Chapter 40: Better Safe Than Sorry

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[Shane's POV]

I freeze. Joey, who was walking behind me, bumps into me, almost making me slip and fall. Yet my eyes don't lose attention of the open window. The wind knocks the curtains inside and out at a slow pace. I don't like this eerie atmosphere.

Joey: "What's wrong?"

Shane: "The window... I never opened it."

Joey: "Oh that's right! The nurse opened it." I look behind me, at Joey. His emotion of happiness changes into confusion, which results in terror. "No... She didn't."

Shane: "Then how come it's open?" I look back, in front of me. Suddenly, I think of my Dad. Did he escape prison and came back to kill us? He could be hiding in the closet or under the bed. He could even be... standing behind us... The hairs of my arm raise at this thought. I quickly look behind me, only seeing a terrified Joey clenching my arm.

Shane: "Who's there?" I yell. Joey's arms squeeze mine. I feel his anxious breath in my neck. And then, out of nowhere, a silhouette in my room moves. No words, just movement. And I see it's coming toward us. I spread my arms, protecting Joey from any possible assault.

???: "Don't be afraid... I'm not here to hurt you."

That voice. It's so silent, but oh so reminiscent. A raspy voice. That could only mean one thing. Sawyer.

Shane: "Sawyer?" He steps closer to me, revealing his face in the dim light from the hallway.

Sawyer: "Don't hit m-" It was too late. I punch him in the stomach, knocking out his breath. His breath chokes. He falls on the floor, on his knees.

Shane: "What the fuck man!"

Sawyer: "I... I'm *cough* sorry." He grabs his waist with both his hands, as if he's trying to get his stomach back in place.

Joey: "You scared the crap out of us!"

Sawyer: "I just... wanted to... talk."

Shane: "Oh and you couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

Teresa: "What's going on up there?" My Mom yells from downstairs. Sawyer looks up, frightened.

Shane: "Nothing Mom. Goodnight!"

Sawyer: "...thanks."

I stick out my hand to Sawyer. He grabs it and I pull him up. I softly push him inside my room, to make less noise. Joey closes the door behind us.

Shane: "Now what's so important?"

Sawyer: "I... I saw what happened..."

Shane: "What do you mean?"

Sawyer: "I was there. When your Dad arrived in his crusty old car... When he knocked you guys inside and slammed the door shut."

Shane: "What the fuck..."

Sawyer: "I ran around the house, only to see you blacked out in the kitchen and Joey fighting him."

Joey: "Why the fuck didn't you help us?!"

Sawyer: "What would I have done? By the time I broke into your house, he would've killed you both."

Joey: "Then why didn't you call the fucking cops?!"

Sawyer: "I did Joey... I did."

Joey: "No! I did!"

Sawyer: "False. Don't you remember Joey?"

Shane: "What is he talking about, Joey?"

[Joey's POV]

Joey: "I...I...I do!" I stutter.

Sawyer: "You obviously don't. I saw you reaching the phone, pressing one button. Then you coughed up blood. And then you fell down. By the time you stabbed the guy in his foot, I already called the cops."

Joey: "But... I thought I heard them. The cops. I called and they picked up."

Sawyer: "I'm sorry Joey, but it didn't got that way. You were yelling in the phone. But the police said they never got your call. I guess you dialed the wrong number."

Joey: "But..."

Sawyer: "As soon as they got here, I left. After they told me that they never got your call, of course... But... This whole thing just left me thinking, contemplating the whole time. I shouldn't have run away. I just wanted to make sure you guys were okay, so I sneaked in."

Joey: "Th... Thank you... When... If... If you weren't there.... we would have bled to death..."

Sawyer: "Probably... However, you're still alive. I wouldn't be able to live without you two here. I would just pass away from guilt. Guilt from letting you guys die, for never properly apologizing for what happened earlier..."

Shane: "It's about time we reconcile. Hatred's temporary, friendship's eternal."

Sawyer: "No hard feelings?" He sticks out his hand, first to Shane. Shane accepts, and shakes it. "No hard feelings." He does the same with me.

Sawyer: "I should be going. So glad your okay. And I have my entire life to make it up."

Joey: "You already did Sawyer. By saving us."

Shane: "It's true."

Sawyer: "I'll catch up with you next time."

He opens the window, crawls out, closes it softly and then makes his way to the ground.

Joey: "I believe him."

Shane: "Me too." Shane looks behind him and opens the closet door with a jolt. He closes it and jumps down on the floor to look under the bed. I hear him sigh softly "Nobody here." He gets back up, and sees my confused look.

Shane: "I wanted to make sure there was nobody else around. Better safe than sorry."

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