The Weird And The Wonderful. [8]

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Chapter Nine

If you ask me, Julian had deserved it. I mean I know it was his apartment, but furniture could be moved around and put back. It wasn't as if I had glued everything to the ground like some madcap villan who was trying to ruin his life.

He had been way out of line and deserved to be knocked over the head with his groceries. That jackass! I refused to speak to him ever again, which was the ultimate punishment in my book.

He didn't deserve to hear me speak after the stunt he had pulled.

After hitting him I had yelled a few profanity's of my own, stepped over his crumpled body and locked myself in my room. I had been in there for an hour. Just laying on the bed wondering what my next course of action would be. I was certain with the amount of force I had used that Juliens head would be quite sore right now, and inevitably put him in an even worse mood then he had been when he came home.

It didn't;t take a genius to realize he would kick me out, or worse take me down to the station and charge me with, not only trying to steal from him, but also assault. I had dug myself into a hole and I couldn't;t find a way back out of it. Life as I knew it..Sucked.

I had spent overall an hour and a half staring at the same four walls before a small knock sounded on the door. My body stiffened instantly. This was it. He had called the station and told them he was brining in a criminal. He had told them to get a cell ready for my arrival and now he was brining me to the place that would serve as my home for the next five years or so.

Well, I don't know how long my sentence would actually be, I had never gotten in trouble like this before. The only time I had ever even spoke to a police man was when one had come to my school when I was twelve to talk about the dangers of being out on the streets after dark. I had hardly even spoke to him, only once and that was to ask him to move out of my way when he had been talking to the teacher and blocked my passage through the door to the bathroom.

Fast forward six years later and I was barricading myself in a police mans bedroom, praying silently that the judge would take mercy upon me. Maybe if I cried a little it would soften him up.

Less then ten seconds later another knock sounded.

"Kat, open the door."

Julians strong voice boomed from the other side of the wood.

Sucking in a sharp deep breath I rose to my feet. 

"Okay, okay. I know how this goes. Well, I only know what I seen on TV. You handcuff me and tell me I have the right to be silent and all that jazz then we go to the big house, right?"

I had opened the door with my arms held out awaiting the feeling of cold metal as he cuffed me.

But it never came. Opening my eyes, which I had only realized I had closed, I looked at Julian.

The side of his face was a raging red in color from where the groceries had connected with it. After noticing the mark on his face I then proceeded to take in his expression.

He no longer looked like an angry pit bull. Instead he looked guilty, sorry almost.

"Im not turning you in, even though I should."

He whispered, his eyes staring down at the floor intently, while I stared open mouthed at him.

"Your not?"

I asked hopefully. 

"No. Im sorry for yelling at you. But, in future if you wanna move my stuff, please ask me first?"

He said as his eyes raised up to meet mine, a small apologetic smile on his lips.

"You mean I can stay?"

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