His Love Story

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Scarlette's Picture is on the side !

          “Harry wake up you don’t wannabe late’! My mom yelled again. Ugh I wasn’t excited to the fact of starting a new school. I didn’t know anyone. I only had my sister Gemma, but she’s 17 and goes to Uni. But I’m senior in high school so I don’t have a lot to worry about. “Harry!” My mom screamed again from down stairs. “I’m up” I screamed back. I went into the bathroom and let the shower run until it got to a nice temperature and felt all the stress and worries fall of my shoulders. After that I wore black skinny jeans and white t-shirt along with my high top converses and my ray bands. I went down the stairs and saw my mum sitting at the table with a cup of coffee while Gemma was throwing things into her bag. “Here are your keys. Please do be careful Harry I seen a couple of the kids around here” My mum said throwing me the keys to my car. “Yeah, Mum I got to go bye” I said and picked up my phone and binder and notebook that was on the counter and hurried out the door.  I Pulled up to the parking lot and saw your average high school, the jocks with the cheerleaders, the nerds, the cloth clique and finally the skater/ bad boys but there was a girl standing there with them against the fence, her black skinny jeans had cuts around the knees and she wore a black tight tank top and a leather jacket she also wore black doc martins. She had piercing blue eyes and blond hair with pink, blue and green streaks, her eyeliner was smudged but she was able to work it perfectly fine. She looked up from the ground and looked at me, our eyes locked but one of the boys she was standing with caught her and bumped her in the arm. I continued walking into the main office waiting for my schedule. I sat on the bench waiting but the girl walked in, she didn’t notice me sitting there. She walked up to the des and waited for the lady to come back. ‘Hello Ms. Rose, I’ll be right with you. Mr. Styles here you go, I’m sure Ms. Rose wouldn’t mind showing you around. Would you? The elderly women behind the counter asked. The mysterious girl nodded her head and took my paper. I sat there shooed she would say yes, she seems like those girls that doesn’t care about anything. “Are you coming or what” She said standing in front of me. I nodded my head and got up we began walking out the office. “Ms. Rose is you forgetting something” The lady behind the desk said. She was holding a black Jan sports bag up. She ran back to the desk. She grabbed the bag and put it on her shoulder “come one’ she said and walked out the office. “So what’s your name kid”? She asked while looking at her phone. The hallways were empty class already began. “Harry, you”? I said. She didn’t respond but just kept walking down the hallway. We stopped in front of an empty locker. “Here’s your locker, I’ll be back and then well go to homeroom” She said handing me a lock and walking across the hall to a locker. I put my binder in my locker and took a pen out of it and placed in my back pocket. I took my notebook and locked it and went over to where she was standing. She grabbed her binder and held her pen in her mouth while she put her book bag in her locker. “So I never caught your name” I said leaning against the locker next to hers. “You don’t need to worry about that” She said locking her locker. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Come on let’s get to homeroom, Mrs. Barnes is a pain is the ass and were late already.” She said. We walked to the classroom that was not too far from our lockers. We walked in the classroom it was quiet the teacher was giving a lecture about something. “Oh hello Ms. Rose, you’re late. Who is this?” She asked pointing over to me. “Harry” I said. “Okay hold on one second” She said walking over to her desk and looking at a clipboard. “Okay Mr. Styles please take a seat next Nicole, Nicole please raise your hand” A girl in the back rose her hand. I walked over to it and sat down. “Ms. Rose you know your seat.” Mrs. Barnes said. She walked over to a table filled with the boys that were with her outside. “Nicole” Nicole said handing her hand out for me to shake it. “Harry” I said. “And this Jake my boyfriend” she said gesturing to the boy next to her. “Hi” He said with a little wave. “Um who’s the girl I walked in with?’’ I asked. “That’s Scar short for Scarlette, she’s not good news.” Nicole said. “But I heard she has an amazing voice, but I would stay away from her she’s nothing but trouble.” Jake said. I had to find out for myself.

