Chapter 42: Ex's!

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[Joey's POV]

Luke's arms tighten around my lower waist. His hand rubs my spine softly. He slowly opens his mouth. Then, it hits me. I'm kissing my ex-bestfriend, while having a relationship with the best guy in the world. I don't love Luke, I'm over that. Shane is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I step back, breaking our kiss. Luke's stupefied. "I'm sorry Luke. I just..." He looks at me questionally. "... I can't. I love Shane."

Luke closes his eyes and drops his shoulders, like a child who doesn't get the candy he's been waiting for for a long time. He shakes his head in an understanding way. "I know, Joey. I'm sorry." Then, he turns around and runs away. "Wait! I'm sorry!" I yell, but my effort is useless. I might have lost him for the rest of my life. Will I ever see him again? Someday? At the subway, years from now? He'd be acting like he doesn't know, like I'm a peasant begging for money. I would only get his contemptuous glance. Yet again, I've hurt him. Just like old times. His heart's been shattered another time. And I fear that this time, it will be unfixable. 

[Shane's POV]

I wake up feeling cold. Joey's hot body isn't here to warm me up. Then where is he? "Hey, honey." He's standing in the doorway, panting and sweating everywhere. "Where were you?" I ask. "Out... Listen, we've got to talk." Only by this sentence, I know that there's something unpleasant going to happen. I sit up on the bed, expecting him to join me. "What about?" I ask. He comes closer to me and sits on his knees, just before the bed. He looks like he's praying. "I... I've betrayed you." My mouth drops. A tear is rolling down his cheek, finding its way to the corner of his mouth, which is always smiling and happy. But not right now. He looks like someone who realizes he's guilty of doing something extremely horrific, but regrets every single thing he did. "I've kissed Luke." My mouth drops on the bed. "WHAT?!" He's sobbing big-time right now. "I'm sorry..." he says between whines.

I get up from the bed, walking around it to my closet. I grab the first jeans and T-shirt I find and put them on. My mind tells me to stay here and talk about it, but my heart says that broken things can't be healed. And he just broke everything inside me. "Where... are you going to?" Joey sobs. I grab my sweater that's hanging on my computer chair and run out the room. While I'm running down the stairs, Joey chases me. "Don't go! Shane! No!!" His voice crushes my heart even more. I open the door angrily and slam it shut behind me. Joey's still yelling for me. But he's wise enough to know that he shouldn't come after me right now.

There's only one place I want to be right now. The place it all started. The love, the happiness, the drama and the tears.


[Joey's POV]

Holding my knees, I sit at the door. My face pushed into my lap, while my hands are ready to tear out every single hair on my head. He's been gone for 2 hours now. I have no idea where to find him. Will I even see him again? One day? Just like Luke? At the subway, both looking scornfully at me. Grabbing their feet, in a hope they will give me strength to get up. But they would only kick me in the face and run away...

Where did it go wrong? We used to be so happy. So full of life. Not giving attention to those who hated us. We hung on. We carried on. There was no mountain too high for our love. There was no river too wide to keep us from fighting for our lov-... River... Bridge... The park! 

I'm running for my life, following the same route Shane did, when we first met at the park. When the sunset ignited our faces. The spark that led to the fire. The fire that led to extinguishment. And now, the extinguishment that leads to resurrection. I'm determined to do whatever it takes for our love to gain that first spark again. I cross streets, buildings and people while the rain starts to drip on my head. Soon, it's raining cats and dogs. My clothes become soaking wet, my shoes are filling up with water. But there's only one thing on my mind. Shane Shane Shane

The park rises up at the horizon. I avoid cars within an inch, and run against people, not even caring to apologize. I cross the grass fields, running straight to the tree. The one under which we slept when our love was so fresh, so harmless and so oblivious to the problems that would set. I see a handsome boy pushed against the trunk of the tree, holding his knees the same way I did just a few minutes ago. Rain is pouring on his head, mixing in with his tears. I'm so close to him. He raises his head in my direction. Eyes looking up. Looking at the trashy, sweaty and soaking boy that's running straight to him. He steps up, just when him and I collide. My arms swing around him, and my head pushed against the side of his. I hug him with all the strength I have, and I slowly start to cry. I smell him, I feel him, I taste him. Just like it was that day. After minutes of hugging and crying, I pull away. My hands grab his face. My lips crave his. And so we kiss, while the rain washes all our troubles away.



Thanks so much for the support I've received the past weeks/months. I really love to write this, and I hope that you guys love to read it! 

By the way: I'll follow the first person that gets the love song reference! Tip: It's in the seventh paragraph!

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