Chapter seven// Sixteen Candles

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The two weeks to the Castlebury game seemed to fly by now that everything was going good. Brooke planned her birthday party to be on the same day because she knew everyone would already be really pumped up from the game. Andrew and the girls and I were getting along, I started eating normally again, my grades picked up, and best of all, Mom and Dad started to pay more attention to me.

At the city hall, I noticed a lot of activity going on in the back rooms. When I went to grab something for Janelle last week from the records room there were a lot of hushed whispers and I heard the word Castlebury. I figured it was just something about the soccer game this week, but something makes me think it was more than that considering the scolding Dad gave me when we got home for leaving the room. When I pointed out that Janelle told me to, he just sighed and said it better not happen again.


"Andrew! Andrew! Andrew!" His team mates chant, carrying him around on their shoulders. He scored the winning goal of the game and I'm pretty proud of him.

The soccer field is a blur as parents from both sides pour onto the fields to congratulate or say better luck next year to their sons or friends. I can barely think with the roar of the crowd. Basically everyone that I know is here and talking at the top of their lungs.

I close my eyes for a few seconds, opening them and then closing them again. I hate large crowds.

"I'm going to the bathrooms," I tap on Grandpa's arm, interrupting him from his conversation with Aunt Judith.

My parents had to sit with Mary and Rick Chandler, the leaders of Castlebury, during the game to be polite, basically the only time they are ever civil to each other. Daniel and Ben sat with some boys from school, leaving me to sit with my nosy relatives.

I love Grandpa and Aunt Judith, but they need to chill with the constant teasing about Andrew and I, like the 'so are you two getting serious' and 'when's the wedding' questions. They've been asking me that last question since I was ten or eleven.

"Alright, I'll see you later honey," Grandpa says. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and leave.

I shove my way through the crowd to the school, almost getting trampled in the process and then slamming into someone and falling on my butt.

"Shit, I'm sorry sweetheart, let me help you up," I hear the voice of an older man say. I take his hand and he helps me up.

"It's okay, that was probably my fault," I laugh lightly before recognizing the man and gasping lightly. Rick Chandler.

"Why Charlotte Grimes, I haven't seen you in years," he chuckles, realizing who I am.

"You sure grew up beautiful," he holds my hand still with both of his. His fingers begin to lightly rub the back of mine. "You must have all of the boys chasing you."

"Uhm, thank you Mr. Chandler," I nervously chuckle, pulling my hand away from him and taking an awkward step back.

"So are you still dating the Ford boy?" He asks. "He sure is a good soccer player."

"Yes, and he sure is," I say, taking another step away from him as he steps towards me.

"You better make sure to treat him extra special tonight," he says slyly with a wink.

Did he just imply... what I think he did?

"I should probably go, I think my friends are looking for me," I say, keeping the careful smile on my face.

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