Chapter 30

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I pull my suitcase up the steps that lead to the apartment, propping the lobby door open with my hip as i pull in the suitcase and try not to get my handbag stuck in another door. For 2am the streets are completely quiet so i managed to get a taxi fairly quickly. I squeeze into the elevator just as it was closing and breathe a sigh of relief, I cant wait to be back with the boys again, and in my own bed espically, with josh lying next to me as well. the elevator pings and interrupts my thoughts, I walk out and round the corner to the apartment, Unlocking it and stepping inside. I dump my bags, throwing my keys on the floor and turning on the light of the apartment. 

"JESSSSSS!" I hear the guys scream, I turn around to see Max, matt, chris and dan running towards me and having a group hug, I start laughing uncontrollably, they break away and i see they're wearing cheap party hats, and theres a banner in the background hanging on the wall that has "Happy 40th birthday" Crossed out and "Welcome Back Jess" Written underneath in sharpie. Which makes me laugh even more. 

"Thank god you're home, I dont know how to work a washing machine in this god damn city and i've been stealing boxers from the guys the past week." Dan says too loudly, causing the others to glare angrily at him and they begin to chastise him about it but Josh and Eric come through the front door and Josh trips over my bags and Eric manages to jump over him and land on his feet. 

"Bloody He- Oh hey Jess!" Eric shouts and then proceeds to come towards me and picks me up spinning me around as the guys help Josh up and lift my bags off the ground. I go towards the sofa and flop down, the guys then ask me to tell them all about the trip and I fill them in quickly because there wasnt much to say and I could tell they were all tired. I then decided to make my excuses and sneak off to bed with the hope that Josh would follow me through. The guys nod sleepily in my direction and traipse off to their respective rooms and apartments. Eric just curls up more on the sofa and Josh goes into the kitchen. I go into my room and smile seeing it exactly as I had left it, I tear off my clothes and go into my drawers and pull out some old pyjamas before collapsing on top of the bed, snuggling up into the duvet. I quickly drift off into a sleep however I am awoken slightly when I hear my door creak open and Josh slips into my bed next to me, wrapping his arms around me and I feel his breath on the back of my neck. 


"Look at theeeeeeeem, They're so cute." 

"I'm surprised Josh hasnt smelt the bacon and woke up"

"Maybe we should put bacon on his face"

"What the hell what a waste of bacon Max, why on earth would you...actually dont answer that"

I awaken to the sound of whispering I go through a moment of confusion as i try to work out where I am, why I feel a weight across my waist and who is whispering. I work out that im actually back in my apartment, Joshs arm is whats suffocating me and shit. I sit up quickly, accidentally knocking Josh off the bed and focus my eyes to see chris, dan and max standing in the doorway of the room looking awestruck. 

"What the... Oh shit." Josh says as he rubs his head in sleepy confusion and realizes the 3 people who have been watching us sleep. Matt then pushes his way into the room wearing a white apron and makeshift paper hat, carrying a spatula in hand with a huge grin.

"Breakfast in bed for the love birds maybe?" He says teasingly. 

"Shouldnt you guys be mad or something.." Josh murmurs through a yawn, still not awake properly. Dan Jumps onto the bed happy that he knew before everyone else whilst texting someone on his phone and getting distracted from the conversation. 

"We knew ages ago, Josh is ridiculously obvious when he's in love, just the way he kept looking at you across the room was enough, plus we heard you having sex once. But Dan told us why you didnt tell us and We understood that and knew it would be better to wait till youre ready to tell everyone, plus the secrecey stopped us from putting it all over social networks." Chris explained whilst Max got out his phone and help it up to take a photo. 

"but now youre going to make it more known, we can start dropping hints." Max says, grinning mischievously. 

"shit the bacon!" Matt screams as the smoke detector starts to go off, and runs out the room. Dan and Max laugh and run after him to survey the damage caused by matts cooking and Chris gives a crooked smile and closes the door behind him. I collapse backwards onto the bed next to Josh.

"Well that went very different to how I expected it." 

"I should've guessed they'd suss us out." Josh smiled and rolled onto me, kissing me lightly but slowly gets more passionate. I pull away from the kiss frowning slightly. 

"they know about us now anyway and it's not like they havent heard us doing it before." Josh says with a cheeky grin, I start laughing and sit up on my elbows, pressing my lips against Joshs in agreement and let his body press against mind. Definitely a good way to wake ourselves up. 


I run into starbucks, desperate the get out of the rain. I step inside the warm dry coffee shop and relax instantly, loving the fact that i'm back into my old routine. I join the queue as I log onto twitter on my phone, the first thing I see is all the replies and mentions to do with Maxs photo and of course, maxs photo. 


I give out a small laugh before I feel a breeze against my back as someone else enters the coffee shop. 

"we really have to stop bumping into each other like this." I hear someone say behind me, I turn around to see the best ginger there is grinning at me next to a stunning brunette girl. 

"Ashby, Are you stalking me?" I laugh back before he introduces me to the girl next to him, who is called Erin and is his girlfriend. I say hello to her and we all chat for a while, Alan and I discuss some of the ideas we spoke about by text the other day and I give him some of Erics details whilst we wait for our coffees after ordering. He tells me about how Of mice and men are doing a show in New York and that they're joining us on warped tour on the second date as they're all going home for a week to see family. I say goodbye to both of them and head back to the apartment, hoping the weather isnt going to be this shit when we start Warped. 

"Hey I have your Coffee" I whisper to Eric as he does paper work on the dining room table, placing the coffee down next to hi. He nods in recognition and mumbles something that vaguely resembles thank you. I walk through into Joshs room to find him bent over a suitcase as he starts the first part of packing for Warped Tour. I grab my lyric booklet out of my bag and jump onto his bed, resting my back against the head board as i go through my songs, trying to choose which one i'd like for the next single i'm going to release. I was recording this afternoon, and shouldve decided this days ago. I settle on one about james that I wrote just after i found out what he had been doing. I knew i could sing it well and it would be easier to demo this afternoon than the others but I also knew I could get passion into it.

"Have you decided yet?" Josh calls from the bathroom where he is reaching for all his toiletries. 

"Yeah im thinking of singing 'Feeling sorry'" I call back to him, letting my eyes wonder the room as I wait for his reply. I suddenly see a flash of red under his chest of drawers. I hear Josh say something back but im too busy getting off the bed and reaching underneath. I grab it and lift it up whilst I stand up straight. A sluttishLacy red bra thats definitely not mine. 

"Jess...? What's-..." He says from behind me. 

Soooo sorry for taking ages, but I hope you like

Listen to feeling sorry by paramore for the song:)

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