37: The Sacrifice 1

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" the sacrifice : part one "

      Letting out a groan, I awoke with a headache, and a guy kneeling over me

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      Letting out a groan, I awoke with a headache, and a guy kneeling over me. "Hey, sweetheart!" He spoke out, almost excitedly. "Are you alright?"

      My body ached and burned from the vervain injection. I tried rolling onto my stomach, but the second my waist shifted, it felt like a hot iron had just been placed there. "Fuck. Me." I groaned again, glancing up to look at the guy.

      I didn't see who took Maggie, Caroline or Tyler, and there was a chance that this guy helped in their kidnapping. He was smirking down at me, like he knew something. It wasn't the hot smirking that you'd get from Damon, but a smirk that said he was about to get what he wanted. "You're Blair Gilbert, aren't you? I think I seen you around Chris and Lucas a few years back, right? I always wondered where you went.

      "Never expected to see ya passed out on the ground in front of the hospital." He laughed. I rolled my eyes as I tried to remember who grabbed my friends. Even if this guy knew a little of my past, didn't mean he wasn't working for Klaus. I didn't remember this guy at all, his face was completely unfamiliar. "What're you on? You look like you're hurting, is that why you're here? Need a pick-me-up?"

      "Who are you?" I muttered out, staring at him through squinted eyes.

      His laughing stopped, "you don't remember me? Ah, shame. I thought I was a pretty memorable guy." He still had a smirk on his face, though, so he wasn't angry that I didn't remember him. "Evan Murphy," he reminded. "We danced at a party one night, a few months before you disappeared."

      I only nodded, still not remembering him. "I do need a pick-me-up," I stated, pulling myself to lean on the car behind me. I kept my mouth closed as I grunted through the moving process. "You got anything good?"

      His smirk was replaced with a smile as he shook the bag over his shoulder. "Everything good. What do you think I was at the hospital for? I stashed up, baby." His smirk was back already, "what do you need?"

      I pointed to the little Mazda that I drove here, "help me to my car and then I'll pick." Evan glanced back at Maggie's rental car before nodded.

      "Alright." He placed his arm around me and helped me to my feet, pausing every time I groaned. "I can give you a deal because we're old friends, but a guy needs to make money, so it can only be 25%. Unless you do something in return for me."

      I glanced at him as he helped me into the driver seat, and his smirk made it obvious what kind of something i'd have to do. I let out another groan as I rolled my eyes, not expecting it to hurt as much as it did. Evan ran around the car and climbed into the passenger seat, unzipping his bag to show me the "goods".

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