Chapter 11 - The Answer.

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  • Dedicated to Caitlin MacLeod

There's not going to be many more chapters of this story. I already have the epilogue written out, and just need to get the rest of the story to lead up to what I have written. If any of you have ideas for the next few chapters, I'd be happy to hear them and if I think it would help lead up to the epilogue, I might use them. Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my story, it makes my day to know that people like it (: Also sorry it's quite short and for not updating in a while, I've been busy with school, my dance shows and I've also been ill. I will try and be quicker for the next few chapters (:


Greyson's P.O.V


I can't believe I just said that to Louise. I hope she didn't hear me. It just came out, I wasn't planning on saying anything yet since it might be a bad time for her. I know she says she is happy about her mom and stuff but I can tell she is still a bit upset about it all. She probably doesn't even like me more than a friend. I was arguing with myself about what I said to Louise when I heard a faint knock on my door.

"Come in," I spoke softly so I didn't wake anyone who might be asleep.

"Grey, did I hear you right?" Louise asked.

What do I say? Should I tell her the truth? "Uh, depends what you heard," I tried.

"Doesn't matter," she muttered and turned to leave.

"Okay! Fine, you heard me right! I do love you Louise, always have since I first saw you. When I moved away I thought maybe I didn't love you like that anymore, I thought maybe I just loved you as a sister, a best friend, but when I came back and saw you again, I realised what I had been thinking was wrong. I know it was a bad time to tell you 'cause what just happened, but it just came out. I don't want you to reply until this thing with your mom has all blown over, and you are 100% okay, don't say you are because I know your not. I just want you to know that I love you, always have, always will." After I said all of that Louise just stood there, not saying anything. "Louise?"

"Is that all true? Honestly?" she whispered.

"Yes, all of it."

"Well," Louise paused for a second, "Honestly, I feel exactly the same way," she added with a smile. I couldn't help but smile too.

"So, Louise, since we already went on a date before I left and it was the best day of my life. Will you be my girlfriend?" I rambled on.

"Yes!" she said excitedly and gave me a huge hug.

"Louise, you've just made me the happiest person alive, I love you."

"I love you too!"

 ~~Next Day~~

Louise and I walked down to breakfast talking quietly to each other, smiling all the time.

"What are you two smiling at?" Tanner asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Em, well-"

"Greyson just told me about when he was on tour, it sounds fun," Louise said.

"Thanks," I whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

"Okay, guys. Well I've gotta go, see you two when I'm back," he smiled and left the room.

"You said last night you didn't want many people to know yet, so I covered for us."

"Thanks, again," I smiled. That whole day went the same way, we told Alasdair, Lauren, Lucy, Caitlin, Gavin and Cammy when we found them in the morning at school but we kept it secret otherwise. I don't want Louise to have crazy fan-girls after her or the paparazzi so that's why we decided to keep it secret just now. After school my mom picked us up like she did the day before.

"Hey kids, have a good day?" she asked as we got into the car.

"Yeah, it was amazing!" I said. For the first time ever, I had said school was amazing. Hmm...

"Definitely," Louise said smiling at me. When we got back home, we went up to my room and just talked. We were talking about how it was to be famous and have loads of fans when Louise got a phone call on her cell. "Be back in two seconds," she spoke, whilst getting up to leave the room.

 **Louise's P.O.V**

 My cell starting ringing when Grey and I were talking about how it was to be famous. "Be back in two seconds," I said, whilst I got up to leave the room.


"Hello Louise, it's Lucy."

"Oh hey Lucy, what's up?"

"Not much, you?"

"Just talking to Grey."

"Aww, you guys are so cute together!"

"Thanks, so are you and Cammy!"

"Thanks. Anyway I called to ask you if you and Greyson wanted to meet up with the group after dinner."

"Em, I'll just go ask him. Hold on." I walked into Greyson's room again, "Grey, Lucy's wondering if we wanted to meet up with everyone after dinner?"

"Yeah sure."

"Okay, he says yes! So where will we meet you lot?"

"At the park, where we used to meet up at about 7?"

"Yeah okay, see you then! Bye!"

"Bye Lou." I hung up, and went back to Greyson.

Grey and I talked more until dinner was ready, then we went up to our own rooms to get ready for meeting up with everyone. Today was one of the best days in my life!

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