Chapter 18: You Gay?!

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[Shane's POV]

We were on the bridge again. The whole time kissing, I felt like someone was watching me. Somewhere in the bushes or in a tree, taking pictures to make my life a living hell again when I go back to school. But Joey's more important, so I try to enjoy this moment as much as I did Monday. After our kiss, we took a little stroll in the park, hand-in-hand. We found a bench and sat down. Joey put his head on my shoulder.

Joey: "Thanks."

Shane: "For what?"

Joey: "For supporting me... you know... with my mom."

Shane: "Of course I support you, honey."

Joey: "Yeah... Also thanks for letting me stay at your place."

Shane: "No problem! That's why we're a couple." I rested my head on his head and gave a little laugh. We just sat there in the dark, on a bench for half an hour without saying anything. 

[Joey's POV]

It was slowly getting colder, but I had Shane's body warmth to keep me heated. I cuddled next to him on the bench resting my head on his shoulder. We didn't need to say anything to know that this made us both happy. A day which started off so good, became so horrible. But now, I'm happy again. I don't think about my Mom, because she's not my Mom anymore. I don't want to see her ever again, and I won't. All I need sits next to me.

We went back after a half an hour of silence. I held Shane by his waist and he held me by my shoulders. We talked about school, friends and family. When we got at his house, Shane saw something. A blue car which is not his mother's. 

Shane: "Shit..."

Joey: "What? What's wrong Shane?"

Shane: "Jerid..."

Joey: "Your brother Jerid?"

Shane: "Yeah... He's ... homophobic. At least, I think he is."

Joey: "Oh no... not 2 people today..."

Shane: "I'm just going to come out... That'll be the best."

Joey: "I'll come with you."

[Shane's POV]

We went in to see my Mom and Jerid talking in the kitchen. I bumped my knee against the wall, which made Jerid turn his head.

Jerid: "Ah Shane! How are you? We've been talking about you."

I looked at my mother who was smiling. Did she tell it? 

Shane: "I'm fine. Well, what were you talking about?"

Jerid: "About Tuesday. When you got in the hospital." He stepped closer to me. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

Shane: "I was busy with a lot of things."

Jerid: "Oh. Yeah sure. How come you got in the hospital?"

Shane: "Beat up at school..."

Jerid: "What?! Who did that? I'll punch that fag to death!" I felt nauseous... He really is homophobic.

Shane: "Leave it." Joey was standing behind me, so I don't think Jerid saw him.

Shane: "This here is Joey. Joey, this is my brother Jerid."

Joey: "Nice to meet you." He said in a whispering voice. Joey was obviously more scared than I was. He was afraid that two people would wish him to death today. 

Jerid: "Same. You guys are friends?"

Shane: *cough* "Uhm, a little more than that..." I couldn't look in his eyes. 

Jerid: "Best friends?" I felt like fainting. This is going to be so horrible...

Shane: "No.... we're... a... a couple."

Jerid: "You gay?!"

Shane: "Yes." My voice cracked. It really was horrible. I looked at my feet, standing in front of Joey, because I wanted to defend him.

Jerid: "Look into my eyes." I didn't want to, but I slowly moved my head to his eyes. To my surprise, they weren't full with rage, more with sympathy. He opened his arms to give me a hug, which I gave.

Jerid: "It's okay Shane." I was so happy, but at the same time sad. Joey was just standing there awkwardly, and I knew that this was torture for him. Seeing me get accepted by my family. I quickly pulled away and hugged Joey.

Shane's Mom: "It's good that you accept him, Jerid."

Jerid: "You already knew this right?"

Shane's Mom: "Yes, but only 2 days ago."

Shane: "You're going to see Joey a lot more often because he lives here now."

Jerid: "Oh. Cool."

Shane: "We're going upstairs and watch a movie or something. Catch ya later Jerid."

Jerid: "Bye Shane, and Joey."

Joey: "Bye."

[Joey's POV]

I was so glad that Shane got accepted by his brother Jerid, but it kinda made me sad. I wanted to be accepted too... I'm happy though, that Jerid didn't blame me.

Shane put on the TV and I jumped in our bed. We watched 'The Lion King' while I laid my head on his lap. I fell asleep during the movie, but I woke up after it ended. The TV was off, and Shane wasn't here. The door in his room was open, and I heard voices downstairs. The light of the hallway was too bright for me because I just woke up. The clock gave 11:45 PM. I stumbled out of bed into the hall. I crept down the stairs to see Shane in the kitchen with his mother.

Shane's Mom: "So you really like him?"

Shane: "With my whole heart."

Shane's Mom: "That's good, but don't forget what you promised honey." What promise? What is she talking about?

Shane: "Uhm yeah..." I heard hesitation in his voice.

Shane's Mom: "Shane! Don't tell me you've already done it?!"

Shane: "No no no! I mean... I'm sorry."

Shane's Mom: "Shane! You said you were going to wait 'till marriage!"

Shane: "I'm sorry! It just felt right at the moment."

Shane's Mom: "Go to your room, I need to think about this."

-----------Possibly the lamest chapter I've ever written, I'm sorry... :/----------

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