Shipping Talk (Avengers)

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Heheheh this is the 69th part  ;-P


You were scrolling through your phone on DeviantArt when Tony happened to pass by and saw what you were looking at. It was nothing bad. You were just checking your messages to see what new submissions from groups showed up. However it was a certain fanmade picture of Natasha and Clint together that he saw that made him start talking.

"So, guys," he said to the other Avengers who were in the living room and doing their own thing. "Do you know what shipping is?"

"Oh gosh," you muttered, knowing where this was going. "Tony whatever ideas you have in your head right now, just stop it."

He smirked in a way that made his nose crinkle. "Oh (Name), there's no stopping me. You should know that by now."

You sighed and just decided to let everything play out. Clint was by the dining room table fixing up some of his bows while Natasha sat across from him typing away on her laptop. The rest of you were sitting on the couch. Thor and Steve were watching TV while Bruce was reading a book that had over three hundred pages in it. They all looked up, wondering what Tony was up to now. They all understood what it meant but not Thor since he was from Asgard.

"What is this shipping?" he asked confused.

"It's like when you support two characters or people in real life and want them to be romantically involved. Get it big guy?" Tony said.

"I understand now," he nodded. "But why did you bring it up?"

You closed your eyes for a split second, just knowing that what was about to slip his lips next was going to make all hell break loose.

"Because I ship Natasha with Clint," Tony laughed.

"And on one...two....three...." you counted down.

"Are you kidding me?" Natasha glared at him.

You snapped your fingers, knowing that Natasha would come in on this conversation just in time to give her input on it. Even Bruce had set his book aside, wanting to watch the show that was about to start. Tony was unfazed by Natasha's sharp tone and it looked like he would be really testing her patience today. Clint on the other hand had an amused smile on his lips since he knew that this would just end badly for Tony.

"What?" Tony asked innocently. "You two look very cute together. Right, Bruce?"

"Oh I'd rather just be an observer for this one," Bruce chuckled. "Please don't ask for my opinion on this."

He pouted, feeling betrayed by his science bro. You high-fived Bruce for his response since the two of you were usually in the same boat when it came to things like this.

"Come on," Tony persisted. "He's a spy, you're a spy—it's destiny."

"We're just partners," Clint sighed.

"Partners in crime," Tony gushed in his usual joking manner.

Now from your point of view, Tony was in the danger zone. Why? Just a couple of feet away, Clint was fooling around with his bow and had his arrows next to him which meant that he could go easily go from Clint—the normal guy that everybody knows and loves—to Hawkeye—the master assassin that could shoot an arrow right between your eyes. Then there was Natasha who probably had a gun on her but it was just hidden somewhere.

"Well I ship you with Steve," Natasha smirked, feeling a sense of superiority.

That's when Tony's smile fell while Steve looked at Natasha deadpanned. Looks like things had just gotten interesting and you wished you had brought some popcorn to enjoy the show more.

"Steve wishes he were with me," Tony scoffed.

"Not in a million years!" Steve snapped, just wanting the subject to be changed already.

"Aw but you guys are such polar opposites that it's...destiny~" Natasha said in a mocking tone similar to Tony's.

Clint raised his hand awkwardly. "Actually....I've always shipped Tony with Bruce."

"Yeah same here," you nodded.

"(Name)!" Bruce gasped. "I thought you were on my side for once!"

"Hey I'm on nobody's side but my own," you shrugged. "Besides you guys are so sciencey bro's with each other that it really raises some questions."

Tony started sniffling. "Looks like we'll have to see other people Brue to make all the rumor's go away."

"Not helping!" Bruce said angrily.

Of course there was no way he could go green since he was used to conversations like this one. Only if someone really pushed his buttons would he Hulk out. Besides moments like this were always the best since Bruce looked adorable when he was angry. Not like you would ever tell that him of course.

Thor had been enjoying every second of this, finding the fights that happened between everyone to be very amusing. He was right though. The fights between the Avengers were hilarious and you just loved submitting your own sarcastic comments to get the argument more heated up. It was like adding gasoline to an already roaring flame.

"I always knew you two would end up together," you laughed.

"Not happening," Bruce huffed, blowing a stray curl away from his face.

"Why not?" Tony asked hurtfully.

"Maybe he's not into narcissists with big ego's?" Steve said with raised eyebrows.

A smirk worked its way to Tony's lips. "I may be a narcissist, but I have other things that are big and—"

"Let me just stop you right there!" you interjected, not wanting Tony to finish his sentence.

"The topic of this conversation confuses me," Thor mumbled.

"Me too," Clint sighed from where he was sitting.

"Guys just go with the flow," you said with your best hippie voice.

Just then Loki strolled into the room, having grown bored being in his room by himself. He thought that maybe he could stir up some trouble but it looked like some trouble had already started when he entered the room and saw everyone bickering with each other. The sight made him do that signature smirk of his. He walked over to the couch where you were sitting and leaned against the couch near you. You looked up, your (e/c) eyes meeting his piercing emerald green one's.

"Oh hey Loki," you smiled, making it seem like the fighting in the background was nothing.

"What are they arguing about now?" he asked.

"Tony brought up shippings which is when a person supports or wants two characters to be together. It could be real life people too," you began. Loki nodded in understanding and you continued. "So pretty much Tony started everything by saying that he shipped Natasha with Clint and things just got side-tracked after that."

"I see," Loki nodded. "Now dear, (Name), I'm curious as to who you ship me with?"

That caught everyone's attention since they stopped arguing and focused on you.

"I'm curious too now," Thor admitted. "You are the one who goes on that deviantart page a lot. What shippings do you have?"

"Oh I ship Loki with Thor," you answered casually.

"WHAT?" Bruce spit out the coffee that was in his mouth.

Clint accidentally fired one of his arrows in the air that managed to slice one hair on Tony's head and break one of the vases on a nearby table, Natasha stopped typing on her computer all together and Thor almost fell out of his seat.

"You do what?" Loki snapped, his gaze hard on you.

You started to grow nervous in your seat. "Jeez guys relax, I was just kidding. I obviously ship Loki with myself."

"Good," he sighed in relief. "Wait...what?"


All rights go to:

PhoenixAngel7 on DeviantArt

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