The Weird And The Wonderful. [6]

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[A/N] Here it is :D I hope you all enjoy and if you do let me know :D

Chapter Seven.

"..I Will let you stay here..Until you have full use of your right leg again, if you, in turn do a favor for me."

Julian only got that far with his proposition before I hastily jumped out of my chair. Forgetting all about my leg I was ready to rip this guy a new one. How dare he insinuate such a thing.

"Listen here Buddy, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I assure you I will be doing no sexual favors in return for my freedom. I would rather go to jail a cripple and have to fend for my life everyday. Frankly I'm ashamed that a man of your age could even think of offering a girl as young as me such a thing. What would your grandkids think?"

Ok, I admit, maybe I was taking this whole age thing to another level, but hey this guy crossed a line.

"What the hell are you talking about? Grandkids, sexual favors, Buddy? Listen here girlie, I have no interest in getting into your pants, I have no desire now, nor will I ever to become a cradle snatcher. Also, I would like to know whose grandkids your talking about, because I sure as hell ain't got any."

I sank back down into my seat as Julien spoke, my eyes narrowing into slits as I listened. Yeah okay I realize that he isn't that much older then me, but I was eighteen, when your that age being twenty seems like you should sign up for your pension.

As much as I hated to admit it, Julie was hot when he got mad, it almost made me regret turning down his sexual favors offer.

"Right, Okay I'm sorry for calling you old, and accusing you of being a pervert. But, hell, those wrinkles on your face suggest, forty maybe forty five!"

Before I even had time to laugh at my own insult, Julian was on his feet. Like a man on a mission he marched around to my side of the table. Gripping my arm her pulled me upwards until I stood upright. Luckily I had time to bend my leg so it wouldn't hurt when I was so rudely pulled out of my chair. 

Mr. hostile grabbed both of my wrists and placed them behind my back.

"Right, I tried being nice and making you and offer, I tried to block your insults.But I do not have wrinkles. So you only have your self to blame for what ever sentence the judge gives you, But, here's a little heads up, me and the judge, we go waaay back."

Julian's grip on my arm tightened as he whispered into my ear. Well, whispered is the wrong word, hissed maybe, yelled?..Either Way I got the not-so subtle idea that this guy meant business.

"Right fine, I give in..Just let got of my arm."

Without any form of hesitation of even a second thought Julian let go of me, plopping me back down into my seat with a rough push on the shoulder.

"Wonderful, now that we have an understanding, why don't I tell you my real idea without you accusing me of being a pervert or a grandpa?"

Sighing, I thought my version of his plan was much more exciting but hey, who was I to second guess an officer of the law.(Can't you just taste the sarcasm?)


I muttered with a flourish of my hand. This of course gained me a strange look from Officer Julie.

"Right, Well as you can tell this place.."

He gestured to his apartment.

"Well, it is in need of some serious female attention, my offer is that if you clean this place, cook me my meals and cut the sarcasm,you can stay, at least until your leg heals..After that I will help you get a job and findmyour own place. This offer will expire in ten seconds, so please Katherine, think fast.."

What could I say? I was shocked, this guy wanted me to be his maid..And in turn would let me stay here, rent and expenses free, just so I would pick up his pizza boxes. Yup, I was right, he was definitely insane.


Gah, I was running out of time to think of the many ways in which I could admit him to the nearest mental home.


"Okay I'll do it!"

I blurted, word vomit flowing from my mouth and contaminating the area around me. 

"Wonderful, you can begin by cleaning up the breakfast dishes. I'm going to take a shower, afterwards you can use it. Trust me, you need one..You smell like a rat.."

He insulted me as he got up. Awh, the poor thing had just learned to multi task.

"You are what you sleep with.."

I muttered as I stood up, balancing on one leg as I collected the breakfast plates. 

It took me a second before another question popped into my head.


I called as Julian had just been walking through the door way. Swiftly he turned on his heels to look at me. 


He asked, sounding almost irritated that I was wasting his time. Fighting the urge to chuck one of the plates at him I simply sighed.

"What is in this for you? I mean besides me being your slave?"

I spoke the last word with a certain amount of contempt.

Julian on the other hand didn't seem fazed by my question, almost like he had expected me to ask. Big dummy.

"Well, for lack of a better way to explain this, I will be like your parole officer. You will have to ask my permission to leave the apartment. You will tell me where you are going and who you will be seeing there. I can tell, behind all the sarcasm, you are just a kid looking for a home. But, believe me, I wont be easy on you, actually I'm sure by the end of the week you'll turn yourself in."

With those words hanging in the air, he was gone. Away to shower happily while I freaked out in the kitchen. Great now I had a parole officer. 

This was definitely going to be a very interesting couple of weeks.

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