          The rest of the morning I had classes with Nicole and she introduced me to Jakes friends, they were mainly football players.  Jake, Ryan, Mark and I were on our way to lunch. We sat down with everyone at a round table and ate the salad they sold today at lunch. The lunch room became quiet when we sat down and endless amount of people began whispering. The boys and I turned our heads to see what was going on. It was Scar and her friends walking into the lunch room. Scar and her friends went over to the doors that lead outside towards the parking lot. “Are you going to the Party Friday?” Mark asked Ryan. “Hell yeah, I heard it’s going to be crazy.” Ryan said. “What party”? I asked. “Scar has a party every year for her party, it’s going to be fun you should come everyone’s invited” Nicole said. “I might come” I said. We finished our lunch and went outside. Scar and her friends were in front of another group that looked older. “What’s going on” I asked Mark. He seemed to know about most of the drama going on in this school. “That’s Scar’s boyfriends gang but Scar broke up with him so they have been showing up they have been showing up trying to get her back.” Mark said. The guy with a black covered jacket stood there in front of her talking but I couldn’t understand.

         The rest of the day I just went to class and hung out with Mark and Ryan. “Bye Harry we have practice, see you tomorrow” Ryan said walking away from me with Mark not so far behind. I walked to my car and saw her sitting on the hood of the car next to mine, with her knees up and headphones in her ears, moving her head to the beat of the song. I walked over to my car and waved at her she took one of the headphones out. “Hey” She said. ‘Hey, what are you listening to?’’ I asked. ‘’Music’ she said kind of annoyed. ‘’Waiting for someone?” I asked. ‘’Yeah my car broke down, my friend is coming to fix it” She said still bopping her head to whatever she was listening to. “You need a ride” I asked. She hesitated for a minute before nodding her head and getting off the car and picking up her bag and putting on her shoulder. I unlocked the door just in time before the rain started pouring down. She gave me the address to her house and I drove. “Why are you doing this”? She asked finally breaking the silence. “What do you mean”? I asked. “I pretty sure your friends told you about me, so why are you being so nice to me? She asked looking over at my side. ‘’ I don’t believe every rumor people say Scarlett” I said parking in front of a small house it look like a 1 floor with maybe 2 bedrooms. “Oh well thanks anyway Harry” She started getting out but stopped and turned back around over to me. ‘You wanna come in and we can hang out”? She asked. I smiled “So now who’s being nice”? I asked. She did a small smile and shrugged her shoulders. “Sure why not”. I said pulling the keys out and getting out of the car. It was still raining so we ran to the door. She fumbled with the keys and finally unlocked the door. I was right it was a one story house. She shook her head from the rain. “I’m getting dressed into dry clothes, do you need some too?” She asked. “I don’t think you’ll fit me” I said with sarcasm. “Ha-ha very funny, my brother left some clothes here from the last time he visited so do you wants some”? She asked. “Sure” said. She walked into what I guess was her room. I walked into her living room that was attached with the dining room. She had pictures hanging up, one of her and her friends, another of a little girl and one of her when she was younger with a man and a little boy next to her while the man held a little baby in his arms. “What are you doing” She asked; she sounded mad that I was looking at her pictures. “I was just looking at your pictures” I said pointing to the one I was just admiring. “Well don’t okay?” She said. “Sorry jezz I didn’t know it was that important” I said taking the clothes from her hands. “It is to me” She said walking into the kitchen. I went to the closest bathroom and got dressed into grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. When I went back to the living she was sitting on the couch with black leggings on with a blue ‘Hipsta Please’ crop top on with black slippers and her hair thrown into a messy bun. She flipped through the TV channels until she landed on Family Guy. I sat down next to her she held a bag of chips in her hand and a bowl of popcorn next to us. ‘’ So can I ask who those people are in the photo” I asked. “Nope” She answered still annoyed at the fact I keep bringing it up. ‘’Why not"? I asked. I don’t know why I'm so interested in her good damn business but she’s just so different full of mystery and so much more. “Because it’s none of your business Harry”! She raised her voice a little higher. ‘’ I’m just asking a fucking question Scarlett!” I said raising my voice louder then hers. “I think you should leave Harry” She said getting up from the couch and to the front door. “Fine” I huffed, I give up! I got up from the couch and grabbed my phone leaving my wet clothes there. ‘Goodbye Scarlette” I said walking past her and to my car. “Goodbye Harry” She said out the door.

His Love Story (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now