Chapter 26

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Havent proof read sorry, promise to update regularly now and its deidicated to frankieroismine because she has continued to read this despite the slow updates during my exams and blah blah blah yeah shes awesome :)

At the end of the concert Green Day come off, greeting us in their sweaty, tired nature. They are taken away for press interviews and meet and greet with the fans but tell us what club to go to, where they will meet us later. We hand around side stage for a while, I take alex, jack and Ashley off to the side to explain what happened with Emily whilst josh is distracted by lily.

“They must be empty threats yeah. She’s definitely not in the position to follow through with them or openly attack you, I wouldn’t worry.” Ashley says to me, rubbing my shoulder reassuringly with her hand whilst she simultaneously checks her flight details for tomorrow on her phone. Jack walks over and looks over her shoulder at what shes doing and his mood visibly drops, he places his chin on her shoulder and wraps his arms around her waist from behind whilst sighing. She turns around and buries her face in her chest. I realise how lucky I am to be with Josh, even if it is in secret, or with people trying to get involved because I at least get to see him nearly every day, whereas Jack and Ashley are separated for months at a time. I break away from the group and go over to where I last saw Josh and Lily, I walk over and see them sitting down next to each other, she says something and they start laughing, when she spots me looking she rests her hand on his leg and slides it upwards. Josh frowns at this and looks up to see me as I keep walking forward, he stands up and walks towards me, I stop before him and he places a hand on my cheek and kisses me softly on the lips.

“Shall we go to the club now?” He murmurs against my lips, wrapping an arm around my waist, and pulling my body up against his. I nod slowly before kissing him lightly on the lips and pulling away, he places his hand in mine and guides me to the door, we are followed by Ashley, Alex, Jack, Lily and some of the crew members.

We arrive at the club soon after leaving the Venue, jack and Alex run up towards the bar to order drinks for us all, leaving Ashley and I talking whilst Josh and Lily go to find a table. Once they sit down in the middle of the crowded club on plush leather sofas positioned around a circular glass table, Ashley and I walk over to join them, letting Alex and Jack see clearly where we are headed to so they know where to find us when they return with our drinks. Josh and Lily are sat together in one corner of the seating area, her hand placed on his thigh and she is whispering something in his ear, making him laugh loudly. He looks up to see me and pushes her away, holding his other hand out to me to pull me into the newly formed gap between them both. Ashley sits down on the other side of Josh and shoots a death stare at Lily, I furrow my eyebrows wondering why shes being so cold to lily, I mean of course she’s flirting with Josh but Lily doesn’t know we’re together, who could blame her? Whilst I continue watching the tension erupting between them both whilst Josh text’s Eric on his phone, Alex and Jack bound over with our drinks and a barman follows them with a tray of shots.

Two rounds later and everyone is pulling each other up onto the dancefloor. A Middle aged guy with a slight bald patch comes up to Lily and she follows him to the bar, allowing him to buy her a drink, leaving Josh and I alone whilst Jack, alex and Ashley hit the dancefloor. I suddenly notice my anxiety levels rising, I feel myself studying the crowds and my palms begin to get sweaty, pins and needles irritating my legs. I put it down to tonights events with Emily, dramatic and stressful situations can mess with me, I put the thought to rest that my medication might not be working or I might be forgetting to take it, these symptoms are just like when I didn’t take my pills. I spot Alex looking over from where he’s standing with a frown, he knows me well enough to see when I’m getting stressed and panicked out.

Josh suddenly wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me towards him whilst a group of girls come over and sit next to us on the sofas, apparently friends of Lily’s?

I start shaking and an overwhelming panic overtakes me, my heartbeat and breathing rate quickens and I force myself to stare at the tip of my shoes and focus on my breathing, but it’s not working. I can hear Josh’s drowned out voice in the distance talking to me, but all I can feel or focus on is the crowd around me and an intense feeling of being trapped. My hands grip onto the sofa, my joints locking and I realise I’m coming close to having a fullblown panic attack. I bring myself to look up, and spot a figure staring at me and walking out of the club doors, It looks like Emily but I must be seeing things. Suddenly I spot alex running over to me, he’s biting his lip and grabs me by the shoulders, helping me stand up and mumbling something to Josh. He sighs when I struggle to step forward, gripping onto his shoulder with my hand, pulling him back to me. I just know I don’t want to have to walk through the huge crowd on the dancefloor. He suddenly swings me over his shoulder and goes towards the fire exit. We burst out onto the alleyway outside, he puts me down on the ground and cups my face in his hands, telling me to breath slowly, directing my thoughts else where and guiding me through it, like he has had to do many times before. Once I calm down and feel relaxed again I look behind alex to see Josh standing back look completely freaked out and worried, a sullen pale tone to his face. Alex stands up, holding a hand out to help me up, I stand up with a wobble, and nearly run over to Josh, wrapping my arms around his waist, burying my head in his chest. He instantly wraps his arms around me, his hands soothingly rubbing circles in my back, Being in his arms just makes everything feel okay. After what seems like hours, I pull away and look up at him.

“So…Erm are you going to explain what all that was about Jess?” He asks patiently whilst biting down on his lip, his hair blowing slightly in the nights breeze, damn he looks hot right now. I put my head back on his chest and explain everything I should have told him months ago, the anxiety disorder, panic attacks, medication, coming off it against doctors orders, going back on, and now this. His arms remain wrapped around me, his grip never loosening but tightening around me in a protective manner as I continue on.

“Jess you should have told me, nothing in your past could possibly drive me away, especially something like this which is beyond your control. I want you to be able to have me there for you at all times, I need you to be able to trust me with anything and everything. I love you, and I will always be here for you, whether it’s whilst youre crying during a Disney movie or having an anxiety attack.” He tells me, pulling away from the hug and resting his hands on my shoulders, making sure he has eyecontact with me as he tells me this, showing how serious he is. I nod along considering every word and realising how stupid it was to keep something like this from him, or even just keeping anything from him.

“I know, I know, it was silly to keep this from you, but for some reason at the time it just felt like it was the right thing to do. I can trust you completely, I want to be completely open with you, I was just holding myself back and I don’t know why. I’m sorry Josh, I love you so much, you know that?” I reply, taking my time in saying the words, the evening chill beginning to get to me.

“Yeah I know.” Josh sighs, pulling me to him, stroking my hair and kissing the top of my head, “I cant deal with the thought of ever loosing you.”

I have not proof read this, im writing this at 1am aha so spelling mistakes are bound to be made. I promise to regularly update this again. I'm at my boyfriends tomorrow but once im back i will post the next chapter

it's a really shit update sorry:(

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