House Party (Pietro Maximoff)

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Tony thought Stark Tower was safe from harm when he left for Berlin. He had left Steve in charge whilst he was on a business trip and felt confident he could keep the place orderly. Little did he know, (f/n) and Pietro were planning the world's greatest house party in history.

"Hey, Wanda, which dress is better for tonight?" You asked, holding up two dresses, one navy floral dress and the other a tight, deep green dress.

"This is a bad idea, (f/n), if Tony catches you, he will zap you with one of the repulsers!", she started. You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "And the green one is better." She added, earning a smile from you.

You skipped to your room and placed the clothes on your bed. You now needed to sort out invitations!

You opened your door and stuck your head out.

"Pietro!" You yelled. He was there in an instant, grinning with excitement.

"How can I help you?" He asked with a troublesome smile.

"We need to sort out who's coming tonight!" You exclaimed. You invited him into your room and sat down.

After one hour of careful consideration, you finally had a guest list. You had sorted out the party itself, now you had to face the obstacles.

"We're going to have to get rid of Steve somehow." Pietro said, frowning with concentration. "How are we going to achieve that?"

You sighed, scrolling down your phone contacts, searching for somebody to help. The name 'Sam Wilson' appeared and your eyes lit up. Tapping his name, you called him.

"What's up (f/n)!" Sam greeted cheerily.

"Nothing much, kind of need your help". You heard him laugh on the other line.

"What can I do for you?" He chuckled.

"Pietro and I are having a house party at Stark Tower and we need Steve to leave so he won't tell on us to Tony. Could you distract him?" You asked.

"I suppose so, he gets pretty excited when we go to the cinema, so I guess I can take him there for a few hours".

You sighed with relief, "Thank you so much Sam! You're the best!" You hung up, turning around to face Pietro.

"Steve is out for the evening!" You squealed.

"Yes!" Pietro picked you up and spun you around. "I love you!"

"What?" Your laughter suddenly died down. His eyes widened as he realised what he had said.

"Um, nothing." He stammered, zipping out of the room, leaving you with a confused expression on your face.


"Bye Steve, hope you have a lovely time!" You called, as he got into the lift.

"Will do, (f/n). Keep the tower in order!" He replied, waving.

After the lift doors closed, you turned to face Pietro with an evil smile. It was hard to lie to Steve, but you were too excited to let him get in the way of a good time.

"Let's get this party started!" You cheered.

In ten minutes, most of your guests had arrived. You tried to avoid inviting people who worked for SHIELD as that could end badly. The music was blaring, people were dancing and you were having a great time.

Two hours into the party, you felt a warm hand against your waist. Looking over your shoulder, your eyes met Pietro's. He smiled down at you, and you broke eye contact with a coy smile.

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