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I know this is meant to be on hold but I've taken it off updates will just be slow like how they normally are.

Awkwardness, a trait of Luke that Calum had grown to hate but also love but was currently hating it because of what Luke had caused between Calum and Michael, Michael and Calum met up a lot after class just to hang out and talk.

Michael missed Calum a lot and was glad he got to see the regally again which made him happy. Calum and Michael were a thing if you would put it as that they wouldn't do much apart from kiss and hug but no making out.

Calum didn't wanna make out with the boy yet as he wanted to wait for the right moment which Michael hated as he was needy and just wanted Calum but he couldn't get everything he wanted and always had to wait.

Calum was waiting for Michael to finish his class Luke didn't have any classes that day so Calum was alone all day on campus so he could hang out with Michael when his class finished as he didn't have Luke questioning everything.

Calum smiled when he finally saw Michael and tugged on the boys arm Calum was happy and so was Michael they were together and alone, Michael went to his car with Calum holding the boys hand.

They were dating or anything Michael just liked the feel of the boys hand in his, he didn't know why well he did but he didn't want to admit it as him and Calum have came so far in a short amount of time.

Michael was still surprised no one knew about him and Calum from when Michael was teaching and Calum was still in year 12, they never got caught and he hopes he won't because he doesn't know if he can get in trouble even though he isn't teaching anymore but was.

Michael shrugged the thoughts out of his mind and focused on the road to his apartment which was finally free of Felicia's stuff he couldn't believe how long it took her to collect her things he was ready to throw it all out.

He finally arrived at his apartment complex and shut the door with his car forgetting about Calum and closing the front door to the complex in his face, when he got to the elevator he realised he has forgotten something.

When he turned around he let out a slight chuckle as Calum was stuck outside with a slight pout on his face, Michael made his way back to door and opened the door for the young boy who just shoved into the boy before walking past.

Michael rolled his eyes at the boys childish behaviour but followed behind the boy so they could get to the level of the apartment and watching movies and do whatever they wanted, Michael stepped into the elevator rolling his eyes at Calum who was standing in the corner with his arms crossed.

Michael shook his head and pressed the right floor and listened to the silence of the elevator to they finally reached the floor and Michael unlocked the door and walked in, Calum went first still being a moody piece of shit.

Michael didn't really know what to do he walked to the lounge room where Calum was seated watching tv, he took his shoes off and sat down next to the boy causing him to move away from Michael.

Michael quickly grabbed Calums wrists before the boy could move again and pulled the boy towards him, Michael started kissing down Calums neck and stayed at the collar bones sucking slightly leaving a little mark.

Calum rolled his head back gasping slightly at the feeling of Michaels lips on his, Calum pushed Michael down onto the couch and climbed on top of the boy pressing his lips to the other boys and rolling his hips down every so often.


Calum was hurting in his lower back region while Michael was still sleeping, Calum woke up from the pain and didn't want to disturb Michael, he pulled his phone out to see what he missed and he had many messages from Luke and both of his parents.

He realised he was meant to be home at a certain time last night for dinner but him and Michael got too carried away and Luke didn't even know where Calum was he still didn't know about Michael and Calum so Calum didn't know what to do.

He noticed Michael changed positions and was hugging his pillow he couldn't help but smile and decided to take a photo for his Instagram. (pretend mike is shirtless and shit with no earphones)

 (pretend mike is shirtless and shit with no earphones)

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@CalumHood: sleeping beast..

Calum quickly posted it before putting his phone down as he didn't want to see what Luke would say to him when he say the photo as Luke did have Calums post notifications on so he would clearly see the photo rather quickly.

His phone dinged multiple times meaning Luke had seen the photo, he sighed but slightly jumped when he heard Michaels voice.

"aren't you going to get that" His voice deep and hoarse but Calum slowly reached from his phone to see many messages from Luke and people commenting on his photo being confused.

Luke: WTF 




Calum sighed at the messages and turned his phone off he didn't want Luke pestering as he was in pain from having sex with Michael and because he just wanted to spend time with the boy next to him.

Student Teacher ❦ Malum ❦ BoyxBoyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt