Troublemakers (Pietro Maximoff)

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Needless to say, whenever someone challenges Pietro to a running challenge, he can't refuse.

There were precautions, Nick Fury had told him, right after he whipped someone into another dimension with how fast he ran. Some of those rules included "Don't give them whiplash, boy," and his very favorite, "Please, walk a step every five seconds so that none of us hear a sonic boom right in our backyard."

But those rules never prepared him for this.

You were outside, drinking an ice cold bottle of water, towel around her neck. You were in a tank top and running shorts; you were even sweating, so Pietro guessed you'd been out for a little training around the Avengers tower. No big deal.

He'd used his supersonic powers just to go down and say hello. He was talking a mile a minute, like he usually did, and so his words came out garbled and to you it sounded like he was talking like a baby on a sugar high.

"Slow down, please," you asked, wiping off a drop of sweat from your cheek. "I just came back from running. And I don't need you giving me a headache."

"Okay, fine," he replied. "You look like you need a shower. No offense, or anything, just telling you. Wanna go up right now? I mean—shit—you don't have to go up right now, especially not with me or anything, that'd be so embarrassing. Sorry for asking. Anyways, how was your morning? Good, hopefully—"

"Pietro," you repeated, your head spinning. "Shut up."

"Oh. Okay."

The sun shone in both of your faces and you reached up, shielding her eyes. "Hey, you wanna have a running contest?"

Pietro's normal rapid-fire way of thinking returned. "Yes!" he shouted, not sparing a moment to think about the question.

And so you both headed to the track, you then laying down both your water bottle and towel nearby. In seconds Pietro was already done stretching, and he gave a little salute to you while he got ready in his running stance.

You did the same, but longer. After you were done, you were then both in your running stances.

Pietro offered to count down. "3."




And with that, you both took off running, Pietro being the little speedster he was, you trailing behind horribly but still not giving up.

A rush of excitement took over the Avenger. Mindlessly, he took off soaring, not remembering his rules or the fact that he could very well do some damage right about now.

Of course something huge had to happen.

A huge sonic boom occurred, Pietro slowing down to a halt when he heard the loud sound ringing in his ears. Looking back, you were passed out on the ground, and he hurried to you.

"Holy shit, Pietro!" you said in astonishment as the boy came to your aid. "You, like, made a sonic boom!"

Pietro gushed, grinning wildly. "Yeah, I did!"

Little did both of you know that not everyone would be as excited as you two were.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

Up above, soaring in the sky was Sam Wilson's favorite thing to do. Wind blowing in his face, sun shining above, literally nothing could go wrong.

Or could it?

He was taking a measly trip just to relieve some stress when a huge boom startled him. Immediately, he soared down below to get a better look of what was going on, circling the Avengers tower and coming up empty-handed. There was no battle; no signal of any attack. He furrowed his brows in confusion and decided to land on top of the Avengers tower.

The helicopters and other aircraft were still in their places. Infact, none of them had even been touched—even remotely—and Sam went on, walking towards the elevator to get to ground level.

It was a short trip down. As the machine stopped, letting him get off, he looked around the lobby of the tall building. The assistants and regular workers were in their places, however they seemed a bit... off.

Naturally he went up to the front desk to ask what was going on. Without saying a word or even looking up at him she pointed to the entrance into the Avengers' training field.

Sam was about to ask another question, but he refrained himself from doing so, thinking it was best to just go and see for himself. Walking outside, there were a small group of S.H.I.E.L.D agents, and Sam's boss, Nick Fury. They were all huddled around something—or someone.

He tapped on one's shoulder. "What the hell's—"

Nick Fury's angry shouting interrupted his sentence. "What were you thinkin', doing something as dumb as that?! Now half of America thinks we're under attack!"

Another voice replied, but this time it seemed almost scared. "Look, mister, I'm sorry—"

"You'd better be. And you, (y/n), what were you thinking? This boy can't control himself and you know it."

"But I already apologized! Go yell at Pietro more."

Sam pushed his way through the crowd before any more arguing could happen. He looked at the two culprits in confusion, crossing his arms. "You two."

You waved lazily. "Hey, Sam."

"And I really thought someone had bombed the place. What happened?"

"Pietro happened,"

The boy in question's voice replied quickly. "You make it sound like I just destroyed a third-world country!"

"Let's not pretend like you couldn't," you replied before thumping him on the head. "C'mon. I desperately need a snack and only the cafeteria can fulfill that wish."

The crowd disbanded, including Nick Fury—but he didn't leave without giving another lecture to both you and Pietro. Sam stayed behind.

"Pietro, (y/n)? You guys are seriously some of the weirdest people I've met. I'm sorta proud that I can tell people that I know someone who can create a sonic boom," he said, humor in his voice.

You put an arm around Pietro's neck, squeezing him into a sort-of-friendly headlock. "Well, Pietro is a walking Sonic the Hedgehog,"

The bright silver-haired boy raised an eyebrow. "The heck's Sonic?"


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