The Weird And The Wonderful. [10]

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[A/N] Hey!! :D Sorry about the slight delay with this chapter, truthfully I have just been too lazy to bother writting it :)..I know, I suck, right? lol 

Anyway it's done now, and although I'm not 100% happy with it, I'll let you guys judge if it's good or not.

My next chapter should be up by tomorrow, I'm going to start writing it now while the creative juices are flowing :D

Till next time bitches :P

Love you all.

Chapter Eleven.

The following morning I awoke with a start. Bolting upright in bed I gasped for air. The sheets had become damp from sweat and I could have sworn in that moment I would die. Raising my right hand to my chest I felt my heart thundering under my t-shirt.

The nightmares were back, worse then ever.

As a child, following the death of my parents I had suffered from bad dreams, each night I would awaken, gasping for breath and shivering from fright. You know life is bad when you start fearing sleep.

For the first few weeks I forced myself to stay awake, if I was to fall asleep it would only be a matter of time before I was jolted awake by the vicious images that played out behind my closed eye lids.

As a kid I went to therapy for a while, but eventually after weeks of trying to figure out my deep physiological problems they would always pin it down as the same thing. Grief.

They had said I would grow out of it. Pfft, shows how much they know, as four years on I was still haunted.

The dreams are always the same, it is the scene of their death. However, it is changed to be far more gruesome and terrifying then it had actually been at the time. My mind works overtime to make it seem as life like and as vivid as possible. Almost like watching a movie inside my head. Only this time it's not a movie, it is my life.

How could I ever hope to move on with my life when everytime I closed my eyes I was right back to that day.

The dreams seemed to stop when I become homeless. Perhaps because I hadn't had a night of undisturbed sleep since I lived in my apartment. Now, I was back to sleeping through the night, and this is what I got for it.

Once I had been able to breath again and my heart was no longer trying to escape my chest, I moved my tired and groggy eyes to the bedside table.

6:11. Flashed in red across the clock.

With a loud groan and a great amount of effort on my part, I finally pulled myself out of bed. Ignoring the small twinge in my leg was becoming easier and easier. 

Yawning loudly I ruffled my hair, which no doubt was sticking out in every direction. I was not what you would call appealing in the morning.

Looking around the room I considered climbing back into bed and sleeping some more. But, I knew it was no good, I was far too awake to even try to sleep.

I would simply have to find something to occupy myself for the next hour or two, until Julian woke up. 

For a few moments I considered rearranging my room, but decided against due to the amount of noise it would make. Next, I contemplated making breakfast, but once again changed my mind when I realized my cooking had never been what one would call edible, there was also the small fact, that I was a fire hazard. Always had been.

So I stood alone, in the middle of my dull room, in a very silent apartment.

The apartment was so quite that I found myself humming, simply to hear some noise.

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