Chapter 37: The End?

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[Joey's POV]

A little alarm rings in my head. I immediately pull Shane inside and kick the door with my foot. The door swings almost shut, blocked by his foot. The door swings back, almost falling out of its hinges. 

Shane's Dad: "You shouldn't have done that."

He cracks his beer can with his left hand, while coming closer. He throws it on the floor, stepping on it. Shane pushes me away, behind him.

Shane: "How did you find me?"

Shane's Dad: "Tortured your little mommy, until she finally gave me the address."

Shane: "NO!" Tears stream down his cheeks. "What did you do to her?!"

Shane's Dad: "So many questions..." He slams the door shut with his right hand. "... so little time." 

[Shane's POV]

His muscles tense up, and I know he'll hit me. 

Shane: "Joey! Go!"

His right fist collides with my cheek bone, dazzling me. My head swings sideways, hitting the wall nearby. 

Joey: "No!"

My head spins, trying to figure out what happened. My blurred vision recovers, before I get another punch, this time in my stomach. My body jumps backwards, but my feet remain in the same position. I cough, I choke, while the thought of my death flashes through my mind.

I feel two hands on my belly, pulling me away. My eyelids refuse to work, but I feel Joey's breath on my neck.

Joey: "Leave us alone!" he yells. My stomach is on fire. He drags me to the kitchen, and then releases me. Lying there almost unconsciously, I see Joey standing in front of me to protect me. I hear my Dad growl. And then, my vision blacks out, only leaving me with one sense.

[Joey's POV]

Shane's Dad: "Who the hell are you?"

Joey: "I'm Joey."

Shane's Dad: "You're his boyfriend?"

Joey: "Maybe." 

He balls his fist, swinging at my face. I dodge his attack, which leaves him startled. His fist swings, causing him to turn with his back to me. I leap up and kick him with my right foot, just above his tailbone. His body swings forward, knocking the fridge with his face. He falls down, numbed. As safety, I grab a kitchen knife. Soon, he stands up again, bleeding everywhere. I hold the knife tightly.

Shane: "Joey! Are you okay?!" I'm bewildered because of Shane, but my confusion is used as an advantage. As soon as I'm facing him again, he punches me in the shoulder. I swing back, almost dropping the knife. Another punch is coming, but I know how to avoid it. I duck, roll over the floor, inches away from his feet. My hand raises and comes down at top speed, stabbing him in the foot. He yells, screams and howls. He falls down, back facing the floor. Unfortunately, that's not the end of the battle. He jumps up again, cussing and shouting. I jump back, walking toward the sink. As a final hit, he runs to me, jumping crazily. I swing open the microwave, hitting him in the face with the little door. The impact causes him to drop down, motionless.

I grab the phone on the kitchen counter and call the police. Just after my call, my knees drop. I cough in my hand. It fills up with liquid. I look at my hand, seeing blood. The last thing I hear before my head hits the cold ground is Shane, yelling for me. 


[Shane's POV]

I'm on the couch, nurses hovering over me. My vision is still blacked out. I hear everyone, but at the same time no one. "J... Joey?" They keep talking, trying to save me. "Where...'s Joey?" Yet nobody responds. "Joey?" Someone holds my hand and tells me to hang on. "But where's Joey?" I start crying, knowing this is the end. The nurse sighs. Joey... he's dead... Nobody has to tell me this, because I know. I heard Joey cough, and I heard him fall down. I don't care about anyone. I just want Joey here, with me... forever. I hear the nurse stand up. Her heels leave an echoing sound in the room. The other nurse also leaves. Nobody's here.... I'm still sobbing. "Joey..."

My right hand twitches, but a soft warm hand grabs it. I'm startled. "I'm right here, silly." His voice. Joey's soothing voice. "Joey?" I ask, not knowing if this is reality. There's no response. Only two soft lips on mine. Again, I'm surprised by this sudden act. "Calm down, Shaky Shane." Butterflies jump through my chest. Slowly, but surely I begin to see him. His long hair dangling above me. His green eyes. His pouty lips. I want to jump up in excitement, but he holds me down. "Take a rest Shane. " Again, his hot lips touch mine. His other hand caresses my hair. "Tomorrow will be a better day." 

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