Chapter 33: A Switch Of Power

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[Shane's POV]

Joey and I are running. Running away from Sawyer. He's wielding a machete, swinging it angrily. Slowly, he's catching up on us as we're running through the darkness. We're walking past trees, the branches swinging into our face.

In the distance, the dim light of warehouse display flickers eerily. We're nearing our escape, as Sawyer's nearing us. Joey kicks the door open and runs into the warehouse. I'm behind him, closing the door with a jolt. My heart's beating through my chest and streams of sweat roll down my face. 

Shane: "Joey! Go to the storage room! Close the door behind you, I'm going to defeat him."

Joey: "Shane no!! I won't let you do that. I'm staying here!"

Shane: "Joey, do what I tell you to! Go!"

Joey: "Shane..." He's sobbing. "No, I can't." I walk over to Joey, plant a kiss on his lips before pushing the pressure point in his neck. A short shriek, then his eyes roll. His unconscious body falls in my arms like a ragdoll. I drag him in the storage room and close the door. My eyes fixate on the entrance door of the warehouse. A lamp is swinging slowly, casting weird shadows. BAM. Goosebumps. I slowly look behind me. Sawyer's standing in the aisle, knocking over a few cans. His machete reflects the faint light. His eyes are murderous, his mouth shaped like a lion ready to shred his prey. The only thing I have to defend myself is a broom. I look at it, trying to hold it as a weapon. Sawyer licks his lips, reavealing sharp cutting teeth shaped like the weapon he's holding. 

Sawyer: "Hush child. It will only sting for a moment." His voice is raspier than ever. 

Shane: "I'm not afraid of you."

Sawyer: "Good." His eyes flicker. He comes closer, taking each footstep precisely. I stand still. He comes closer, and closer, beeping everytime he walks. We're now at talking distance. His machete rolls in his hand. "Shane..." He walks closer, still beeping. He swings the machete above him. "Shane." He releases it, right into my skull, breaking it in two. "SHANE!"

I wake up with a jolt. "Shane!" Joey's shaking me. I'm swimming in a pool of sweat. "Get up! You're going to be late for school." Fuck. School. 

Shane: "Okay, okay." Joey's already washed and dressed. I walk over to the shower and let the cold drops calm me. These nightmares... Why do I have so much nightmares. And why does it always involve Joey? I slowly wash my body, clearing away every drip of sweat. I have to hurry if I don't want to be late. 

Joey: "So... You had a nightmare?" Joey says while I'm putting on my clothes. 

Shane: "No..."

Joey: "Didn't really look like a peaceful dream to me. You've been twisting and turning the whole night."

Shane: "Really?"

Joey: "Yep."

Shane: "Mhm... What do you want for breakfast?"

Joey: "I think I'm going to make some eggs. We have to leave in 25 minutes, so we still have a little time."

Shane: "Okay." We walk downstairs.

Teresa: "Hey guys! Goodmorning."

Shane and Joey: "Good morning Mom."

Teresa: "How was your night?"

Joey: "Could have been worse. Shane's been rolling the whole night. He even screamed in the middle of the night."

Shane: "Really?"

Joey: "Yeah." 

[Joey's POV]

Shane and I quietly eat our eggs.

Teresa: "You are so quiet?"

Shane: "School..." He sighs.

Teresa: "Oh. Because of the bullies?"

Joey: "I don't think they will do anything now. But we never know."

Teresa: "Anyway, good luck."

Shane: "Thanks."

Shane puts our plates in the dishwasher, while I get ready. I don't really want to go, but I have to. I put my backpack on and wait for Shane. Few minutes later, we're on our bicycles. It only takes Shane 10 minutes to get to his school, but mine's 15 minutes further.

Shane: "So I'll see you tonight here? To talk with Sawyer?"

Joey: "Yeah, no problem. See ya later honey."

Shane: "Bye!" He winks and blows me a kiss. I catch it and blow one back, while smiling. I follow the same route to school as I would do normally, but I skip Luke's house. I don't want to see the bastard. Few minutes later, I see Whitney.

Whitney: "Hey. Good morning."

Joey: "Hello. How was your prolonged weekend?"

Whitney: "Quiet and peaceful."

Joey: "Good."

Whitney: "Yours?"

Joey: "Alright. We went to our cabin in the woods with Shane and my Dad. We even met a sister and brother there. They're really cool. You would like them as well."

Whitney: "Oh. Yeah, introduce me to them one day."

Joey: "I will."

Whitney: "Where's Luke by the way?"

Joey: "Oh you don't know what happened?"

Whitney: "No? What happened?"

Joey: "The day after truth or dare, he came back and kissed with Shane. But he framed him as if he cheated on me... I know Shane wouldn't do that, but I'm still not sure."

Whitney: "Wow. That doesn't sound like something Luke would do."

Joey: "So you don't believe me?"

Whitney: "No, no. I do. But I thought Luke was a nice, genuinely cool guy. Apparently not."

Joey: "Not really."

We park our bikes at the entrance of our school. I can't help but wonder how this day will turn out. Will there be bullies? 

[Shane's POV]

Kate's waiting for me at the entrance.

Kate: "Shane! How are you?" She leans in for a hug.

Shane: "Good good! You?"

Kate: "I'm fine." We make our way to our lockers. I see Anthony and Tyler standing at theirs. They look at me, turn around and walk away. Cat's sitting on the bench, facing my way. She packs her stuff and runs away. This could be it. No more bullies, done with the horrible life. Then I see Shanna. She runs up to me and yells: "Hey ya lil' fag!" Tyler and Anthony turn around, obviously because of Shanna's loud voice. "Shanna, no!" Tyler comes running past me and pushes her away, while Anthony shuts her mouth. I guess she didn't hear what happened. They walk for a moment, and then Shanna stops and yells "For real!?" 

She slowly turns around, seeing my cruel laugh. Her shoulders drop, while her feet turn 180 degrees. "Hell no! I ain't talking to that boy ever again!"

Kate: "What happened?"

Shane: "Just... a switch of power." I smile. 

Kate: "They don't seem to harass you  anymore. What did you do?"

Shane: "That's private. It involved a lot of... manipulating and blackmailing."

Kate: "Ohh I see. I'm happy for you!" 

The loud ring of the bell interrupts our conversation.

Shane: "I'll see you at luchbreak, Kate! Bye!"

Kate: "Yeah bye!"

I turn around and walk to class, only to realise I forgot a book. I quickly run back to my locker to take my book. I'm almost on my way back when I notice giggling behind me. I turn around and see Kate, back faced to me talking with Shanna and Tyler. I feel dizzy. The world starts spinning, my feet are glued to the ground and I feel like vomiting. My best friend apparently has funny conversations with my enemies! I can't believe this. I quickly turn around and run to the toilet. Closing the door behind me, I cry my eyes out. 

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