Chapter two// Charlotte and pie

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After I shower the next morning, I stand in front of my closet, trying to decide what to wear. After a few minutes, I decide on a pair of tight fitting jeans and a cream colored sweater with lace on the sides. I brush my hair, spray on a good amount of vanilla perfume, grab my small backpack, and walk down the stairs.

The 'rents and Daniel are sitting at the table eating breakfast. I attempt to slip out the door but Dad stops me.

"Lottie, meal times are family time, sit down," he orders.

"But Dad, I'll be late-" I try to make excuse.

"It's a fifteen minute walk, you have a few minutes," he interrupts, looking at his watch. "Sit."

I sigh and slump down into my chair, resuming my position from last night.

"Good morning," Daniel says to me, looking up from the waffle he's inhaling.

"Good morning," I grumble as Mom moves to put a waffle on my plate. "No thank you, I'm not hungry."

"Are you sure?" She asks and I nod. "So Dan, what are you going to do today?"

"Well I was planning on walking around a little bit to see the city," he answers.

"Oh, that sounds fun! I would offer myself as a guide, but I'm going to be quite busy today," she says.

"It's okay," he nods.

"Oh, by the way Lottie, the Collins are coming over for dinner tonight," Mom says.

"Great," I mutter under my breath as Ellie scratches on the back door.

Ellie is my calico colored cat. Uncle Daryl found her a few years ago when she was just a kitten. She was abandoned by her mother, covered in dirt and coughing terribly, but I took care of her.

I get up and let her in, taking some chicken out that I saved her from last night's dinner. She mostly feeds herself, but I like to give her the extra food because she's a little bit underweight.

"Charlotte, you know how I feel about the cat being in the house," Dad says sternly, finishing his coffee.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving with her," I say, scooping her up into my arms and walking out the back door.


"Ronny, you get back here right now!" I shout, chasing after my cousin.

"No, I want to go to the park!" The little monster shouts as he runs down the road.

It seems since the last time I babysat that he's learned how to get past the child safety lock on the front door of Aunt Judith's and while I wasn't paying attention, he slipped out.

"Ronny!" I yell again.

I look like such an idiot, chasing an out of control six year old down the road on a Sunday afternoon. He makes me chase him all the way to the park, where he begins to climb on the playground. The other mothers here with their children are giving me the evil eye.

"Come and get me!" He yells, laughing uncontrollably.

"Ronny!" I growl again, attempting to chase him down.

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