14: Guilty

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I had locked myself in the bathroom

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I had locked myself in the bathroom. I mean, i originally went in to shower, but when I was walking out of the bathroom, Elena was coming up the stairs, so I ran back into the bathroom and locked the door.

I was stuck sitting on counter with only a towel to cover my body. "Blair." Elena stated, knocking lightly on the door. "I know you don't want to talk to me, so just listen."

I sighed, leaning my head back against the mirror. "It's been a week. I forgive you, and I trust you. So, here." Elena slid something under the door. I jumped off the counter and picked up the small ring. I recognized it as one of Bonnie's Grams' rings, one she used to wear often. I always wanted it, and Grams' constantly told me that it would one day be mine. I guess she was right.

"It's a daylight ring. I had Bonnie make it for you. She picked out the ring, so I hope you like it." Elena said slowly, "please, just open the door."

I slid the ring onto my right hand ring finger, it fit perfectly. "I know your worried about hurting me or someone else again, but I forgive you. For biting me, for killing Chris." Elena's heart skipped a beat when she said Chris' name. "I trust that you won't hurt anyone else. Open the door."

I leaned my forehead against the door, still not sure if I trust me yet. "Blair, please! I forgive you!" Elena somewhat yelled, repeating the same sentence for the third time in the last six minutes.

I closed my eyes, "I'm not avoiding you because I bit you." I muttered, not sure why I spoke in the first place.

Elena's breathing stopped for a second, before she spoke again. "Then why? Did I do something?" Elena's voice was quite again, sounding sad.

My right rushed to the doorknob and pulled it open before I could even think about what I was doing, "no! No! You didn't do anything."

Elena smiled briefly, seeing me in person for the first time since I bit her. It faded after a second, "then why?" She asked again.

Memories of Stefan and I flashed through my head. Tears filled in my eyes as they did. Part of me wanted to tell Elena about Stefan and I, and that part of me didn't care if Elena hated me, it only cared about me and how I currently felt. Guilty.

The other part of me wanted to keep it a secret, for her. It would destroy her to know that her boyfriend was once mine. Elena has gone through enough hurt, I don't want to put her through anymore pain. My brain kept switching sides, tell Elena or feel guilty, as I stuttered, "I-I.. Uh."

"Blair, please. I'm your sister, you can tell me anything." Elena gave me her puppy dog eyes, that she 'wasn't aware existed' as she tilted her head to the side slightly.

The two options continued to go through my head, fortunately because I was thinking about the secret, I wasn't thinking about blood for once. "I- I just.." I paused, "can I get dressed first?"

Elena looked down at the red towel wrapped around my body, "yeah, sure." She nodded, stepping to the side so could walk towards my room.

Right as I got in my room, I shut and locked my door. I grabbed my phone from the charger, ignoring the 26+ missed calls from everyone, and dialing Tyler's number.

I held the iPhone between my shoulder and ear as I dropped my towel. "Hello?" Tyler answered quickly, "Blair?"

"Yeah, hey." I spoke shyly as I dug through my drawers.

I pulled out an outfit in the time that Tyler ranted about how he had been trying to get ahold of me for the last week and how he thought I was dead-dead. (as in not a vampire)

I pulled on the outfit, allowing Tyler to finish. "Okay, I love you for worrying about me, and all, but I'm freaking out about something right now and I need your opinion." I state, walking in front of my mirror, loving the fact that I wasn't being burnt to a crisp.

Tyler took a deep breathe, "fine, but the next time we talk were discussing me. What do you need?"

"I'm super guilty about Stefan, and I can't look at Elena without wanting to cry about it." I said, and he hummed, waiting for me to continue. "Elena wants me to tell her why I've been avoiding her. And part of me wants to, but part of me doesn't. And I-" I sighed, "I don't know what to do. I need your help."

Tyler stayed quiet for a bit, but I could hear his breathing still, so I knew he was still on the other end. "I don't know, but I think I'd want to know. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Elena may hate you and Stefan for a while, but she's your sister, she'd forgive you eventually."

"So you think I should tell her?" I asked quietly, holding the phone with my hand now.

"Yeah, I do. Maybe don't go into detail or anything just yet, but tell her that there was an 'us' once between Stefan and you." Tyler said, "and after that, come over and tell me everything about Stefan and you- and how it started and ended exactly."

I let out a small laugh, "okay. Love you, T."

"Love you too." Tyler was the one to press the End button, making the line go dead.

I sat my phone down on my dresser, walked to my door and unlocked it before walking out. "I'm in my room!" Elena yelled as she heard my door open.

I took a deep breath as I walked into her room. She smiled as she saw me. She was sitting at the head of her bed, patting the end of her bed, "come on. Sit."

I nodded, taking a spot near her feet. She looked at me confused, probably wondering why I looked so nervous.. "I- uh." I paused, unsure as to how I should say it. "Elena.. I'm in love with Stefan."


okay, honestly, I don't like this chapter much, and it's kind of a 'filler'. I just wanted to update this week because my brother just came to town and I'm not sure when I'll be able to update while he's here. The next chapter will consist of Elena reacting to Blairs confession, then it will go on to another scene with Blair and someone else (haven't quite decided who yet). In the next few chapter Blair will be talking to everyone, she will confront Damon on him and Rose sleeping together, & Stefan and her will talk about them. I hope this chapter was decent enough for now, I'll update as soon as I can again. please vote and comment. the next chapter will be up after this one reaches 100 votes! xxx

question : how many siblings do you have? & if you have some, what are their names?
my answer : I have 12. mine in order of age are -

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