Chapter 4

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The next day started off with a long walk. They collected some twigs from the few immortal trees that were left around. After that, they continued walking forward, following the red sand.

"I'm hungry!" Judy complained placing her paw on her empty stomach.

"We will eat, soon." he glanced at her smiling. "I know a nice place we could eat." he continued, trying to calm her.

"Finally! I'm starving!"

Nick chuckled loudly, seeing her like that. After some minutes they entered a forest full of different kind of trees. Enormous trees, ten times the size of both of them. Nick suddenly stopped, placed his bag down, and looked up.

"Can you see the red fruit up there?" he asked pointing his finger at a tree, full of red fruits.

"Apple tree?" she asked tilting her head, and frowned as she tried to examine the fruit.

"No. It's a Hunger. " he said as he hugged the brunch of the tree, trying to climb it.

"What's that?" she asked confused.

"It's a fruit that keeps you full for 24 hours from the moment you bite it."

"Wow... this place is getting weirder and weirder." Judy exclaimed.

Successfully he climbed at the very top of the tree and grabbed two fruits. "You climb the other tree." he told her as he climbed down, carefully.

"Aren't two enough?" Judy asked placing her paw on her hip.

"I really don't know how many days we need in order to reach our destination, and this fruit can keep you full for only 24 hours." Nick explained placing the fruit in his bag. Judy nodded, and begun climbing the nearby tree, targeting with her eyes a Hunger. She climbed carefully, holding tightly and trying not to fall down.

As she placed her leg on a small branch, she failed to notice that it was unstable. She slipped, and screamed as she felt herself falling down. She closed her eyes shut, and screamed. She landed on the soil, but it didn't hurt at all. She opened her eyes, only to find Nick holding her bridal-style. He was staring at her, with one brow up, holding an unimpressed look. She glanced up at him, and they locked eyes, once again.

Unexpectedly, Nick let her go, and turned his back to her as he collected the fruits that fell down, after her fall. Judy stayed frozen, thinking about what just happened. He passed her a Hunger, not making eye contact. She grabbed the fruit, trying not to touch his paw. After some minutes, they were both out of the forest, still eating their fruits. They did not exchange words after that experience, neither did they look at each other. Why did he catch me? Why did he look at me like that? Maybe he is mad at me for not being able to climb that tree, she thought.

However, Judy was so lost in her train of thoughts, that she didn't mind the gap in front of them and almost fell in. Of course, Nick saved her again, by holding her shoulder. After giving him a weird and confused look, she looked in front of her and gasped.

Enormous diamonds floating in the sky. They  were so huge that they could be compared to a building. There was nothing holding them in place though. Downwards, pitch black. No ground could be seen.

"Is there any other wait to cross this?" she asked quite scared from what she had just seen.

Nick examined them and measured in his brain what would be the best angle to jump on these diamonds.

"I'm afraid not." he replied. Suddenly he jumped as far as he could, landing on one of the nearby diamonds. "Jump!" he yelled because of the distance between them.

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