Chapter 9 - Taken Away.

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Just want to quickly thank everyone who's reading, voting, commenting and fanning, it means a lot to me. Also, check out remuslupinishot, her story is really good! (:


Louise's P.O.V


 We sat down in homeroom as other people started to enter, all of them came over a spoke to Greyson, congratulating him, complimenting his singing or piano skills or just welcoming him back. Once everyone was in the room and sat down, Miss Kydd spoke.

"As all of you are probably now aware, Greyson is back from L.A and will be back for a while. I discussed this with Greyson before he came back and he doesn't want anyone to treat him different than you did before because he's famous now. Okay now who's here? Anyone off today? Let's see..." she trailed off, you could hear her muttering everyone's names... "Greyson, Alasdair, Lauren, Lucy, Cammy, Caitlin, Gavin, Louise," The list went on. Everyone sat there whispering about Greyson being back, girls giggling if he looked over to them. Everyone has gone a bit crazy. Greyson and I just sat there talking about what we'd be doing later on tonight, when we got back to his.

"Homework, probably," I stated, as we were making a mental list of what we could do.

"Mmh, and once we're done we'd need to have dinner and that," he added.

"Yeah, and then we could invite the old group around. You know once you left, they kinda ignored me 'cause that's what everyone else was doing," I whispered.

"Sorry, it's my fault for leaving. I should've stayed here with you."

"No you shouldn't have! 'Cause you wouldn't be famous right now, living the life you've always wanted too. I wouldn't ever and won't ever stand in the way of that." I pointed out. "And anyway, your back just now, that's all that matters," I smiled.

"Hey Grey! It's good to see you again! You're doing amazing with your singing!" stated Alasdair. "Hey Louise, sorry for ignoring you, I know we shouldn't have and we know we weren't being true friends like we should've been. Will forgive us? Please?"

"Hey Ali! Good to see you too. Thanks," Grey smiled.

"I-I suppose I could forgive you, but if and when Grey leaves again and you lot do that, I'm not forgiving you."  

"We understand," they all said in unison. Lucy, Lauren and Caitlin came over and we started speaking again, the boys, Alasdair, Gavin and Cammy went and spoke to Greyson. We sat and talked about what happened this past year, turns out Lucy and Cammy are now a couple and Lauren likes Alasdair, but Caitlin said she likes some guy from another school.

"So, how do you know this Jake?" I asked Caitlin.

"His mom and mine we're really close at school and they met up the other week at our house and Jake came too so as my mom said, we could become friends. But I want to be more!" she giggled at the last part. Caitlin kept talking about him and what he looked like. Half way through I zoned out and started to look around the room. My eyes came across a pair of warm brown eyes, the brown eyes I had come to miss this year. Greyson was laughing with the guys, like old times, like he never left to become famous, like he's still that 12 year old boy who was last here just over a year ago. I noticed how his eyes sparkled in the light and his perfect smile. I missed him so much, words can't explain. I've liked him more than a friend ever since I first met him, love at first sight as some say. I kept staring over at him, I only see him when i look at him. I was thinking about him, all the things my dad had put in that book, our memories. My train of thought was interrupted by the bell going and I made my way to my first class with Grey.

"Hey," he said coming over to me.

"Hey Grey, did you have fun with the guys?" I asked.

"Yeah, I missed them and their crazy jokes. So we've got English first, right?"

"Right." We made our way there eventually, being stopped by people wanting Greyson's autograph every now and again. Once we got in, we sat down in a seat and started listening to the teacher talk. I didn't listen to anything she was saying because I was too busy thinking about my mom and the police. I haven't heard from them in ages, does that mean they have given up? Don't know what to do anymore? Or are they still looking? Most of the day followed the same pattern until we had math, last class of the day. Near the start of the lesson, P.C Stone came rushing into the class.

"May I help you?" Mr King asked.

"Louise, Greyson. I need you two now, we've finally found everything out. We've got her. I'll explain later. Can I please take these two for a while?" He breathed.

"Oh right, yes. Of course. Off you two go. Bye,"  said Mr King.

"Bye!" Grey and I said in unison, as we darted out the classroom, following quickly behind the officer.

"So what exactly happened?" I asked hesitantly.

"Your mom broke into the house to scare you, she was drunk and had possibly consumed some drugs. She said something about wanting pay back on you for your father's death? I'm not quite sure what she's on about there."

"She blamed his death on me, saying I stressed him out too much and he couldn't handle it anymore," I whispered. The thoughts of when my mom used to hit me, throw things at me and lock me away in my room for hours on end, flooded back into my mind. I never forgave her but I had to live with it. I only told Greyson about it 'cause he saw all the cuts and bruises on my back and arms once. He looked over to me and gave me a reassuring smile. I gave him a small smile back because it pained me so much inside to even think about any of it. I have scars all over my back, and at the top of my arms, which I can luckily hide with a bit of make-up. If anyone ever saw them, they would freak out so I decided to cover them out as soon as I noticed them scarring.

"Right, okay. Is there anything else we should know?" he questioned as we reached the front doors of the school.

"Em," I wondered for a second if I should tell him about her hitting me and stuff, but I decided against it for now. "Nothing I can think of just now."

"Okay, let us know if you do think of anything else." We arrived at the police car to see my mom sitting in the back, thrashing about.

"Get me out of this bloody car!" she screamed. When she noticed us standing next to the car she stopped. "You!" my mom pointed to me, "I'm gonna kill you, if I ever get out of this thing." she thrashed again.

"No your not, 'cause your not getting out of it." We argued for another ten minutes, Greyson, P.C Stone and 3 other officers all stood watching us bicker. "Do you know what? You. Are. Dead. To. Me!" I screamed, before storming off back into the school. I heard Greyson call me from behind but I kept walking, I wasn't in a good mood anymore. My stupid mother has ruined a great day for me. I got all my friends back, the bullying stopped, she wasn't with me and I was living with Grey now. But the second she turns up, my life turns into a living nightmare. I reached the main office and sat down at a seat in front of it.

"Lou!" Greyson panted. "What happened?!" I explained everything my mom said to me from the moment we saw her whilst Greyson got his breath back. "Oh! I'm so sorry."

"For what? It's not your fault that my 'mother' is horrible."

"I know, but still." He smiled. I smiled back at him. We stayed there for awhile, until Stone came back to talk to us.

"She's away now. She'll be sentenced soon, I would like both of you to be there and have statements please. I will send you a letter of the date and time. Until then, goodbye!"

"Goodbye, officer, thanks so much for your help!" I spoke.

"Bye!" Grey said.

As P.C Stone trotted off, the bell went signalling the end of the school day and we went to meet Lisa. "How long do you think she'll go down for?" I asked.

"Mmh, not sure on that, what do you think?"

"Forever, I hope!"

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