Chapter 4: Awkward Silence

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Nock nock nock!
Someone was at Frank's door.
Frank and I looked at each other and I let Frank go and open it.
It was my. Therapist.
"C'mon Gerard, let's go." She told me walking away from the room, instructing me to walk with her.
"Where are we going?" I asked loudly as I ran after her out of Frank's room. I didn't even get to say goodbye to Frank for gods sake.
She opened her office door with one of the keys from her key chain and led us both in. "What's going on?" I demanded.
"Take a seat, Gerard." She said, placing her clipboard and pen on her desk. "Remember me? Ang, that's short for Angela by the way." She announced. She annoys me.
"What do you want?" I said agitated. She gave me a questioning look and it scared me a little.
"I'm your therapist, so it's my job to ask the questions here... So Gerard, do you know why you are here?"
Silence fell and took place for a good minute. For some reason that question always makes me lose my breath.
"No. I don't know!" I said, my heart racing. Scared of what she would say next.

She kept looking down at the papers stuck to her clipboard. I started to wonder, maybe that's my file. I leaned a tiny bit out of the chair to see if I could read what was on the paper, but I couldn't even see a thing. The writing is too small. Do they do that on purpose? You never know!

"Well, do you remember what I told you earlier today?" She asked as she leaned back into her much more comfortable chair. I thought for a while, and then remembered.

~ Flashback ~
"Well, people sometimes come to these sort of places. People here have treatment for serious mental disorders, such as clinical depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder."

I looked up at her and itched my head anxiously.
"Yes. I remember."
"Good." She nodded her head and sat back up, like everything was okay now. No, nothing's okay. I'm in a fucking mental hospital for gods sake! I sighed and she met my eyes. Oh fuck, really?! I looked away anxiously and fiddled with my hands. I got fed up with the awkward silence.
"Just tell me why I'm here!!!" I shouted at her. It caused her to jump a little bit and I heard her knee hit under the desk. Good. Scared the bitch! I smirked at myself and she took a deep breath.
"Well, it's because you're one of those people!" She said as her neck leaned forward and her shoulders arched.
I lifted my head and was disgusted with the both of us.

"Well, it's almost dinner so we'll do this again tomorrow!" She signed.
I rolled my eyes and aggressively got out of the chair and stormed out of there, shutting the door with my annoyed and angry force.
I was walking fast back to my room and got caught up by someone calling my name.
I walk slowly and turn my head. It was Frank.
"Gerard, are you okay?" He asked running towards me. A one second smile appeared on my face and said, "yeah nah, I'm fine." And started walking again back to my ward. I noticed Frank was following me, it felt nice that someone actually wanted to walk with me.
"May I join you, for dinner in about like three minutes?" He said. Oh yeah, dinner!
"Uh, yeh, sure! You give me nice company." I said back to him, making him smile. I'd do anything to make Frank smile, or laugh. Or anything to make him happy. He's the kindest person I've ever met, and those kind of people are very rare to find, so I better treat him right and keep him.
I smile to myself and forgot that my door was already open.
"You know, you gotta close your doors. Someone might steal something. Although we don't have locks, but some do. So some people think your doors are locked. Unless their not stupid and actually twist the door knob." He laughs at himself, which causes me to laugh with him.
"Hahaha always. That's true though." I say...

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