered the room.

"Judy, I can't seem to find my glasses anywhere. Do you know where -" her mother glanced at Judy. "What is that thing on your desk?" she asked strictly.

"It's the rock I was talking about, remember? I asked you, and you said -"

"Judy!" her mother yelled and made Judy jump slightly. "How many times I have to tell you, not to bring stuff like that! Have you heard of the word bacteria? You're... you're unbelievable! What am I going to do with you?"

Judy was speechless. Her mother has never yelled like that before. She felt underprivileged. She was just curious about this rock. Her mum continued yelling, her blood boiling, getting all over her body. Her face as red as a tomato.

"Mum!" Judy cried out suddenly. "Stop screaming! I didn't do anything bad!" she exclaimed, clearly not feeling guilty for making her mum worried and upset. "I don't want to live the rest of my life cooking and cleaning, like you! I don't want to be stuck here forever!" Judy explained herself.

"You belong here!" her mother yelled back.

That was it. Judy's face was red and a deep frown was plastered on her face. Why can't her own mother understand her priorities? Her goals? She felt like her world was crushing down. Judy couldn't keep it inside her anymore.

"Maybe I don't want to belong here!" she cried right at the mother's face shamefully. Not waiting for her mother's response, she grabbed the rock and her magnifier, and got out of the house. She started running. Running as fast as possible. She wiped the hot tears off of her face, trying to look strong.

Soon enough, she stopped and looked back. Breathing heavily, she nodded to herself as soon as she realized she was far enough from home. She could barely see a small square from wherever she was standing now. She sat at a nearby lemon tree. She was exhausted, both physically and mentally. She looked at the rock in her paws. She frowned as she examined it again. Now she was sure. It certainly had something written. She tried to make out the words, but she couldn't. Her mum's voice echoed in her ears. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Exhaling, she let all her problems go for just a minute. She tried to read again.

                                  "Take me to a place, far away from here. Take to a place, where I belong"

She looked up and her jaw dropped. There was no lemon tree. No little square could be seen from far away. She was sitting on the cold ground, surrounded by huge rocks floating in the sky. Colorless mountains with no green on them. She stood up.

"Ouch!" she screamed in pain, as she stepped on something. She looked down and picked up the weird object. It was a diamond. A shiny, glassy diamond. She looked up at the sky. It was grey. No sign of blue. Just clouds.

"Where am I?"

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