Chapter 48: Rest In Peace

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[Joey's POV]

*5 minutes earlier*

I look at Shane's lifeless body, even though he still has a tiny bit of life in him. His brown hair is laid on his pillow, surrounding his head with hair strands. He's pale as snow, and looks fast asleep. Oh, it would have been better if he were just asleep, and not (like now) on the verge of passing away.

"How did this even... happen?" I ask while sobbing uncontrollably.

"His... his organs all stopped working, including his heart. The emotions, the punches and the stress overtook him." says the doctor. He's all alone here with me, together with Shane.

Oh no... My lip trembles and my eyes become watery. A few tears fall on Shane's hospital-white bed sheet. I caress his hand, lying motionless next to his broken body. There are tubes and wires everywhere, accompanied by the beeping of a cardiac monitor.

"How long will he... last?"

"Well... possibly never."

A stream of tears roll down my cheeks at the realization that I'm never going to see Shane again. His reassuring smile, his twinkling eyes, his comforting hands. All gone.

"Do you want any last words?"

I'm still crying when he asks this. Don't I even get time to say goodbye? Just like that? Say something and then we just turn the machines that replace his heart off? His rudeness shocks me, but I realize this is all just routine for him. He doesn't care about Shane at all. But I do...

"Yes... I'd like to."

He gives me a nod, indicating I'm free to say my good-bye's.

"Shane, sweetheart..." I pay close attention to Shane's face, desperately hoping for a sign of life. "If you... hear, or even... see me... give me a ... sign that you... will always lo-love me... because... I sure will... forever... and ever."

I hit the cold hospital ground with my back. This is all... just too much for me. I don't want any of this. All I want is Shane hugging me, caressing my hair and telling me that everything's going to be better. That tomorrow will be a better day... I guess not... There's just one thing that I have to do. A single thing in return for his everlasting love.

I begin to sing 'You've got a friend in me' by Carole King. The very song he sang to me when my Mom kicked me out of the house. The song which bonded our love so much more. I stutter a few times and have to stop now and then because I just can't continue without bursting in tears.

Yet, no response whatsoever.

"You remember that song?... You sang it to... me, when my whole life... crashed down... And now... my life will never heal."

My hopes all crash down now. I know that he's never coming back. Never.

"Just know that I'll... be joining you soon, Shane... Rest in peace..."

I fall again. My head peeks up a little, just to see Shane for the very last time of my life. Still sleeping, still remaining motionless, still making all my hopes of coming back disappear.

"Go to Teresa, Joey... We'll be there for you," says the doctor. I get back up on my feet, and walk towards the door, one last time looking back to see Shane. As expected, no reaction. This is no ordinary good-bye. This is not just waving at a close friend when he steps on a plane, or crying when your child goes to school for the first time. There is no such thing as seeing each other again, when you walk away from the dearest person in your life. My heart crushes to dust, and it cannot be healed by anyone except for Shane. I want to jump on the bed and glue myself to Shane, just so I can stay here. I feel two hands on my shoulder pulling me softly towards the exit. The exit of both Shane's and my life.

"As long as he's not suffering anymore..." I say, one last time. And it's true. He shouldn't be suffering. He should walk around in heaven, sit on a cloud and watch me, smiling and remembering the good times. But I can't smile. Not now, not ever.

"It'll be quick, Joey... He's off to a better world n-" His sentence is interrupted by the door closing. The small window in that door allows me to blow a final kiss to Shane, and wave as my whole world crashes down.

Teresa's comforting arms embrace me. She already said good-bye to Shane, and is now crying as much as I. I feel her head bob up and down, along with her sobs. She drags me to the chair where we both cry our eyes out. Through tears, I see the door swinging open and the doctor jumping out of the room. Just to tell us that Shane's no more here. Somewhere in between Earth and Heaven. Walking on a white staircase, while looking down at us and waving. He'll be better off there, rather than here...

"Shane just woke up!" the doctor shouts.


You guys seem to like my story so far, even with the cliffhangers :) Thanks for the support! <3

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