The Weird And The Wonderful. [2]

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Chapter Two

I found myself standing in Jay's lavish apartment less then ten minutes later. Jay, as handsome as ever, lounged across his couch while me and Dean occupied the arm chair.

"Do you think you can handle this one Kitty?"

Jay asked as I stared down at the floor. This would be my biggest job yet. My assignment was to break into yet another apartment. Except this wasn't your run of the mill job, the apartment belonged to the cop who had arrested two of Jays closest friends/employees about a week ago.

Jay was the kind of person to hold a grudge, everyone knew that. And some people had, had the pleasure of being at the receiving end of his little pay back schemes. I hoped to god I would never be one of those people.

"Um, Is it safe..Will I have back up?"

Jay nodded as he stood up from the couch. His delicious face soft and sweet, as it always was when he got his own way.

"I would never let anything happen to you Kitty."

He whispered affectionately as he stroked my blushing cheek. Hey, what can I say, I was and eighteen year old girl, blinded by a good looking older male in a designer suit, sue me.


I whispered and in the moment I firmly meant it.

"Doug and Sam will be your back up. I have it under good authority that the cop will be gone from nine 'till eleven..Get in and get out Kitty, take only what is valuable and do not come back empty handed or I swear to God I--"

I quickly cut him off, I definitely didn't want to hear the end of that sentence.

"--Right, Okay I got it.Have a little faith would yah."

I scoffed slightly as he glared at me..Obviously Jay wasn't the kind of man who would take kindly to being interrupted.


I mumbled under my breath as I looked over at Dean for support. He truly was the only person in the world I could count on.

My friend reached over a squeezed my knee lightly almost as if he was trying to shut me up. Nice try buddy, I thought bitterly.

"What she means is Jay, she will be as discrete as possible and get out of there without any trouble.Won't you Kat?"

Dean stared at me pointedly. I nodded softly towards Jay, whose eyes instantly lit up in that way I loved.

"Good, now that is settled, Kitty if you do this job exactly how I have asked, if it goes off without a hitch then, I have a spare room here that has your name all over it."

Jay smirked, Doug stiffened and I gasped all in sync. Was he being serious or was this just another one of his pathetic attempts to make me stay in line.

I couldn't tell. Either way I felt a surge of electricity pour through me.


I stuttered.

"No need to thank me Kitty, just do this job and do it well and you can move in tonight."

I left Jays apartment with a spring in my step. All the while Dean muttered profanity's under his breath it sounded almost like he was saying 'pervert' over and over again, yet I was far to excited to give a crap.

"Can you believe it Dean, I'm going to have a home again."

I bounced up and down with my hands on his shoulders. My blond locks bouncing around my face as I did. Dean however didn't look at all in the jumping humor.

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