Chapter 4- A new week and a new expierience.

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Ever since I left Marcel's on Friday, he seemed to be the only damn thing on my mind.

His body,

His tattoos,

His face,

His chest,

And his beautiful memorizing eyes.

Just him, the REAL him.

I mean damn, if I were a guy, and I had looks like that, I'd just walk around fucking naked!

If only he actually did...

But today, today was Monday. I was heading to his house again to day. I was going to go over every day of the week, just until we finished our project.

"Ugh!" I sighed as I drove to school. Why couldn't I get that damn nerd off my mind? It was aggravating me and I wanted it to stop.

As I thought I finally spotted my school to my left and pulled in, parking in my usual spot.

I turned off the car and grabbed my bag.

I then opened the car door, hoping out and walking towards hell. In other words, SCHOOL.

Sighing I walked in, saying the usual "hi" or "hello" to those who said it to me.

I finally got to my locker and switched out my things.

After finally finishing, I turned slammed my locker and rested my forehead on my locker.

I banged it a few times trying to knock some sense into me.

"Stop thinking of him, stop it, stop it, stop it!" I groaned as I hit my head.

"What's wrong Princess? Can't get me out of your head?" A voice said from behind, scaring the living shit out of me.

I jumped and turned around. I should of known, it was Jake.

I groaned.

"Actually no! Not even close..." I said knowing that was the truth.

He grinned, putting his hands in his jean pockets and stepping closer to me so that my back was against my locker and he was only inches from my face.

"Don't lie to yourself babe. It ain't good. I know you still miss me." He said huskily, I would of been turned on but right now, I was truly disgusted.

"Actually Jake, YOU should stop lying to yourself. I would never wanna get back with a scumbag like you." I said rolling my eyes.

"Now get off!" I said trying to push him away but it didn't worked. I just failed miserably.

"Jane, stop being stupid you little cunt! Jesus, just get the fuck over it!" He yelled.

I've never seen this side of him, it was frightening.

"Stop it Jake! Stop! Just get away from me!" I shouted.

Obviously, me being stupid, I had to come into the school when no one was inside. They were outside waiting for the bell.

"NO!" He shouted in my face causing me to jump.

I gulped and tried to get away once more, again, failing.

"Jake please!" I pleaded no crying a bit.

"Listen you little whore, either you take me back or-"

"Leave her alone." A voice said interrupting us and making both of us look towards the voice.

I gasped when I saw who it was.

It was Marcel.

Jake just burst into a fit of laughter.

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