Chapter nine// Glowing Eyes

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"This is without a doubt the worst hiding spot there ever was!" I whisper shout.

"I panicked," Daniel defends himself.

Our legs are awkwardly tangled together and bent in every which way as I lay on top of him, both of us facing upwards. The only reason we can see or breath is the slightly cracked top of the trunk that I'm holding onto with one hand to keep it from flying open from the wind. My other hand holds onto Daniel's arm, who's arms are tightly wrapped around my waist. I can only imagine how heavy I must be, and I feel extreme embarrassment.

"Am I crushing you?" I ask, my cheeks red. "Maybe we could turn to the side or something."

"No, you're fine," he says, his cheek pressed against my neck. "You're not heavy at all."

I have a feeling he's lying so he doesn't hurt my feelings.

The jeep comes to an abrupt stop and we both fall quiet.

I feel something tickling my hand and I move it a little, thinking it was Daniel's fingers.

"I'm telling you Carl, they're trying to send a message here, we need to retaliate to show that we're going to fight back," Mr. Ford says. "They're probably spying on us from the woods."

"I'm not interested in playing Patty-cake with Chandler," Dad answers. "They're not going to trick me into starting something with them just by damning the river. We can fix this in half an hour, now move."

I smile to myself, hearing the others walking away from the jeep. Dad is a smart guy.

I feel the same tickling sensation on my arm that I felt a moment ago.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

"I'm not doing anything," Daniel answers from underneath me.

"Yes you are!" I hiss. "Stop trying to tickle me."

"Lottie, I'm not trying to tickle you, I don't know what you're talking about," he insists.

His fingers start to move on my arm again and I roll my eyes, pushing his hand off and I freeze. That didn't feel like a hand.

Slowly, I turn my head to the side, coming face to face with a spider that is way bigger than it should be allowed to be.

"Lottie no-"

I cut him off with a loud scream and I push open the top of the jeep and clamber out.

"What the hell?" One of the guys yells as they all come running back from the creek, their guns ready in their hands.


"No friends, no boyfriend, no more after school job!" Dad yells as I follow him into the house. "You will come straight home after school and memorize as many Bible verses as you can about obeying your parents!"

"Mr. Grimes, it was my fault, I'm the one who convinced Lottie to sneak into the jeep," Daniel speaks up.

"This doesn't involve you Dan, Charlotte knew what she wasn't allowed to do," Dad says and Daniel nods.

He hasn't called me by anything but my full name since he found me.

"I'm sorry Lottie," Daniel apologizes, looking down at the ground. Stubbornly, I refuse to look at him.

"I think it would be best if you left, Lottie can talk to you in the morning," Dad says, finally showing a little bit of sympathy, but only towards Daniel.

"I understand Sir," Daniel nods, leaving the house.

"I am so disappointed in you Lottie," he sighs. "I thought I could trust you!"

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