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Michael rubbed his hand over his face in frustration he was having another fight with his girlfriend and she was started to really piss him off. He had to leave to get to work soon but the fight wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Felicia  please just shut up i need to get going" Michael tried to get past her so he grab his stuff and leave but she wasn't having it.

"No Michael answer my question are you gay and no longer like me no more" Michael rolled his eyes at that because he never really liked her in the the first place.

"Look Felicia please i have to go to work so stop fucking fighting me yes im gay and yes i no long like you" Michael smirked at her reaction he wished he had got it on camera but instantly lost his smirk when she slapped him across the face.

"When you come back from work we are talking about this and working everything out" Michael didn't care about what she said he was just pissed and upset and just wanted to get to work to get away from her.

"Oh and Michael you aren't gay you are just confused" When she said that while chuckling it hurt Michael's feelings a bit because she is homophobic and he didn't know that to their argument started over his sexuality.

Michael grabbed his keys once he grabbed his stuff and slammed the door behind him he made his way to his car and jumped in also slamming the door close, he drove and wasn't happy he knew he would either be angry or upset when he got to school.

He didn't listen to music on the way he wasn't in to mood for it, he pulled into the school parking lot and got out while grabbing his stuff and kicked the door close with his foot and made his way to the office to go to the staff room.

Michael didn't bother saying good morning to any of the teacher he went straight to his seat he did his usual routine he didn't even have Ashton to rant to because the boy was off chatting to someone else. Michael wasn't angry anymore he was just upset as he hated everything that was said in the fight.

He decided to go to his classroom early since he didn't have anyone to talk to and he wanted to be somewhere quiet so he could think, he left his classroom door open so his first period students could walk in when they came as he didn't want to get up to let them in.

He started crying which he needed so he didn't try to stop himself he just let them fall as he looked at his feet which where on the top of his desk, He wiped some of the tears that where at his jawline as they were annoying him.

He didn't notice his students walking in as he didn't hear the bell as his wasn't paying attention to anything he was just staring at the wall blocking everything out, he was thinking into he heard a voice.

"Mr Clifford why are you crying" Michael shot his head up and his eyes meet with Calum Michael just shook his head and got started with the lesson.


His first period students were leaving for snack but Calum was lingering behind and Michael didn't know why the boy was lingering back because normally he rushes out with Luke to go eat but Luke was waiting outside and was sitting down.

So he knew something was up but he didn't know what, Calum walked up to him when everyone was out of the class and everything started to click in Michael's mind the boy wanted to talk to him in private.

"Mr Clifford why were you crying" Calum asked while picking at the fluffballs that were stuck on his head. Michael sighed and simply replied.

"Girlfriend problems" Michael spoke while getting up and started to clean down the whiteboard.

"Oh did she break up with you or something" Calum asked being completely clueless even though his teacher said girlfriend not ex-girlfriend.

"Ah no shes just homophobic" Calum nodded at that and quickly wrote down something on a piece of paper and ripped it out of his book before placing it on Michael's desk and left the classroom without another word.

When Michael picked up the piece of paper he was really surprised he read it over and over many times " 0435645314 text me when you feel down again - Calum :D" Michael smirked as he got a cute boys number without even trying.

Michael made a new contact on his phone and put the number in but didn't text the boy he decided to wait to text the boy when he got home because he wanted to talk to Felicia first then message Calum so he could rant to the boy.


Michael unlocked the door to his apartment and put his stuff down at the door, he walked into the lounge room and saw Felicia there, Michael sat down across from her.

"Felicia we need to talk about the argument that happened this morning" Michael knew as she was going to act she was going to pull the victim card and say she did nothing wrong when she was the cause of the fight.

"What about you being gay and probably fucking boys behind my back" She was pissed off but Michael didn't care she didn't have to be rude about him being gay he hasn't even cheated on her well he doesn't think he has.

"I haven't cheated for starters and also i think we should break up and you should also move out since this is my apartment" Michael wanted her gone soon as possible.

"Fine ill come and get my stuff tomorrow don't bring any guys over to fuck i don't want to come to a house where guys have fuck" Michael rolled his eyes at her comment and got up after she did and walked her to the door.

"Bye Felicia"Michael said while smirking and watching her leave his apartment he was happy to be single and to be alone in his apartment as he could walk around naked now.

Michael: I broke up with my girlfriend :))
Sent 6:21pm

Calum: Is this Mr Clifford because if so congrats
Sent 6:22pm

Michael: Thank you
Sent 6:25pm

Calum: Now can we date and fuck
Sent 6:27pm

Calum: shit ignore that
Sent 6:28pm

Michael had his hand down his pants and started to wank off just from the thought of fucking the cute boy.

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