Chapter 28

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I open the door quietly and walk in, trying not to disturb Matt as he works or the sleeping Zack. Closing the door i turn to face Alex who is sat cross legged on the sofa on the right hand side, his Lyric notepad that i gave him for his birthday this year is in front of him, lines crossed out, pages ripped out, screwed up and then unraveled and tried to be laid back in, blue ink staining the pages in unclear scrawl and scribbles. A frustrated look is plastered across his face which then clears as he glances up at me, his eyes brighten and he pulls me to sit down next to him as he repositions the guitar on his lap and pushes the lyrics towards me. 

"I've been working on this melody for a while and i'm trying to put lyrics to it but nothing will go right." He says exasperated, "The lyrics are about not being able to be near or with someone you love, like what you and Jack are going through." I nod along to what he's saying as i read through the lyrics in front of me, as always with Alex's lyrics they are amazing and he just cant see it. 

"Could you play\sing what you have so far, if you do that i might get more of a feel for it and know whats missing." I suggest, going through the steps i use to write my own songs. He beings to play fairly strong cords but with some softness in there, he quietly begins to sing and continues right through all his lyrics until he's just left playing the rest of the song.

"Okay I think you need more to the song, you kind of launch straight in, it needs more of an opening to establish the guitar parts and the lyrics, maybe you could repeat a line or two of the chorus at the start, like backing vocals. The first verse moves really quickly into the song and it feels like you're thrown in maybe?" I explain, a line embedding itself in my forehead as i read through the lyrics, I can see alex in the corner of my eye begin to smile and he nods enthusiastically, his fingers play with a few chords, extending the melody at the start and murmuring lines from the chorus. 

"Maybe you could extend the 3rd verse too?" I suggest as i turn to the back of his lyric booklet and lean over and grab a pencil to scribble some possible lyrics. We continue working like this, comparing lyrics and chords, as i grab my guitar and Alex teaches me what he's doing on his. Slowly he begins to feel more comfortable with the lyrics and really enjoy how its coming together. This is one of my favourite things to do with Alex, we just work so well together, our minds completely on the same page, with the added element of it being fun and getting a new perspective on things, If he ever was completely stuck on a verse or a song or I couldn't find the right chords on my guitar to have the chorus sung to, a quick Skype call or trip to the others apartment was perfect. Eventually the song is finished and we're laid back chatting as the sound of rain hammers down on top of the tour bus roof. 

"Thanks, again for helping me with the lyrics, i know you would instantly be able to relate to the song and know whats missing, after all you inspired it." Alex murmurs  against my shoulder. I shift slightly to face him. 

"I feel like this is more personal to you than you say, I mean don't get me wrong but you've found these lyrics harder to get right because i think you're really trying to say something or tell someone something which is why you want to get the lyrics right,  do you know what i mean...?" I trail off, not wanting to pry too much into Alex's life, knowing him well enough that this really is the reason but not wanting to say it like its fact and push him into a corner and make him admit it, I feel privileged to be trusted to help him with something so important. 

"Haha I knew you would see right through my Jess, You're right. Do you remember that girl who was part of the crew for Green Day? We met for five seconds and i cant get my mind off her, I feel stupid for feeling this way but i can't help it. I feel like i know her, eugh whatever, i just wish i could see her one more time." Alex sighs, groaning slightly, his chest lifting up against my arm as he breathes in and out, a calming motion. 

"Oh Alex, you should have said something, there's nothing stupid about that If you want i could talk to Billie, find out her number?" I suggest but can already feel his hesitation. 

"Thank you, really, but i just don't think she was interested or would ever be interested and what would i say anyway? 'Hey i saw you once and now i cant stop thinking about you, lets be friends?' " He laughs out, but i can tell theres a serious tone to it. I laugh back as he puts an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him so he can rest his head on my shoulder. 

"Whatever you say Gayscarf, just think it over, if shes not interested then the worst thing that can hapen is she says no and you never see her again," I suggest back, feeling myself getting sleepy against his chest. 

"I hate to admit it, but you are right" He announces as I begin to drop off in his arms, I murmur back as my eyes close and our breathing gets heavier with sleep. 

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