Chapter 38: You Saved Me, I Saved You

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[Shane's POV]

Doctor: "You'll be alright Shane. Same for you Joey." We both nod. "Just... take it easy. Don't do any crazy moves."

Shane: "Do you have any news from my Mom?" Thinking of it makes me sad. 

Doctor: "As a matter of fact, we did. She came by just when we checked on Joey."

Joey: "Yeah. Your Dad didn't torture her at all. He just found out where we lived and wanted to scare you."

Shane: "Thank God! Where is she?"

Joey: "She's in the kitchen, cleaning everything up."

Shane: "And.... what happened with my Dad?"

Doctor: "The police took him away. By the looks of it, he'll be spending the rest of his life in jail."

Joey: "The bastard deserves it."

Doctor: "However... I'm not sure about you Joey. You stabbed him. The judge will determine if you're guilty or not, but you're damn near close being guilty."

[Joey's POV]

What... the... fuck.

Joey: "Isn't there something like self defense?" What is this ignorant bastard going to say? Shane's Dad would have killed us both, so why the hell can't I fight back?

Doctor: "In some sort of way there is. But killing your opponent is also illegal."

Joey: "He's not dead!"

Doctor: "He was very close to!"

Joey: "But he isn't. And if it's illegal to kill your opponent, then I didn't do anything wrong. I protected both of us." The doctor sighs, rolling his eyes.

Doctor: "We'll see. Anyway, we've got to go. We'll be expecting you two in the hospital in a week for a check-up."

Joey: "Bye!" He turns his back to me and walks to the door, accompanied by the nurses. I mumble "Son of a bitch." Gladly, he didn't hear that.

Shane: "They won't arrest you. They can't.

Joey: "I hope so!"

Shane: "What happened when I was knock out?"

Joey: "Oh. The police and the ambulance both arrived at the same time. They took me away in the ambulance, and put you on the couch. They checked me. Apparently, I coughed up blood. However, this was a temporary thing, so I got to go back in the house where you were. You were sobbing and calling my name, almost deliriously. And then, I grabbed your hand and told you to calm down. That you were safe."

Shane: "It's still amazing that you defended me. You were like a superhero. My superhero."

Joey: "I'm glad we're both still alive. And that you got your vision back."

Shane: "I still have no idea what happened. You were like a miracle. As soon as you were here, my visibility recovered."

Joey: "Aw Shane. We're both each other's miracles. You saved me, I saved you."

Shane: "When did I... Oh... your Mom."

Joey: "You were my guardian angel. Still are."

Shane: "Now, we're finally problem-free. If there's one person trying to interrupt our love one more friggin' time, I'll rip his or her insides out!"

Joey: "We'll be safe. Just you and I."

[Shane's POV]

Joey gives me a hug. We're both laid on the couch, when the doorbell rings.

Shane: "Oh no..."

Joey: "Relax. It'll be fine."

Teresa: "I'll open it!"

Joey: "Don't. I'll take care of it." He gives a short smile. While he walks over to the door, my Mom comes to the living room.

Teresa: "How are you holding up honey?"

Shane: "I'm fine."

Teresa: "Great. I heard about what he told you... I'm alive honey. This is not a dream." I laugh. "I know Mom. Come give me a hug."

She walks over to the couch and embraces me. Sometimes, her motherly love is so childish, but right now I'm so glad she's still here. 

Shane: "I love you Mom."

Teresa: "I love you honey."

[Joey's POV]

I open the door, revealing David and a handsome young man.

David: "Oh my God! What happened to you?"

Joey: "Shane's Dad happened... He tried to kill us, but it's all fine now. I'll explain later." The darkblond hunk next to David looks confused. "I'm sorry. My name's Joey!"

???: "I'm Troye. Troye Sivan."

Joey: "Oooh I love that accent! Come in! I have a lot to ask." He smiles politely. I move away from the door, so that they can come in. I notice their hands, locked to each other. The feeling of young, fresh love makes me smile. 

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