Chapter 27: Heartaches

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[Joey's POV]

I touch David's lips and kiss him for 5 seconds.

Joey: "There. Good enough?"

Shane: "Great. Now you pick."

Joey: "I dare David to kiss with Shane."

Now if that doesn't count for revenge, then I don't know what will. The look on his face is priceless.

Joey: "Go on." David looks like he's having the time of his life. He gets to meet two gays and even kiss both of them.

Shane: "Alright alright."

[Shane's POV]

I lean in and kiss David, even longer than Joey kissed him. Then David slowly opens his mouth and slides in his tongue. I'm so confused, but if this can make Joey jealous, then I'll just play along. I feel like it got a bit uncomfortable so I pull away. I see that Joey's tomato red and he looks like he's going to cry.

Shane: "Now David can pick. Truth or dare."

David: "I pick truth for Joey. What did you think of the kiss?"

Joey's a bit startled and hesitates. "I thought it was very good."

David: "Okay, you pick truth or dare."

Joey: "Truth, Meghan: When was your first kiss?"

Meghan: "Oh... I've never kissed anyone..."

Joey: "Okay. Would you dare to do it with me?"

Meghan: "Uhm... Isn't it like my turn to pick someone?"

Joey: "You can do that afterwards. But... would you dare it?"

Meghan: "Sure."

[Joey's POV]

I kind of feel bad that all of this is just to make Shane jealous, but it's my revenge for the kiss. I kiss Meghan for about ten seconds when she pulls away. She looks a bit worried, maybe because she thinks that I'll now turn straight. This was actually the first time I've kissed a girl, and I couldn't say I disliked it. I just love kissing Shane more.

Joey: "Okay... I guess that was it. Let's go downstairs to eat a snack."

David: "Wait! You guys haven't kissed yet. I really want to see that."

I look at Shane. Am I cross with him? He kind of hurt me by kissing David like that, but it was all just a tease, to see how far we push each other.

Shane comes closer to me and puts his hand on my lap. He sits on his knees and leans in closer. I hesitate for a bit, but then I hug him and kiss back. I feel his tongue against my mouth, so I open it and let our tongues fight with each other. 

Shane pulls back and sits back where he sat before.

David: "Wow... You guys are such a great couple." he sighs.

Joey: "Thanks. Now let's go downstairs. I'm a bit hungry." They go downstairs first and we follow. Shane pulls me back at the last minute and whispers something. 

Shane: "You didn't mind, right? Please tell me you didn't. I don't want to lose you."

Joey: "Of course I didn't, silly." I give him a quick kiss on the lips and then follow Meghan and David. I hear a sigh of relief behind me, but Shane has no idea how much he hurt me. I'm so angry and I feel like I lost the trust in our relationship. And trust is important... 

I enter the living room and sit down for a second. 

David: "What's wrong?" He sits down next to me. 

Joey: "Oh nothing... It'll go away..."

David: "Oh... Okay, right." David stands up and gives me a quick hug. "Let's go eat something, that's probably what you need." He smiles. I smile but deep down, I feel like something's wrong. I have the feeling that David feels something for me. Is he in love with me? He's cute and all, but I love Shane. More than anything in the world. And I will never leave him, unless I die. I should make this clear to him. He has to know that we can't be together in any way.

Joey: "Hey David, wait a sec." He turns around and looks at me, worriedly. "Yes?" he replies. "I have to get something off my chest." His eyes twinkle and he looks happy. I don't want to have to crush his heart, but it's that or a broken relationship. "I have the feeling that you're in love with me and..." he quickly puts his hand on my mouth. "Shhh... Don't say that. Listen... I know that you have a relationship with Shane and I love that. I would never want to stand in between you two, but I am indeed falling in love with you. I know that this will never work out, so just keep this between the two of us. Shane doesn't need to know, he's perfect for you..." A small tear rolls down his face.

Joey: "I'm sorry David, but it's not mutual."

David: "I know Joey... I know. Now let's go eat something." He quickly turns around and hurries to the bathroom before mumbling: "I'll be right back."

Shane: "What was that?" Shane comes back from the kitchen. "Nothing..." I say. "Meghan, maybe you should check on David? He's your brother and I think he needs your help..." Shane says.

Meghan walks over to the bathroom and gives a short knock on the door. "David? Are you okay?" "Go away!" he yells, muffled by the walls and the door.

Shane: "Seriously? What happened?" Shane asks, worriedly. 

Joey: "It's nothing... I just... broke his heart..."

Shane: "Oh no..." Shane goes over to the bathroom and knocks as well. "David, do you want to talk? Don't cry..." 

Immediately, I feel left out... They're all concerned about David because of something I did. I broke his heart, but it was for the best, wasn't it? I walk over to the bathroom and whisper something. "David, I'm sorry... But it'll get better... Let me give you a hug, please?" It's silent for a minute, and then the door slowly opens. David's eyes are blood-red and his face is wet with tears. He opens his arms and starts sobbing. I immediately fling my arms around him to give him a big hug. I honestly feel so bad to break his heart, but I wouldn't be happy with him. I love Shane...

After the 3 minutes-long hug, we go back to the kitchen to heat up some chicken. David's still sobbing silently, but Meghan is comforting him. Shane now knows exactly what happened and agrees that this was the best thing to do, but we really have to be there for David. I've had my heart crushed only once and it was excrutiating...

[David's POV]

I sit there at the table cyring softly. I just spent 15 minutes in the bathroom crying my eyes out. I'm so in love with Joey, but he'll never fall for me... My heart's turned to mush... He's so sweet, but I would never want to be the reason Shane and Joey break up. Shane would die of heartache and Joey wouldn't be happy with me. It's better to have one heart crushed than two all together...

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