Chapter 7

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We pulled up into what looks like an old abandon race track. A group of boys stood around in a circle, some I recognized from school. Scar got out of the car, throwing her keys into her pocket and taking out a smoke from her pack. We walked side by side to the boys,

"You ready to lose Scar" One of the boys said, his hair was a jet black with blue streaks in it, he had several peircing on his face and ears along with a guadge in it.  One of the booys from school walked over to us, he bent down a little and hugged Scarlette.

"Well I never imagined you would bring Styles. I'm Jordan" he said. "Well lets go" Jordan said turning around and walking back to the group of boys.

After everyone introducing themselves to me we just talked and they aren't as bad as they seem. We continued to laugh as Dustin finished telling us the story of how him, Scar, Jay and Drew crashed the mall. Scar turned her head to look behind her and I did the same. Danny and his friends were walking towards us. The laughter and music was cut off quickly.

"Hello boys, Scar" Danny said winking at Scar. My muscles tensed up and i clenched my jaw.

"What do you want Danny" Scar said getting up and standing in front of him, his height taking advantage of her he looked down and smiled at her. I really do hate him, he has no right to just come and ruin our fun.

"Oh look fella's she's trying to be all big bad in tough in front of her new puppet" Danny said to the boys behind him. That's it, I am not anybody's puppet and I'm not going to be mistaken as one. I began to get up from my seat on the ground but some grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

"Get the hell out of here! Why the hell are you here anyway? Huh is it because you know I'm never going to come back to you or is it because you think you have something to prove" She yelled in his face.Danny grabbed her both of her arms holding her so they were the same height now. I got up this time and and began walking toward them. Danny saw me and threw back down to the ground, she got up quickly and looked her arms.

"Lets finish what we started" Danny said stepping closer to me. Scar ran over and pushed him.

"Don't you dare touch him" She spat in his face.

"Fine Scar, I'll make a deal with you If you can beat me in a race I'll leave him alone.But If I win you have to fight Steysi" He said smirking, before i could even say anything Scar shook his hand and muttered

"Deal". She turned around and began walking towards everyone, walking oast me. I grabbed her wrist lightly and turned her around.

"What are you doing? You do know you can get hurt doing this right? " I said looking down at her, she is crazy, absolutely crazy for doing this. But then again I love her.

"He's not going to hurt you If i do this" She said looking into my eyes. Those beautiful sky blue eyes, just staring into mine made me cave in but I cant this time. I'm partly mad at her she wont give me a chance, a chance to show her love but she can go ahead and put herself on the line to 'protect' me. No I'm not going to let this happen.

"Why do you care so much now?" I asked "Why do you care If i get hurt and if you don't"? I asked. I know what her answer is going to be. well I think i know. 

"Can we talk about this later? At home" She asked whispering so i could be the only one to hear.

"No" I said smiling. "You tell me know or I'll go over to him right now and tell him the deal is off" I said looking down at her. She was getting angry so angry, her nose was scrunched up and her lips were pursed together. 

"Please" She begged. I shook my head No. She let out a big sigh and looked down at the ground.

"I cndjfns asdjn you" She muttered. I didnt understand a word she said.

"What?' I asked looking at her confused, she looked up at me angrily.

"I CARE ABOUT YOU! Okay? Happy I said it now." She yelled, i felt my heart speed up.

I opened up my mouth to say something but was interupted.

"Come on Scar, I don't have all day!" Danny yelled from his motorcycle.She turned around and walked over to Jay, who was holding keys in his hands. She grabbed them and walked over to a black motorcycle that was behind Jay. She got on and put the keys in it.

Danny and her were side by side on the bikes, they were at the starting mark, everyone except a Dustin he stood in between them, telling them the rules. As he explained the rules,she put a helmet over her head. Dustin backed up and looked at them.

"On your MARK" He yelled lifting his hands up.

"Get set" He yelled. I cant believe I'm letting her do this, she could get seriously hurt, die even.

"GO"! Dustin yelled throwing his arms back down. They both took off, their engine's and the cheering for her from her friends and the cheering from his friends were the only thing you could hear. They began to circle back around, Scar was in the lead. They cam up to the finish line, he was to far back to win. She crossed the line and squeezed the brakes, she cut the engine off and put the stand down. I jumped up from my seat and ran towards her. She jumped into my arms, my arms wrapped around her waist holding her up and arms around my neck. All of the boys came running to us screaming and yelling yay!

I began to put her back down on the ground, I removed the helmet on her head and out on hand on the back of her neck while to other one stayed on her waist, we both leaned in and with our lips just inches away from each other, I whispered "I care about you too".

She cupped my face and brought our lips together. It felt like one of those movie moments, where when they kiss everything just slows down and all the voices around them die down. Our lips continued to move together, a drop of water fell on our heads causing us to both break apart and look up. The clouds were a dark grey and more rain drops began to fall down. I looked back at Scarlette, she giggled when she looked back at me.

"How Cliche is this?" She said laughing.

"We going to go home Scar" Dustin said. "I expect to see you at school tomorrow Styles, your a cool dude we should hang out more often" He said smiling over at me.

"That sounds good, see you later'' I said.

My phone vibrated from my pocket, I took it out and looked at the caller ID Louis. I pressed accept.

"Hello" I said into the phone, Scar let go of me and smiled at me before walking over to Jay and everyone to say goodbye.

"Harry, guess what"? An excited Louis said.

"What Lou?" I said laughing.

"Your never going to believe this but my mum is getting married!" Louis yelled into the phone. "And I want you and the boys to come next weekend to meet Him, and his two daughters his son cant make it but he'll be at the wedding which is in 2 weeks. So make sure your there Harry" Louis said becoming serious.

"I'll be there" i said into the phone."Bye Louis, I'll see you this weekend in Bradford" I said hanging up. I looked over to Scarlette, she waved to everyone one last time before walking towards me.

"You ready to fo home?" She asked. I nodded my head and intwined our fingers as we walked to her car. "So my answer is yes" She said looking at me. I looked at her confused.

"I'm going to give us, this a chance" She said smiling at me.

I pulled her into my chest and hugged her tightly, I felt her smile into my chest. She hugged my torso tightly. I never wanna let her go, and now I know she's mine, not Danny's not anyone else. I have her and that's all that matters now. Not the fact that, I haven't talked to my mum and sister in almost a week, not the fact that i didn't make it in X factor or the fact that I haven't talked to my dad in a year but the fact that I have Scarlette that all that  matters to me right now.

 (Dun- Dun. Can anyone make any guess of what's going to happen? How cute can Scarlette and Harry get? The gif on the side is to just remind you how adorable Harry is :D Anyway please Vote, Comment anything to let me know your still reading. I apologize that I haven't updated in awhile it's just that I've been updating 'Behind These Hazel Eyes' alot plus with school I never really have the chance to update. Thanks for reading loves )

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