The Weird And The Wonderful. [11]

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[A/N] Hey there :D..So, I'm not exactly happy with this chapter and nothing of importance really happens in it, but the next few chapters are going to be full of drama lol. 

Anyway please let me know if you like it, or if you dont. Either way please Vote/Comment/Fan :D

Love you all <3

Chapter Twelve.

"Julian? How did you find me?"

With that sentence lingering in the air, I felt every bit of color drain from my cheeks. I was a dead woman. Worse yet, I was a dead woman with a one way ticket to prison. Dear god save me.

Hesitantly I glanced up at him. Fearful that I would turn to stone with one look into his eyes. Maybe if I just avoided him I would be okay. I would find somewhere else to look at. Perhaps his nose would be safe enough.

However my eyes had a mind of their own and when they finally reached his face I saw that he was not looking at me like I had expected, instead his attentions were focused solely on Dean.

They were caught in a death glare match. Seriously, I am certain they were trying to kill each other using on their eyes as weapons.

Once Julian, always the smarter of the two, figured he couldn't kill Dean with a look, he turned to me. Oh boy, did I wish he hadn't.

His eyes were alight with anger and swimming with disappointment.

"Y'know I think I over estimated you Kat. It seems you are much more idiotic then I first assumed. I mean, to pick a restaurant less then ten minutes from my apartment, well, that's just asking to be caught."

Julian was seething now. Also, insulting me, but I could let that slide for now, considering he had a point. Being a spy would never be on my career wish list.

Oh well.

As I was stammering and trying to think of something slightly intelligent to say Julian had grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me up from my seat, quite forcefully. However I was in no position to complain. Dean, on the other hand was.

"How dare you put your hands on her!"

His strong voice boomed around the small diner. Oh great, everyone was getting an early morning show.

In any other situation and under different circumstances I would have cheered Dean on. But, now I was far more frightened of the face Julian had let go of my arm and pushed me a couple of steps away from them.

"I know your face kid, I've seen you down at the station once or twice. Your the punk who was causing all those fights on the street."

Guilt began gnawing away at my stomach again. In time I was sure it would chew right through me. Luckily Julian had been oblivious to the fact that, Dean had been covering for me the two times he'd been arrested. The two times it had been me in the fights. I had my reasons, I assure you. I was a teenaged girl on the streets, if I didn't defend myself I would be walked all over, it was a sad life, but it was mine and Dean had been sweet enough to take the fall when I pushed myself over the edge.

Dean of course knew all of this and his eyes flashed to me the minute Julian had said it. Would he really rat me out? After defending me, would he tell Julian everything just because he felt betrayed.

"Yeah, and?"

He replied puffing his chest out, by doing this he hoped to make himself seen larger, however it didn't work, still I fought the urge to pounce on him and kiss his bruised face.

"You know.."

Julian began, his impressive cop sized body advancing upon Dean's battered and bruised one. It was clear who would win in a fight, and let's just say their would be an entirely Dean shaped in print on Julians fist.

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