Chapter 10

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Several days had passed since the incident in Anonymous. Judy was reunited with her family, and everything was back to normal. Almost.

As Judy entered her home that day, she felt relieved seeing her mother again. However, she was nervous. She didn't know how to explain what exactly had happened. How would she react? Would she believe her? Well, these questions do not matter anymore. Much to Judy's surprise, the first thing her mother said when she saw her was

"Where have you been all those hours?" Yes. Hours.

Judy was not missing for hours from her home. She was missing for days! That's when she realized that time passes differently in Anonymous. Days there, hours here. Hours there, minutes here. Minutes there, seconds here. Seconds there... what about here?

So many questions gathered on her train of never-ending thoughts. The one thing that ruled her mind was always Nick. Nick Wilde. That fox, with the emerald eyes, like a forest. A forest full of secrets.


A caring fox who always protected her. The fox that showed her the world. His world. The fox that made her dreams come true. But... a fox? What about the story her mother used to tell her about the bad fox?


"What did you learn from that story?" her mother asked expecting the right answer.

"That we must never trust foxes." Judy replied proudly, without a shadow of a doubt.


Was that story attached to reality?

We must never trust foxes. What a strange formation of a sentence, huh?

On one paw, this is actually logical. Foxes are sly. But these are just stereotypes! The fox she knows is nothing like that! Heck, the fox she knows chose to die for her! She could argue about this opinion forever! The fox she knows loves her... and she loves him, as well! The fox she knows...

Or maybe the fox she used to know...

Is he...? No. She didn't even want to think about that chance. She was so optimistic that she could believe in the last possibility of Nick being alive.

Move on... they all say. How can you move on when you leave pieces of your heart in the past? How can you walk forward while missing the most important part of your body? Of your emotions...? Of your life...



"Judy!" her mother called her name interrupting her thinking. The were sitting outside of their small house, on some wooden chairs.

"Are you okay?" her mother asked concerned looking at Judy, who had formed a black stare on her face, staring on the ground.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted us to go inside. It's getting late." her mother suggested.

"N-no... not yet. Are... are stars visible from here?" Judy asked, trying to act as innocent as possible.

"Yes. In some minutes now, we'll be able to spot some stars. Do you want to go star-gazing? I never knew you liked doing that."

"Um... Y-yes, I love stars. Didn't you know that?" Judy stated, her heartbeat speeding up a little. She must never find out, Judy thought.

"Judy, look!" her mother said excited. She was pointing at something in the sky. Judy raised her head and her eyes focused on the brightest star of all.


She smiled to herself and blinked, trying to avoid her tears. It was too late, though. Tears had already started rolling down her cheeks.

"Judy!" her mum exclaimed seeing her daughter slowly break down.

Not knowing how to react, Judy's mother hugged her curious as to why her daughter was crying again. She has been having sudden breakdowns several times lately. No matter how many times she tried, she couldn't make her explain why. Was it because of puberty? No. Maybe... she felt trapped in the house. She couldn't bare seeing her daughter like that anymore.

"Judy... is it because I never let you travel by yourself? Don't... don't cry. I can talk with dad about this. Maybe you can go somewhere for some days... It's a great idea isn't it? Stop crying please..." her mother tried to comfort her.

Judy pulled away from her mother's warm and caring embrace and wiped off her tears. "May I go for a walk please? I-I... I won't go far. I will walk near the river. I need to... think." she asked, still sobbing.

"O-of course! You want to think about my suggestion? Go ahead!" her mother stood up.

Judy walked slowly near the clear, calm river. So many thoughts in her head. She felt lost. Almost as if she as walking in a blank space. She felt... empty. Was she always like that? Did she feel this way before she met Nick?

Her thoughts were interrupted again, when she suddenly tripped over a small branch and fell in the river.

"Perfect." she muttered to herself, upset. She was wet and cold. She sighed, stood up carefully, and as if falling in the river late at night was not enough, she stepped on a hard rock.

"Ouch!" she yelled in pain which only made her even more upset.

"Stupid rock!" she talked to no one. She frowned, pressing her lips together. She decided to pick up the rock and throw it away, to let her emotions go. It wasn't too difficult for her to find the rock she stepped on. She picked it up and moved her paw back, giving more speed to the throw-away. She glanced at the rock, and right before throwing it, she stopped herself. She even felt her heart stop. She lowered her arm and looked at the rock again. No way.

It was blue and it had something written on it. Judy gasped and screamed.

"It's you! It's you, it's you!" she danced in the water, but panicked when she fell inside again. She looked in panic to see if she was still holding it. She got out of the water, staring at the rock again.

"But... how did you get here, anyway?" she asked the rock rhetorically. Suddenly her eyes widened, as she thought of something. She kissed the rock, and placed it in the pocket of her wet jeans and ran back home.

"Mum!" she yelled, breathing heavily, as she was running as fast as the light.

"Is everything okay hone?" her mum walked out of the house.

"Mum, I thought about it. I want to travel by myself for some days. And I know just the place..." she smiled to herself.


A/N: I'm baaaaack! So yeah I know... I said I was gonna create another book, but I think it's better if this story stays in one book. So this is chapter 10 of my story! Let's say that the last week was my week... off. So I will continue it, without starting from Chapter one again. So here is Chapter 10!! I hope you like it!! I'd like to highlight that during the rest of the story... how to explain it... it might have a little more violence and swords. It's nothing crazy and scary, it's just more mature. I hope you won't stop here!

Also... great news! My exams are finally over, so I will have MORE time to write! Yay!

I'd like to thank my wonderful editor, @gunsandthrones

P.S I don't own the characters, they belong to Disney. (Lucky you!). I definitely OWN the story, the dialogues and the plot.



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