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On Wednesday the 27th at 6:58pm i met Josh freaken Dun and i had center barrier to the concert can we just my luck but now i have major pcd.

Parent teacher interviews are one of the things Calum dreaded most, he didn't like having to sit in a chair next to his mum or dad and let his teacher tell them how bad he was doing at school even if he was doing well.

He always tried to make sure his parents would book a interview but they always end up finding out from Luke's parents as his parents tell Calums everything that's coming up for school which Calum hates a lot and it when he starts rethinking if picking Luke as his best friend was a good idea.

He was glad at times though when Luke's parents told his things as Calum would forget a lot of important dates and Luke's parents would always come to the rescue but now as he was stuck in the car with his mum he wasn't glad.

He was dreading getting the school, his mum made him dress nicely in a black skirt with a plain top that was dirt or had holes in it, it had to be plain as well so half of his tops were useless for him to wear to the interviews.

He stared out the window listening to the radio trying not to speak to his mum as he knew some classes he would have horrible things about him said but he didn't mind as his mum knew he always tried hard but that's what she thought.

The only class he didn't try hard in was maths as his teacher was a distraction but he was glad he got more work done then Luke in that class so his parents wouldn't feel disappointed when Lukes parents say how their son went.

Calum was glad when he saw the school as he knew the interviews would be over soon and he could go home but he also was scared for what his teachers would say as he thought he did good in the classes but his teacher would have a different opinion.

Calum as the most scared for his interview with Mr Clifford, as the man made him very nervous and with his mum next to him would make it worse, as Calum got out of the car he saw Luke getting out of his from a distance away Calum smiled and waved before shutting his door and walking up to the entrance of the school.

Calums mum saw Luke and his dad and waiting to they came to the entrance before they walked in together the set out was weird as it had many teachers in one classroom, Calum was happy that he had one teacher in a different classroom.

So they weren't all together as he didn't want all his teachers to see him at once as it would make him feel weird, Calum and Luke trailed behind their parents not really wanting to go to the interviews and wanting to ditch so only their parents would go in but Lukes mum kept looking back every 5 seconds.

To make sure they will still following them to the classroom where they both had their first interview, Calum and Luke looked at each other before they split off and went to opposite sides of the room, Calum sat down in front of his English teacher while his mum greeted him.

Calum zoned out and didn't listen to what the teacher was saying as he didn't really care how he was going as he knew his mum would talk about it on  the way home and all Calum really wanted to do was see Mr Clifford which wouldn't be for another hour which upset him a little bit.

Calum look over at Luke to see what the boy was doing, Calum wanted to go home but he knew he would get in trouble he wished his teachers didn't drag on as long as they did because it became boring really fast.


Calum was following his mum to the classroom where Mr Clifford was as it was finally time for his maths interview and Calum was a little bit excited which he hoped his mum hadn't notice which she didn't so he was happy to finally get to the door and to let his mum in.

Calum smiled when he saw his maths teacher and walked towards him with his mum by his side as they both sat down so they couldn't start the interview, Calum wasn't listening he was just staring at the beauty in front of him.

Calum was trying to listen to bits of the conversation that the two adults were having about him but he didn't really have a care as he could stare at his hot maths teacher without worrying about doing work and being kept in and being away from Luke a little bit.

Luke, he still remembered that night when he upset his best friend a lot with the Mr Clifford thing Calum wanted to forget it a lot but he never could as he hurt his best friend a lot and he wouldn't let him forgive himself anyway as he felt so bad he wanted to be guilty forever.

Calum wanted to get out of the classroom so he could stop thinking about all the bad things he had down to his best friend just because of his maths teacher, Calum wish his teacher wasn't so hot so he could finish school without a distraction.

Calum was glad when the interview was finally over as he could finally go home and sleep, he didn't bother saying bye to his teacher or to Luke he just wanted to hurry up and go home and rest he was tired but he knew his mum would rant to him in the car.


How frequent do you want updates and please don't say everyday as i do need sleep even though i don't sleep to 2am.

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