Space Jam (Peter Quill)

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This is a requested one shot by  @tori_303 

Thank you so much for being patient and I really hope you enjoy it love! :3


Florescent lights flickered above while a fan buzzed on the edge of the counter. Too bad the fan wasn't loud enough to drown out the music playing over the loud speakers. You sat behind the register, feet propped up and flipping through the latest Rolling Stone magazine. The manager walked out of her tiny office purse in hand ready to leave, much to your relief. She was only two years older than you but she liked to talk to you as if you were a child. She had air of smugness about her and it all came from that plastic rectangle on her shirt that read "manager". Eyeing your boots resting on the counter she quickly rushed over to you.

"(y/n) what have I told you about putting your feet on the counter?" she gasped. "It's completely unsanitary and looks totally unprofessional! What if someone came in and saw you like this?"

As if on cue, a man wearing a maroon leather jacket and orange headphones walked in. Your manager's eyes went wide with horror as she witnessed the customer coming in. He, however, paid no attention to her and instead turned his attention to you. He gave you a wide smile, which you returned, and made his way to the classic rock section.

"Look I have to go," your manager said, interrupting your thoughts. "My sister needs a babysitter for my nephew and I can't stay any longer. The owner says you're qualified to close up by yourself, which I completely disagree with, so you'll be on your own," she said as she put a ring of keys on the counter. "Just make sure you count up what's in the register and log it in. And make sure you lock the front doors and the back entrance before you leave. Surely even you are capable of that," she said with a smile so fake it looked like it was physically hurting her face. "You got it?"

"Um I think so. I kinda tuned out after you said you were leaving, but I'm sure I can figure it out," you replied.

"Very funny. Just don't burn the place down (l/n). And take your feet off the counter!" she hissed before turning away and walking out the door.

"She seems nice," the man called over to you, taking his headphones off.

"Oh the nicest. I'm her favorite employee can't you tell?" you remarked. "But anyways, now that she's gone we can turn this nonsense off," you said as you pushed stop on the store's sound system.

"You got a problem with Top 40?" he asked.

"Only when I've had to listen to the same 15 songs on repeat for three hours," you said as you took a random CD out of your bag and put it in the player. The sounds of guitars and Stevie Wonder filled the store and you immediately felt a wave of relief wash over you. "Much better," you sighed propping your feet back up.

"Not bad," the man agreed. He went back to his browsing and, satisfied in believing that he wasn't a shoplifter, you leaned back and closed your eyes. You heard the guys phone ring and he started talking about "he got held up" and "he'd get there as a soon as he could" which you could tell was all a lie because he kept on with his shopping.

"I'll take these," he said after about five songs. You opened your eyes and began ringing up the CDs and cassettes. You couldn't help but smile as you looked over his selections. The Bee Gees.ABBA. Def Leppard. The Jackson 5.

"Something funny about my music?" he asked with another smile.

"No, nothing," you said looking up at him. "I just can't remember the last time I rang up something that wasn't One Direction or Taylor Swift."

"Ah I see. Well if it would make you feel more comfortable I could grab a Justin Bieber CD. I just loooove the Biebs."

"It's okay I think I'll be alright this time," you laughed. "It comes out to forty bucks even."

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