10: Boxed

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I woke up in a small, dark area

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I woke up in a small, dark area. I was laying perfectly flat, with my arms crossed over my chest. "The hell?" I muttered to myself, ignoring the stiffness of my neck. I moved my hands above my face, to touch the wood right in front of my eyes. The same wood on the walls surrounding me. "Okay, I'm in a box. Not weird at all." I sighed, tucking my hair behind my ears as I took a deep breath.

I felt a small vibration in my pocket, I reached my hand slowly into the front of my jeans, pulling out my phone. It vibrated again in my hand, 10% remaining, popped up brightly on the screen. The top left corner, which usually has the amount of wifi and service I have p, had No Service in small letters. "Hmmph. Lovely." I set my phone as I took another deep breath, trying to figure out where I was, and how I got here. "I'm either underground, or on State St." I say, knowing that those are the only two places in Mystic Falls that I don't get any Service.

I grabbed my phone, scrolling through my notifications. Multiple unread texts from Tyler, Jenna and Jeremy filled my lock screen. I had two missed calls from Ty, six from Jenna, and one from Jeremy. I decided to listen to them in order, listening to one from Tyler first.

"B.. Something happened, something really bad happened. I triggered the curse. I killed- I killed Sarah. It was an accident. I was just trying to protect myself. She came at me with a knife. I just, I don't know what to do. I need to talk to you. Please, call me." You could tell that Tyler was crying by the end of the voicemail.

Next one was from Jenna, "Blair Eliza, you better call me back, right now!"

Then the one from Jer, "So, Elena told me that you decided to leave town? That you needed to be away from everything because you were getting urges again? I need you here, Blair. I'm tired of losing people. Come home."

And another from Tyler, "You left town? Really? The only thing that was getting me through this whole werewolf thing was you. You said you'd help me through this, that you'd still be here, but you leave town the second I need you? Some best friend you are."

The second from Jenna, "You did not leave town! Get your ass back home now!" And before I could listen to the other four from Jenna, my phone died.

"No, no." I dropped my phone beside me. "Why would Elena tell them I left town!" I screamed, hitting the wood in front of me. "Get me out of this damn box! I need to fix this. I need out." My voice cracked as my eyes filled with tears. I punched the wood again, dirt falling through between the cracks between two pieces of wood. The tears fell down my face as I realized what was happening.

I was buried alive. Someone thought it'd be funny to bury me alive.

I placed my hand against the small crack, before squeezing my four fingers into the space between the two pieces of wood. I tried pulling the wood towards me, but after five minutes of struggling, I gave up. "Damnit, dammit, damnit." I whispered, before I punched the wood again, this time with all my strength. I was surprised to feel as much dirt as there was falling onto my face. My fist went all the way through the wood, leaving a fist sized hole in between the two pieces of wood.

I wiped the dirt off of my face, and tried to pull the wood apart again. This time using both my hands now that there is enough room. I took a deep breath before ripping the piece of wood off, accidentally hitting myself in the face with the wood in the process. "Lovely." I felt blood trickle out of the small wound, dripping down my forehead. I sat the piece of wood beside my leg, against the wall.

Dirt, accompanied by worms and other sorts of bugs, starting filling the top half of the box. I hurried to pull the second piece of wood off, surprised to get it off within seconds, and setting it beside the first one. The hole in the wood was now big enough for me to climb through, but there was still dirt flowing in, and still a bunch on top of the box. I squeezed just my arm up through the hole, and through the layers of dirt that was above the box.

 I squeezed just my arm up through the hole, and through the layers of dirt that was above the box

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"Okay. That's good, not even three inches. We can make that work." I huffed, nodding to myself. I grabbed my phone, shoving it back into my pocket, before I started forcing my hand back through the dirt, then my shoulder, and the rest of my body following.

I was finally out, sitting beside the swallow grave I was just in. There was a makeshift cross above it. Blair was messily written on the piece of wood that was horizontal. It was almost pitch black in the wooded area, the only light coming from the moon.

I could faintly hear cars driving. I stood, and started walking towards the sound. After fifteen minutes of walking, or tripping over logs, I finally got to the road where I heard the cars from. There was a sign a few miles from where I found the road, 2/3 miles Mystic Falls, i signed. "Thank god." I started walking along the side of the road, until I reached the sign that read Welcome to Mystic Falls Virginia. "Yay. Just another mile or so until I actually reach town." I groan, stating sarcastically.

After about twenty minutes, a Ford Ranger pulled over. A man probably close to forty-five rolled down his passenger side window, "hey doll. Where are you headed?" He asked, his voice slurring.

"Oh, nowhere." I lied, knowing that in every horror film the guy who picks up the girl ends up killing the girl. "Just walking. I live a few minutes up, got in fight with my mom."

"Well, let me give ya a ride. It's not safe out here all by your lonesome. There's a cougar roaming these woods. I wouldn't want a girl as pretty as you to get mauled by it." He said, patting the seat beside him,

"That's very sweet of you, but I'm gonna have to pass. I live not even two minutes away, I'll be fine. Thank you." I smiled, and started to walk again.

"Okay, you just be careful." He nodded before he sped off.

I huffed, surprised he gave up so quick. He waved at me once he got a bit ahead of me. I waved back small as I continued to walk.

(This is the type of box Blair was in, btw :)

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(This is the type of box Blair was in, btw :)


an: heyo, this chapter was supposed to have more in it, but I decided to cut it here, so it didn't get too much longer. My chapters usually are around 1100 words, so I tried to keep it around there. I'll have the next chapter up as soon as possible. Please vote, comment and follow!


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