The Weird And The Wonderful. [15]

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[A/N] Well here you go. I finally put up chapter 16, im sorry it took me so long but I have lost all inspiration for this story :( However I will continue it for those few fans I have got :D

Anyway I hope you all had a great christmas and I will upload again in the New year :D


Chapter Sixteen.

Chapter sixteen.

There was a hole in my chest. A gaping hole where my heart should have been. I was in jail and missing a vital organ. Well, not literally missing but my heart hurt so much, I wished it was.

The cell was cold and damp and didn't at all improve my sour mood. I wanted to go home. No, I wanted to go back in time and take back everything that had happened in the last few days.

But I couldn't go home and I couldn't turn back time.The only thing I could do was rot in this god damn cell. I contemplated tunneling my way out like I'd seen then do in the movies. In fact I went through many scenarios in my head, all seemed impossible.

Pull yourself together Kat! I mentally kicked myself for being so weak. I had braved living on the streets, being in jail had to be a step up from that. Didn't it?

The next day dragged on and on. I had never realized just how boring it was to stare at the same four walls. I had no idea what time it was but at that point I really couldn't have cared less.

It had been hours since I heard a voice or even caught a glimpse of someone. It was torture, Every few moments I forced myself to cough or sigh, just to make sure I hadn't gone deaf. 

I was cold, frightened and the cell smelt like sweat and desperation. It couldn't get any worse than this. I had finally hit rock bottom, I always wondered when it would happen, I guess all it took was a stay in the big house to realize just how out of control I had let my life become.

I promised myself that if I ever got out of there I would put my life right. I'd get a job and an apartment. Maybe I would even go to night school and make something of myself.

Pfft, who was I kidding, I was just one of those people who were destined to go nowhere and do nothing with their life except develop a drinking problem.

Horrible thoughts ran through my head as I curled myself into a ball on the hard mattress. I wanna go home, I wanna go home. I repeated these words in my head, creating a sort of chant. Tears flew from my eyes like a river overflowing after a month of rain.


My eyes shot open at the sound of my name being called. I knew that voice anywhere. Snapping my head in the general direction of the sound I was proved right when I saw something entirely Dean shaped standing outside of the cell. Next to him stood a cop, one that looked vaguely familiar from the night before.

"Dean! What are you doing here?"

My voice came out slightly harsher than I had intended it to. But, I had every right to be angry with Dean, It was all his fault I was in this hell hole.

"Quiet down girlie."

The male officer beside Dean spoke. 

"Your friend here just posted your bail, you should be thanking him."

He spat while Dean just shuffled guilty from side to side, his hand shoved inside of his large winter coat.

Dean had posted my bail? The first thought that ran through my mind was, where had he gotten the money. The second was, why had he betrayed me and then bailed me out of jail?

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