Chapter 10 - The Confession.

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Thank you to all who is reading, commenting and voting it means a lot (:

I am dedicating this chapter to remuslupinishot because she is really nice, friendly and her story is amazing, go check it out... <3

Heres chapter 10...


Greyson's P.O.V


I felt bad for Louise. Since her dad died and I left her, her life hasn't been great, anything but it. We met my mom outside the school.

"Hey mom," I said entering the car with Louise behind me.

"Hey kids, how was school?"

"Good, they found my mom, she's guilty and is being taken away as we talk," Louise smiled.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Louise!" my mom exclaimed.

"No, no, don't be. She deserves every last thing they do. Whatever sentence they give her," she smiled again. I am glad that she was smiling after all this, I thought she might be upset for a bit or angry maybe. What her mom had said to her wasn't what someone should say to their daughter, what they shouldn't say to anyone, but Louise just took it in and screamed back at her. Quite honestly, I'm proud of Louise. When we were younger, she wouldn't of managed any of what was said to her, she would have just started crying and ran off. I suppose after all the bullying when I was gone, she's become stronger, and doesn't get annoyed as much. I'm so happy to be here again, with her, she's the best thing that happened to me. We drove home with only the sound of the radio in the background. It was playing one of my songs, Hold On 'Til The Night, I was singing along with it quietly, playing it on an imaginary piano. As weird as it sounds, it actually helps me with the song when play the notes on an imaginary piano. As we arrived home the song changed to a random song. Me and Louise made our way up to my bedroom to start on the homework we were given today.

"How do you do question 3?" I asked Louise.

"Em, you multiply it by 0.08, then add the answer to that onto the cost you were given."

"Like this?" I showed her my working.

"Yep!" She smiled.

We continued our homework for about another ten minutes or so until it was done. I started playing some of my songs on my piano whilst Louise was texting someone.

 **Louise's P.O.V. **

 I was listening to Greyson play some of his songs amazingly on his piano when I got a text from an unknown number.

?: Hey Louise! :)

L: Who are you?

?: Oh, sorry it's Alasdair.

L: Oh! Hi Alasdair (:

A: How are you?

L: Better than I was this morning thanks, and you?

A: Good thanks. Why did you get taken out of Math today?

L: Oh, just my mom, I'll explain another time, I don't really want to talk about it right now, sorry.

A: It's okay, as long as you're okay and didn't get in trouble.

L: Yeah I'm fine, really happy about what happened, and no I didn't get in any trouble. Not yet anyway, haha (:

A: Haha, so what are you up to?

L: Listening to Grey play his songs amazingly on his piano and listening to him singing along too. He really is amazing!

 A: Yeah I know, I remember he used to always sing to us when we were younger.

L: Oh yeah! But he's even more amazing now! Haha.

A: Haha, well I better go do my Math homework, did you two get it?

L: Yeah, Lauren texted it to me after school. Talk to you later Ali (:

 A: Okay, bye Lou, tell Grey I say hi (:

~~end of conversation~~ 

"Alasdair says hi!" I shouted to Greyson as he slowly stopped the song.

"Tell him I say hi too please," he smiled.

"Okay, two seconds."

L: Grey says hi! (:

"Done!" I said cheerily.

"Okay, want to go see when dinner will be ready?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure." We walked into the kitchen to find his mom putting the food onto the plates.

"I take it that it's ready," Greyson said to me.

"Yeah I guess so," I smiled. Greyson and I sat down at the table and ate our dinner, quietly talking about what had happened today. "I am really happy about it though," I said as we were finishing up.

"I know you are, but aren't you upset about what she said to you?"

"Kinda, but I hate her and said the same sort of stuff back, so..." I trailed off. "I'm just going to go up to my room, I need to think about stuff," I added.

"Okay Lou." I walked up the stairs and into my room. I thought about my mom and my dad. I thought about Grey and how happy I was to have him back here, and how happy I was to be friends with Lauren, Alasdair, Lucy, Cammy, Caitlin and Gavin again. I thought about my life and everything that has happened in it these past few years. After lying on my bed and thinking for about half an hour, I heard a knock at my door. "Come in," I spoke.

"Hi Louise, just came to see if you were okay, I've not seen you in awhile," Alexa said, coming into view.

"Oh, hi Alexa, yeah I'm fine, just thinking. You can come sit down for a bit if you want."

"Okay, thanks," she replied sitting down on the chair at the end of my bed.

"So, how are you?" I asked.

"Good thanks, and you?"

"Happy thanks."

"About your mom?" she questioned.

"Yep!" Both of us talked for an hour or so until Alexa had to go and do her homework. I started to think again about everything until I was interrupted by another knock at my door. "Come in," I said again.

"Just came to see you were still here," joked Greyson.

"Well as you can see I am," I smiled.

"So..." Greyson said filling the silence.

"What's the time?" I asked.

"Emm, about ten I think. Well, it was when I came up from the living room."

"Okay, well I'm gonna go have a shower and go to bed. I'm exhausted from today."

"Okay. Goodnight Louise."

"Night Greyson," I replied.

"I love you," he whispered as he closed my door. Wait! What?!

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