27: A Whole Lot Of Maybes

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   Every night since I last seen the Salvatore's, Damon has drunk dialed me

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   Every night since I last seen the Salvatore's, Damon has drunk dialed me. Probably thirty times in the last week. Three times just last night, I was awoken by my phone ringing. Each time, it was a call from the one and only Damon. Who was obviously intoxicated, and didn't mind drunk dialing me and leaving a voicemail each time. Now that I was finally up and ready for the day, I decided to actually listen to the voicemails from the night prior.

Damon's laugh was the first thing to come out of the speaker, "sooo, you made a comment about me not being your," Damon paused to hiccup, "-your boyfriend anymore. Was that just said for a dramatic exit, orr are you really breaking up wi-." That voicemail ended there, so he must have hung up.

The second voicemail started with what sounded like sobs, "I know you're sleeping, but I just need to hear your voice, even if it is just your robotic voice saying Blair's not available right now, leave a voicemail. I miss you. Please, come over."

And the third and final voicemail of the night must have been a butt dial at first. You could hear Damon singing off key to some song for a while before he grabbed his phone and began laughing. "Woah, Stef, look at this! I was about to call my girlfriend, and it's already mid-call, I think thats fate if I ever seen it! I love you, Blair!" Then you hear a little wrestling, and a few 'what are you doing's, then Stefan say "Blair is mad at us right now, stop calling her. If you're going to drink from now on, I get to hold onto your phone." Then he stopped speaking to Damon and his voice was directed towards me, "I'm sorry for all the calls from Damon. And I'm sorry about Elijah." And the line goes dead.

I was just sitting in the corner of my room with my phone in hand when it started ringing again. I was already halfway to the ignore button, expecting it to be Damon or Stefan, when I seen it was a number i didn't have saved. I sighed before pressing answer, "hello, this is Blair."

A small, innocent laugh was the first noise heard from the other end of the call, "my, it is good to hear your voice, B." I paused to make sure I heard the voice right. "Let me guess, you're a bit shocked to hear mine?"

I huffed, "yeah." I shook my head, "why are you calling, Nick?"

"I just wanted to hear your voice." You could tell that he had a smile on his face. "Maggie told me a little while back that she went to see you. She said you were happy to be back home. That's good, I'm happy for you."

"Yeah, thanks." I muttered awkwardly, not really feeling like saying a whole lot.

"She also said you kind of weren't, kind of were dating a leather-jacket-wearing type of guy." Nick let out a laugh, almost scoffing. "I was probably as surprised to hear that as you are to hear from me. I never pictured you the type to date a guy like that."

"I dated you." I fiddled with my fingers.

"That's true, but I never wore a leather jacket. I wore sweaters, don't you remember?"

I let the smallest smile appear on my face, "of course I remember."

Nick took a deep breath, "how are you? All I know is what little Mags told me. I want to know what I've missed out on."

I almost told him how shitty my life has been. Almost. But I remember how shitty he made it. "Why did you leave me?" My voice broke as tears brimmed my eyes. "Was I not good enough for you, and it just took you having sex with me to realize that?" I shook my head, looking at my still-broken door, making sure nobody was on the other side of it. "May I remind you that was my first time, you shouldn't have had too high of expectations from me."

Nick sighed, "no! No, Blair, you were great. In bed and as a girlfriend. I was the one who wasn't good enough for you. I messed up by coming into your life knowing I wasn't going to be in Chicago long. I had been looking for someone for a long time when I stopped in Chicago, when I met you." Nick paused, "god, I wish we were having this conversation with you in person. I- I should have told you no when you first asked me out, but I wasn't thinking. All that went through my mind was how like I say no to a girl that looks like an angel? I didn't consider the future, and for a minute, I forgot about what I was looking for."

"I got a call from a friend telling me he had found that someone I was looking for, or so he thought. I was going to wake you up, and tell you I had to go, but you looked so peaceful sleeping. I planned on coming back. I went to where that someone was supposed to be, and they weren't there." Nick took a deep breath, "by the time I had come back to Chicago, it had been a few months, and you were talking to a guy, and you looked happy. I asked Maggie about him, and she said his name was Stefan, and that you were as happy as you looked, and who was I to ruin that?"

I shook my head, tears falling down my face as I let out a humorless laugh, cutting Nick's speech off. "How great is that?"

"What's funny?" Nick asked quietly.

"Oh nothing, really." I wiped my cheeks, "that Stefan guy, who made me oh so happy, ended up leaving me in the middle of the night, too. We dated for a few years, and he decided to up and leave to go find his long lost love, Elena. Who happened to be my twin sister." I let out another emotionless laugh, "god, how ironic is that? You left me to find someone and didn't come back, didn't care to call. And he did the exact same thing. I probably would have been better off if you had come back into my left. I probably would have left Stefan before he could have left me, and I would have been back with you, and maybe you would have stayed that time around."

Nick's breathing was uneven, and I could tell he was crying. "A whole life of Maybes." I stopped laughing as the tears started again, "I have to go."

"Blair, wait. Let me finish." Nick tried, but I stopped him.

"I don't want to hear the rest. I have a feeling it's probably the same as Stefan's excuses. Goodbye, Nick." I pressed the end button and threw my phone angrily onto my bed.

[ so as I said in my life updates part, I am going on vacation! this chapter is short (not actually short its the same length as most of my chapters but it's only one scene so Im saying it's short) and rushed, but I wanted to introduce nick before he actually came into the storyline - I also wanted to get a quick chapter up before I left to hold you guys over while I'm gone. Please comment your opinions and vote! I love you guys so so much! Y'all should answer the "qotc" below! ]

QUESTION : what are your guy's predictions for the next few chapters? OR what do you guys what to happen in the next few chapters?

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