Chapter 11

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"Goodbye mum!" Judy ran out of her house, excited.

"Wait!" her mother stopped her, carrying a bag.

"You forgot your bag. Nothing much, just some clothes and food." she helped her with the bag.

"Thanks mum!" she kissed her mum's cheek, and started running, feeling ready for a new adventure.

"Be careful, don't talk to strangers!" her mum yelled, waving at her daughter who was already meters away from her house.

Judy ran and ran, the wind blowing her ears back. She felt free. She felt her heart filled with hope again. After a while, she found herself standing near the familiar lemon tree. She placed her bag down, and looked at the rock. She took a deep breath and started.

"Take me... to a place, far away from here. Take to a place where I belong."

Judy closed her eyes as she felt ready to enter Anonymous once again. She felt the wind. She opened her eyes and gasped. She was still near the lemon tree.

"Wait... but..." she shook the rock, and repeated the words again. Nothing.

"Come on!" she was on the verge of tears. Why isn't it working? Is she ever going to find Nick? Is he... alive? Suddenly, a light appeared, making her cover her eyes with her paws.

"Stupid fox... making me travel with that idiotic gate... and now... I'm stuck here!" a small fox with a surprisingly quite deep voice cursed while coming out of a gate. Anyone that didn't know him, could have sworn that he was a kid. Maybe even a baby.

"Hey!" he yelled. "What are you looking at?!" he asked dryly crossing his arms.

"M-me? No, nothing... I'm just-"

"Well, take a picture bunny, it will last longer!" the small fox said.

"E-excuse me, are you... an adult?" Judy asked, but was taken aback with the glare he shot her.

"Do I look like a baby to you?" he raised his voice, pointing at his small body.

"Um... actually-"

"Well, I'm not! I'm a fennec fox! And my name is Finnick! So quit staring!"

"I'm sorry, it's just that I've never seen a fox like that."  she explained herself looking down to the ground.

"Too bad." he said dryly and started walking.

Judy stayed frozen. There is something unusual about this fennec fox. Wait a minute. How did he get here? She remembered that he came out of a gate. Could it be...

"Are you from another world?" she asked, wondering.

"What do you mean, rabbit?" he turned to face her.

"I saw you coming out of a gate. Which world are you from?" she took a step forward.

Finnick frowned. "None of your business." he said as he continued walking, clearly not knowing where he was going.

"Where are you going?" she followed him.

He sighed and turned around again. "I've been told to find someone."

"Maybe... maybe If I help you, you can take me to Anonymous." she suggested.

He looked at her as if she was crazy. He approached her and whispered

"Why... why do you want to go there?"

"I need to... do something." Judy preferred not to reveal the real reason she wanted to go there.

Finnick sighed again and he face palmed. "I'm going to regret this." he exclaimed.


They walked for some minutes until Finnick broke the silence.

"What is your name, anyway?" he asked.

"Judy Hopps." she smiled while introducing herself.

"Judy Hopps?!" he stopped and face palmed again, louder.

"What?" she asked confused.

"You are the one I'm looking for! Oh, I told him. I told him to describe her appearance, but he is so stubborn! Such an idiot, I don't even know why I'm helping this guy." he crossed his arms, walking back and forth.

"Who? Who are you talking about?" she asked confused.

"That stupid fox, Nick!" he yelled face palming.

"Wait. You mean Nick Wilde?" she asked hoping that he would say yes.

"Of course! Do you know any other stupid fox with the name Nick?" he frowned.

"No... I-"

"Oh stop talking already. It's getting late anyway. And you know what's the worst of all? The gate is closed and I can't enter now!" he yelled angry.

"I think I might be able to help." she said calmly.

"No you can't! I need to find a way to..." he started panicking. "What if I stay in this world?! This is terrible!" he rubbed his face.

"I have a rock. It's the same one that lead me in Anonymous in the first place." she showed him the rock.

Finnick glared at her. "Why didn't you say that from the beginning?"

"I tried, but you were-"

"Oh, shut it. Let's just go." he interrupted her and grabbed the rock from her paws.

"I'm not sure if it works... I tried, and-"

"Enough!" he yelled at her. "Do you want to see Nick, or not?" he asked sighing.

"Yes! Of course I want!" Judy exclaimed.

"Then stop talking, before it's too late!"

After saying that, Finnick grabbed some leaves, placed the around the rock and started blowing air through them. He glared at her again and said

"Are you going to help me, or do you want to tape it?"

Ah, y-yes." she started doing the same but stopped several seconds after, when the leaves started flying, forming a circle around them. Judy looked at the leaves, but her eyes widened when they fell.

Her purple eyes met with the familiar colorless mountains again. Grey sky. Cold ground. She was back in Anonymous. And she was there to find Nick.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, my dear editor was sick, but she's feeling a little bit better now. As you can see, Finnick is in the story as well! I would like to thank my editor, not just because she edited while being sick, but because she helped me give Finnick this "bitter" personality that he has in the movie.

Make sure to vote and review kindly!

P.S I don't own the characters, just the story and the plot.

Editor: gunsandthrones

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