The Weird And The Wonderful. [5]

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[A/N] Well, I'm sticking to my guns and trying to upload this story at least once a day even though I'm not completely over my cold I do feel slightly better today :D Which is good.

Since this chapter is quite short I will be uploading chapter seven along with it :D Hopefully that give's me a few brownie points and encourages people to vote and comment :D

Much love..

Chapter Six.

Have you ever woken up and for a split second forgotten where you were, and all the crapiness you've been through never enters your head. For one moment you are blissfully unaware of everything thing wrong in your life. But then, almost like someone throws cold water over you, everything comes flooding back.

When I awoke the next morning I went through all this before I even step foot out of bed. I remembered everything..Jay, the car ride with Sam, how Dean had been so cold with me, breaking into this apartment, stabbing myself in the leg, being held hostage (that's what I'm calling it) by a cop. Everything. My life was one long eventful soap opera..Only there was no commercial breaks.

After I lay in the bed for ten minutes or so, just to make sure I was well awake and sharp witted I decided I couldn't take the warm delicious smell that wafted through from the kitchen. With a deep and needed sigh I swung my left leg over the edge of the bed, before I reached over, trying as best as I could to avoide pain, and directed my right wounded leg into the same position. It hurt like hell, it felt like the knife was still in there twisting deeper and deeper into the wound.

However, it had stopped bleeding and I was sure the cop hadn't left any shards of metal in my leg. Throwing my arms above my head I stretched, My usually stiff muscles were loose and springy, it was amazing what sleeping in a bed would do for your body.

It took me a few moments but eventually I managed to stand and limp my way from the room. I was sure I looked like crap. Limping crap at that. But, heck, I had been living on the streets for five months, there was hardly any beauty contests among the homeless.

Limping my way through the living room I stopped when I came to the kitchen. I knew I smelt something good. I stood watching the cop, who was working away at the stove, I smiled, deciding not to make myself known for a further few seconds. I simply wanted to enjoy the view.

I have no idea of how long I stood there, perhaps two minutes, watching cop flipping pancakes. He hadn't noticed me yet, but when he did, it was just unlucky it had been mid flip.


He yelled as the pancake smacked straight to the ground.

"What is the matter with you, you don't go sneaking up on people! Especially people with a hot pan in their hands."

He was pissed, obviously he wasn't a morning person. Well, neither was I.

"What were you gonna do bludgeon me to death with a pancake? I don't think so."

I quipped back. Geez, I was already regretting staying here last night and it was only nine a.m according to the clock above the fridge.

"Shut up and sit down."

He mumbled as he went back to preparing breakfast. As much as I didn't want to, I obeyed him. What the heck, I was hungry.

After a further five minute of silence and perving on my part he finally placed a plate of pancakes down in front of my.

It was like Christmas and my birthday combined with every other holiday together. They were perfect and fluffy, and without waiting for any instruction I began to dig into them, like a lady on a mission.

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