The Weird And The Wonderful. [1]

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[A/N] Considering that the first chapter isn't really all that interesting, I decided to give up chapter two in the hopes of sparking some peoples interest :D..

So far I have about ten chapters of this writen up and with the right kind of persuasion I could be tempted into uploading quicke..*shifty eyes*


Much Love...

Chapter One..

-Just Praying To A God That I Don't Beleive In..-

"Yo, Kat!"

My ears perked up at the sound of my own name. You know for two very unique people my parents had sure as hell gone out of their way to make sure I had the most used name in the world. Kathrine. How boring.

Looking over to the source of the sound I saw my friend Dean make his way through the crowd of people to get closer to me.

You would think by the atmosphere and amount of people that I was in some high end club surrounded by fifty of my closest friends, dancing to all the latest music and being hit on by the most mouth watering guy/model ever. If this is what you are thinking, you couldnt be more wrong.

I was in an alley way in New York City. Surrounded by fifty of the Cities most nutorious bums. Jamming my way through a crowd, including some of the more dirtier of the bunch, and instead of being hit on by some gorgeous guy/model, I had been getting my ass grabbed all night by Gary. Gary was very good looking, if you liked the tooth-less, beard to his knees, havn't washed since christmas kind of look.

Personally I wasn't a fan of it.

Unfortunatly I had no choice in being here. For all intents and purposes this was my home. It wasn't much but since I had been left homeless more the five month ago, these people had taken me in, given me some food when I needed it most and heat when the New York nights had been especially bad. Of course the food had been stolen and the heat came from the garbage can they had lit on fire, but it was the thought that counted wasn't it?

Dean reached through the crowd and grabbed hold of the tattered brown over coat I wore durning the coldest days of the year.

"Kat..I have been looking for you everywhere. Jay wants to see you."

Oh, shit.

During my first few days of being on the streets I found it particulary hard to fend for myself. I was a wreck in more then one way. A week had passed before someone had noticed me sitting helplessly on a bench in central park and decided to talk to me.

This guys name was Jay, and he was beautiful. With jet black hair hanging loosly in his gray/green eyes surrounded by olive toned skin he looked like something that had just stepped out of the pages of a womans magazine.

We sat on that bench and talked about things, things that were unimportant and meaningless, for hours. Eventually when it began growing dark he offered to walk me home. I had of course found it strange that a man in his early thirties had taken intrest in me, an eighteen year old girl. 

"I don't have a home." 

I stated dumbly. I have to admit in those moments I wished he would ask me to come home with him, where it was warm, where their was enough food to live off for months and were he and I could live happily ever after.

"Follow me."

He said quickly, his once light and happy face had suddenly grown dark and hard. He looked like a man with a mission. As every senisble part of my body screamed out for me to turn in the other direction and run, a much larger part took control of my feet and began making me follow him through the park. My eyes glued to his hand which he had wrapped around my upper arm.

It was a short walk to his apartment, all the while he clung onto me as if I would suddenly make a run for it. Which, under the circumstances I am sure I would have. 

He lead me though the lobby of the apartment block, never once looking back at me. Why would he need to if he still had that death like grip on me.

Before I had time to blink we were standing in a dimmly lit room. I had a sandwhich and a glass of orange juice in front of me and Jay, who had removed his suit jacket, sat across from me in a very expensive looking chair.

"Kat, I have a proposition for you."

He said after a moment or two of watching stuff my face full of sandwhich.


I managed to say around the mouthful I had, I wasn't sure what word it was supposed to be, but Jay took as a cue to continue.

"Living on the streets at such a young age can be rough..Especially with all those nuts running around, I mean, just about everyday you read about some young girl being hacked to bits on the side of the road.It would be a shame to see someone as beautiful and as young as yourself coming to harm."

I swollowed the lump of sandwhich in my mouth and stared at him. 

"It would?"

It was definitely more of a question then a statement. Why would he give a damn.?

"Yes, it would. But lucky for you I can see to it, that, that never happens. I can see to it that you are untouchable in this city."

Yeah, I wasn't buying it, everyone in this world has ulterior motives, no one gets anything for free, this was a lesson some of us learned at a very young age, for others it came later in life, but ultimatly everyone knew it.

"What's in it for you?"

I asked shyly. No matter how freaked out I was by Jay I still felt shy and coy in the presence of such a good looking male.

He laughed at my question. Obviously he found something funny in it that I hadn't meant to place there. Either way he leaned over the mahogany coffee table to look at me more closely.

"In return for your safety, you would belong to me..Any need or whim I may have you would have to answer to it. I'm not talking anything sexual, but I'm a business man and sometimes certain forms of buisness call and I havn't got the time to do it myself.That is where you would come in Kitty Kat."

His awful spin on my name caused me to flinch. And for a moment I considered getting up and telling him exactly where he could put his offer. But, without much control over what I was doing I began to consider it.

He was right. I was a young girl who had no experiance in dealing with the thugs of this city. I would no doubt be dead within a week if I was left without anyone to look out for me. Which is exactly what Jay was offering. For a small price I would be kept safe.


I said lowly. Instantly a large grin grew on his face. One so sinister and evil I found myself questioning weather or not I had made the right choice. Never the less I kept quiet and so my relation ship with Jay grew. 

I soon found out that Jay was in the buisiness of stealing from people. Both on the street and in their homes. However I was very rarely used as a pick pocket. Instead using my small body as a way to break in and out of peoples homes. Taking what I could and handing everything over to Jay. Over time Jay was good to me, I began to think of him as an older brother in a way. He had many people working for him, including Dean, each one of his employees given the same deal I had been given. Protection in return for breaking the law. It was a risky buisiness. One that never really insured safety. On more then one occasion I had to watch people I knew, people I had grown to like being hauled off by the cops. But never once had I been caught, and soon I grew to be Jay favorite employee.

That didn't mean I liked doing it though. Actually I grew to detest whenever Dean would come looking for me. It always meant the same thing. Jay had another job lined up for me.

This time it was no different. 

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